If you plan to use only the UI steps in this tutorial to create your test lab, you can skip this prerequisites section and move on to Step 1. However, if you plan to use either Amazon CLI commands or Amazon Tools for Windows PowerShell modules to create your test lab environment, you must first configure the following:
IAM user with the access and secret access key – An IAM user with an access key is required if you want to use the Amazon CLI or Amazon Tools for Windows PowerShell modules. If you do not have an access key, see Creating, modifying, and viewing access keys (Amazon Web Services Management Console).
Amazon Command Line Interface (optional) – Download and Install the Amazon CLI on Windows. Once installed, open the command prompt or Windows PowerShell window, and then type
aws configure
. Note that you need the access key and secret key to complete the setup. See the first prerequisite for steps on how to do this. You will be prompted for the following:-
Amazon access key ID [None]:
Amazon secret access key [None]:
Default Region name [None]:
Default output format [None]:
Amazon Tools for Windows PowerShell (optional) – Download and install the latest version of the Amazon Tools for Windows PowerShell from
, and then run the following command. Note that you need your access key and secret key to complete the setup. See the first prerequisite for the steps on how to do this. Set-AWSCredentials -AccessKey {AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE} -SecretKey {wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/ bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY} -StoreAs {default}