Delete a transit gateway and Amazon Direct Connect association proposal
The owner of the transit gateway can delete the Direct Connect gateway association proposal if it is still pending acceptance. After an association proposal is accepted, you can't delete it, but you can disassociate the transit gateway from the Direct Connect gateway. For more information, see Create a transit gateway association proposal.
You can delete a transit gateway and Direct Connect association proposal using either the Amazon Direct Connect console or using the command line or API.
To delete an association proposal
Open the Amazon Direct Connect console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Transit gateways and then select the transit gateway.
Choose View details.
Choose Pending gateway associations, select the association and then choose Delete association.
In the Delete association proposal dialog box, enter Delete and then choose Delete.
To delete a pending association proposal using the command line or API
delete-direct-connect-gateway-association-proposal (Amazon CLI)
DeleteDirectConnectGatewayAssociationProposal (Amazon Direct Connect API)