Creating database users for Amazon DMS Fleet Advisor - Amazon Database Migration Service
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Creating database users for Amazon DMS Fleet Advisor

This section describes how to create users for your source databases with the minimum permissions required for the DMS data collector.

Using a database user with Amazon DMS Fleet Advisor

You can use a database user other than root with the DMS data collector. Specify the user name and password after adding the database to the inventory, but before you run your data collector. For more information about adding databases to the inventory, see Managing monitored objects.

After you finish using the DMS data collector, you can delete the database users that you created. For more information, see Deleting database users.


In the following examples, replace {your_user_name} with the name of the database user that you created for your database. Then, replace {your_password} with a secure password.

Creating a database user with MySQL

To create a database user in a MySQL source database, use the following script. Make sure that you keep one version of the GRANT statement that depends on the version of your MySQL database.

CREATE USER {your_user_name} identified BY '{your_password}'; GRANT PROCESS ON *.* TO {your_user_name}; GRANT REFERENCES ON *.* TO {your_user_name}; GRANT TRIGGER ON *.* TO {your_user_name}; GRANT EXECUTE ON *.* TO {your_user_name}; # For MySQL versions lower than 8.0, use the following statement. GRANT SELECT, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON `temp`.* TO {your_user_name}; # For MySQL versions 8.0 and higher, use the following statement. GRANT SELECT, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON `mysql`.* TO {your_user_name}; GRANT SELECT ON performance_schema.* TO {your_user_name}; SELECT IF(round(Value1 + Value2 / 100 + Value3 / 10000, 4) > 5.0129, 'GRANT EVENT ON *.* TO {your_user_name};', 'SELECT ''Events are not applicable'';') sql_statement INTO @stringStatement FROM ( SELECT substring_index(ver, '.', 1) value1, substring_index(substring_index(ver, '.', 2), '.', - 1) value2, substring_index(ver, '.', - 1) value3 FROM ( SELECT IF((@@version regexp '[^0-9\.]+') != 0, @@innodb_version, @@version) AS ver FROM dual ) vercase ) v; PREPARE sqlStatement FROM @stringStatement; SET @stringStatement := NULL; EXECUTE sqlStatement; DEALLOCATE PREPARE sqlStatement;

Creating a database user with Oracle

To create a database user in an Oracle source database, use the following script.

To run this SQL script, connect to your Oracle database using SYSDBA privileges. After you run this SQL script, connect to your database using the credentials of the user that you created with this script. Also, use the credentials of this user to run the DMS data collector.

The following script adds the C## prefix to the name of the user for Oracle multitenant container databases (CDB).

CREATE USER {your_user_name} IDENTIFIED BY "{your_password}"; GRANT CREATE SESSION TO {your_user_name}; GRANT SELECT ANY DICTIONARY TO {your_user_name}; GRANT SELECT ON DBA_WM_SYS_PRIVS TO {your_user_name}; BEGIN DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.CREATE_ACL( acl => UPPER('{your_user_name}') || '_Connect_Access.xml', description => 'Connect Network', principal => UPPER('{your_user_name}'), is_grant => TRUE, privilege => 'resolve', start_date => NULL, end_date => NULL); DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.ASSIGN_ACL( acl => UPPER('{your_user_name}') || '_Connect_Access.xml', host => '*', lower_port => NULL, upper_port => NULL); END;

Creating a database user with PostgreSQL

To create a database user in a PostgreSQL source database, use the following script.

CREATE USER "{your_user_name}" WITH LOGIN PASSWORD '{your_password}'; GRANT pg_read_all_settings TO "{your_user_name}"; -- For PostgreSQL versions 10 and higher, add the following statement. GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_ls_waldir() TO "{your_user_name}";

Creating a database user with Microsoft SQL Server

To create a database user in a Microsoft SQL Server source database, use the following script.

USE master GO IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sql_logins WHERE name = N'{your_user_name}') CREATE LOGIN [{your_user_name}] WITH PASSWORD=N'{your_password}', DEFAULT_DATABASE=[master], DEFAULT_LANGUAGE=[us_english], CHECK_EXPIRATION=OFF, CHECK_POLICY=OFF GO GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE TO [{your_user_name}] GRANT VIEW ANY DEFINITION TO [{your_user_name}] GRANT VIEW ANY DATABASE TO [{your_user_name}] IF LEFT(CONVERT(SYSNAME,SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion')), CHARINDEX('.', CONVERT(SYSNAME,SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion')), 0)-1) >= 12 EXECUTE('GRANT CONNECT ANY DATABASE TO [{your_user_name}]') DECLARE @dbname VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @statement NVARCHAR(max) DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT name FROM MASTER.sys.databases WHERE state = 0 AND is_read_only = 0 OPEN db_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SELECT @statement = 'USE '+ quotename(@dbname) +';'+ ' IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.syslogins WHERE name = ''{your_user_name}'') OR NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sysusers WHERE name = ''{your_user_name}'') CREATE USER [{your_user_name}] FOR LOGIN [{your_user_name}]; EXECUTE sp_addrolemember N''db_datareader'', [{your_user_name}]' BEGIN TRY EXECUTE sp_executesql @statement END TRY BEGIN CATCH DECLARE @err NVARCHAR(255) SET @err = error_message() PRINT @dbname PRINT @err END CATCH FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname END CLOSE db_cursor DEALLOCATE db_cursor USE msdb GO GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.agent_datetime TO [{your_user_name}]

Deleting database users

After you complete all data collection tasks, you can delete the database users that you created for the DMS data collector. You can use the following scripts to delete the users with minimum permissions from your databases.

To delete the user from your MySQL database, run the following script.

DROP USER IF EXISTS "{your_user_name}";

To delete the user from your Oracle database, run the following script.

DECLARE -- Input parameters, please set correct value cnst$user_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(255) DEFAULT '{your_user_name}'; -- System variables, please, don't change var$is_exists INTEGER DEFAULT 0; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(hal.acl) INTO var$is_exists FROM dba_host_acls hal WHERE hal.acl LIKE '%' || UPPER(cnst$user_name) || '_Connect_Access.xml'; IF var$is_exists > 0 THEN DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.DROP_ACL( acl => UPPER(cnst$user_name) || '_Connect_Access.xml'); END IF; SELECT COUNT(usr.username) INTO var$is_exists FROM all_users usr WHERE usr.username = UPPER(cnst$user_name); IF var$is_exists > 0 THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP USER ' || cnst$user_name || ' CASCADE'; END IF; END;

To delete the user from your PostgreSQL database, run the following script.

DROP USER IF EXISTS "{your_user_name}";

To delete the user from your SQL Server database, run the following script.

USE msdb GO REVOKE EXECUTE ON dbo.agent_datetime TO [{your_user_name}] USE master GO DECLARE @dbname VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @statement NVARCHAR(max) DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT name FROM MASTER.sys.databases WHERE state = 0 AND is_read_only = 0 OPEN db_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SELECT @statement = 'USE '+ quotename(@dbname) +';'+ ' EXECUTE sp_droprolemember N''db_datareader'', [{your_user_name}] IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.syslogins WHERE name = ''{your_user_name}'') OR EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sysusers WHERE name = ''{your_user_name}'') DROP USER [{your_user_name}];' BEGIN TRY EXECUTE sp_executesql @statement END TRY BEGIN CATCH DECLARE @err NVARCHAR(255) SET @err = error_message() PRINT @dbname PRINT @err END CATCH FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname END CLOSE db_cursor DEALLOCATE db_cursor GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sql_logins WHERE name = N'{your_user_name}') DROP LOGIN [{your_user_name}] -- Use for SQL login GO