Oracle anonymous block and MySQL transactions or procedures
With Amazon DMS, you can run Oracle anonymous blocks and MySQL transactions or procedures to modify data or perform complex operations during a database migration. An Oracle anonymous block is a set of procedural statements that perform transaction control, data manipulation, or control flow operations. A MySQL transaction groups multiple SQL statements into a single logical unit of work, while procedures are reusable code objects containing SQL statements.
Feature compatibility | Amazon SCT / Amazon DMS automation level | Amazon SCT action code index | Key differences |
N/A |
N/A |
Different syntax may require code rewrite. |
Oracle usage
Oracle PL/SQL is a procedural extension of SQL. The PL/SQL program structure divides the code into blocks distinguished by the following keywords: DECLARE
, and END
An unnamed PL/SQL code block (code not stored in the database as a procedure, function, or package) is known as an anonymous block. An anonymous block serves as the basic unit of Oracle PL/SQL and contains the following code sections:
The declarative section (optional) — Contains variables (names, data types, and initial values).
The executable section (mandatory) — Contains executable statements (each block structure must contain at least one executable PL/SQL statement).
The exception-handling section (optional) — Contains elements for handling exceptions or errors in the code.
Simple structure of an Oracle anonymous block.
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('hello world'); END; / hello world PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Oracle PL/SQL Anonymous blocks can contain advanced code elements such as functions, cursors, dynamic SQL, and conditional logic. The following anonymous block uses a cursor, conditional logic, and exception-handling.
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; DECLARE v_sal_chk NUMBER; v_emp_work_years NUMBER; v_sql_cmd VARCHAR2(2000); BEGIN FOR v IN (SELECT EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME||' '||LAST_NAME AS EMP_NAME, HIRE_DATE, SALARY FROM EMPLOYEES) LOOP v_emp_work_years:=EXTRACT(YEAR FROM SYSDATE) - EXTRACT (YEAR FROM v.hire_date); IF v_emp_work_years>=10 and v.salary <= 6000 then DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Consider a Bonus for: '||v.emp_name); END IF; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('CODE ERR: '||sqlerrm); END; /
The preceding example calculates the number of years each employee has worked based on the HIRE_DATE
column of the EMPLOYEES
table. If the employee has worked for ten or more years and has a salary of $6000 or less, the system prints the message “Consider a Bonus for: <employee name>”.
For more information, see Overview of PL/SQL
MySQL usage
You can achieve the similar functionality to Oracle Anonymous Blocks by using the Aurora MySQL START TRANSACTION
command or a stored procedure.
For more information, see Stored Procedures and Oracle Transaction Model and MySQL Transactions.