Step 4: Store Database Credentials in Amazon Secrets Manager
To connect to your source and target databases with DMS Schema Conversion, store your database credentials in Amazon Secrets Manager. Make sure that you replicate these secrets to your Amazon Region.
To store your source database credentials in Amazon Secrets Manager
Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon Secrets Manager console at
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Choose your Amazon Region.
Choose Store a new secret. The Choose secret type page opens.
For Secret type, choose Credentials for other database.
For User name and Password, enter the credentials of the database user that you created for your source database in Step 2.
For Database, choose SQL Server.
For Server name, Database name, and Port, enter your SQL Server database connection information.
Choose Next. The Configure secret page opens.
For Secret name, enter
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Choose Next. The Configure rotation page opens.
Choose Next. The Review page opens.
Choose Store.
To store your target database credentials in Amazon Secrets Manager
Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon Secrets Manager console at
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Choose your Amazon Region.
Choose Store a new secret. The Choose secret type page opens.
For Secret type, choose Credentials for Amazon RDS database.
For User name and Password, enter the credentials of the database user that you created for your target database in Step 3.
For Database, choose your Amazon RDS for MySQL DB instance.
Choose Next. The Configure secret page opens.
For Secret name, enter
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Choose Next. The Configure rotation page opens.
Choose Next. The Review page opens.
Choose Store.
Use these secrets when you create your migration project in Step 7.