Step 3: Test Connectivity to the Oracle DB Instance and Create the Sample Schema - Database Migration Guide
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Step 3: Test Connectivity to the Oracle DB Instance and Create the Sample Schema

After the Amazon CloudFormation stack has been created, test the connection to the Oracle DB instance by using SQL Workbench/J and then create the HR sample schema.

To test the connection to your Oracle DB instance and create the sample schema, do the following:

  1. In SQL Workbench/J, choose File, then choose Connect window. Create a new connection profile using the following information as shown following

    For This Parameter Do This

    New profile name

    Enter RDSOracleConnection.


    Choose Oracle (oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver).


    Use the OracleJDBCConnectionString value you recorded when you examined the output details of the DMSdemo stack in a previous step.


    Enter oraadmin.


    Provide the password for the admin user that you assigned when creating the Oracle DB instance using the Amazon CloudFormation template.

  2. To test the connection, choose Test. Choose OK to close the dialog box, then choose OK to create the connection profile.

    Connecting to the Oracle DB instance

    If your connection is unsuccessful, ensure that the IP address you assigned when creating the Amazon CloudFormation template is the one you are attempting to connect from. This is the most common issue when trying to connect to an instance.

  3. Create the HR schema you will use for migration using a custom SQL script (Oracle-HR-Schema-Build.sql). To obtain this script, do the following:

    1. Download the following archive to your computer:

    2. Extract the SQL script(Oracle-HR-Schema-Build.sql) from the archive.

    3. Copy and paste the Oracle-HR-Schema-Build.sql file into your current directory.

  4. Open the provided SQL script in a text editor. Copy the entire script.

  5. In SQL Workbench/J, paste the SQL script in the Default.wksp window showing Statement 1.

  6. Choose SQL, then choose Execute All.

    When you run the script, you will get an error message indicating that user HR does not exist. You can ignore this error and run the script. The script drops the user before creating it, which generates the error.

  7. Verify the object types and count in HR Schema were created successfully by running the following SQL query.

    Select OBJECT_TYPE, COUNT(*) from dba_OBJECTS where owner='HR'

    The results of this query should be similar to the following:

    INDEX          8
    PROCEDURE      2
    SEQUENCE       3
    TABLE          7
    VIEW           1
  8. Verify the number of constraints in the HR schema by running the following SQL query:

    Select CONSTRAINT_TYPE,COUNT(*) from dba_constraints  where owner='HR'

    The results of this query should be similar to the following:

    	R	         10
    	P	          7
    	C	          1
  9. Analyze the HR schema by running the following:

  10. Verify the total number of tables and number of rows for each table by running the following SQL query:

    SELECT table_name, num_rows from dba_tables where owner='HR'  order by 1;

    The results of this query should be similar to the following:

    COUNTRIES        25
    DEPARTMENTS      27
    EMPLOYEES       107
    JOBS             19
    JOB_HISTORY      10
    LOCATIONS        23
    REGIONS           4
  11. Verify the relationships of the tables. Check the departments with employees greater than 10 by running the following SQL query:

    Select b.department_name,count(*) from HR.Employees a,HR.departments b where a.department_id=b.department_id
    group by b.department_name having count(*) > 10
    order by 1;

    The results of this query should be similar to the following:

    Sales                34
    Shipping             45