Step 3: Accept shared directory invite - Optional
If you chose the Share this directory with other Amazon Web Services accounts (handshake method) option in the previous procedure, you should use this procedure to finish the shared directory workflow. If you chose the Share this directory with Amazon Web Services accounts inside your organization option, skip this step and proceed to Step 4.
To accept the shared directory invite
Sign into the Amazon Web Services Management Console with administrator credentials in the directory consumer account and open the Amazon Directory Service console
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In the navigation pane, choose Directories shared with me.
In the Shared directory ID column, choose the directory ID that is in the Pending acceptance state.
On the Shared directory details page, choose Review.
In the Pending shared directory invitation dialog, review the note, directory owner details, and information about pricing. If you agree, choose Accept to start using the directory.
Next Step
Step 4: Test seamlessly joining an EC2 instance for Windows Server to a domain