Querying geospatial data with Amazon DocumentDB - Amazon DocumentDB
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Querying geospatial data with Amazon DocumentDB

This section covers how you can query Geospatial data with Amazon DocumentDB. After you read this section, you will be able to answer how do store, query and index Geospatial data in Amazon DocumentDB.


Common use cases for Geospatial involve proximity analysis from your data. For example, “finding all airports within 50 miles of Seattle”, or “find the closest restaurants from a given location”. Amazon DocumentDB uses the GeoJSON specification to represent geospatial data. GeoJSON is an open-source specification for the JSON-formatting of shapes in a coordinate space. GeoJSON coordinates captures both longitude and latitude, representing positions on an earth-like sphere.

Indexing and storing geospatial data

Amazon DocumentDB uses the ‘Point’ GeoJSON type to store geospatial data. Each GeoJSON document (or subdocument) is generally composed of two fields:

  • type - the shape being represented, which informs Amazon DocumentDB how to interpret the "coordinates" field. At this moment, Amazon DocumentDB only supports points

  • coordinates – a latitude and longitude pair represented as an object in an array – [longitude, latitude]

Amazon DocumentDB also uses 2dsphere indexes to index Geospatial data. Amazon DocumentDB supports indexing points. Amazon DocumentDB supports proximity querying with 2dsphere indexing.

Let’s consider a scenario where you are building an application for food delivery service. You want to store various restaurant’s latitudes and longitude pair in Amazon DocumentDB. To do so, first we recommend that you create an index on the Geospatial field that holds the latitude and longitude pair.

use restaurantsdb db.usarestaurants.createIndex({location:"2dsphere"})

The output of this command would look something like this:

{ "createdCollectionAutomatically" : true, "numIndexesBefore" : 1, "numIndexesAfter" : 2, "ok" : 1 }

Once you have created an index, you can start inserting data into your Amazon DocumentDB collection.

db.usarestaurants.insert({ "state":"Washington", "city":"Seattle", "name":"Thai Palace", "rating": 4.8, "location":{ "type":"Point", "coordinates":[ -122.3264, 47.6009 ] } }); db.usarestaurants.insert({ "state":"Washington", "city":"Seattle", "name":"Noodle House", "rating": 4.8, "location":{ "type":"Point", "coordinates":[ -122.3517, 47.6159 ] } }); db.usarestaurants.insert({ "state":"Washington", "city":"Seattle", "name":"Curry House", "rating": 4.8, "location":{ "type":"Point", "coordinates":[ -121.4517, 47.6229 ] } });

Querying geospatial data

Amazon DocumentDB supports proximity, inclusion and intersection querying of Geospatial data. A good example of a proximity query is finding all points (all airports) that are less than a certain distance and more than a distance from another point (city). A good example of inclusion querying is to find all points (all airports) that located in a specified area/polygon (state of New York). A good example of intersection query is finding a polygon (state) which intersects with a point (city). You can use the following Geospatial operators to gain insights from your data.

  • $nearSphere - $nearSphere is a find operator that supports finding points from nearest to farthest from a GeoJSON point.

  • $geoNear - $geoNear is an aggregation operator that supports calculating the distance in meters from a GeoJSON point.

  • $minDistance - $minDistance is a find operator that is used in conjunction with $nearSphere or $geoNear to filter documents that are at least at the specified minimum distance from the center point.

  • $maxDistance - $maxDistance is a find operator that is used in conjunction with $nearSphere or $geoNear to filter documents that are at most at the specified maximum distance from the center point.

  • $geoWithin - $geoWithin is a find operator that supports finding documents with geospatial data that exists entirely within a specified shape such as a polygon.

  • $geoIntersects - $geoIntersects is a find operator that supports finding documents whose geospatial data intersects with a specified GeoJSON object.


$geoNear and $nearSphere require a 2dsphere index on the GeoJSON field that you use in your proximity query.

Example 1

In this example, you will learn how to find all restaurants (points) sorted by closest distance from an address (point).

To perform such a query, you can use $geoNear to calculate distance of set of points from another point. You can also add the distanceMultiplier to measure the distance in kilometers.

db.usarestaurants.aggregate([ { "$geoNear":{ "near":{ "type":"Point", "coordinates":[ -122.3516, 47.6156 ] }, "spherical":true, "distanceField":"DistanceKilometers", "distanceMultiplier":0.001 } } ])

The command above would return restaurants sorted by distance (closest to furthest) from the point specified. The output of this command would look something like this

{ "_id" : ObjectId("611f3da985009a81ad38e74b"), "state" : "Washington", "city" : "Seattle", "name" : "Noodle House", "rating" : 4.8, "location" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -122.3517, 47.6159 ] }, "DistanceKilometers" : 0.03422834547294996 } { "_id" : ObjectId("611f3da185009a81ad38e74a"), "state" : "Washington", "city" : "Seattle", "name" : "Thai Palace", "rating" : 4.8, "location" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -122.3264, 47.6009 ] }, "DistanceKilometers" : 2.5009390081704277 } { "_id" : ObjectId("611f3dae85009a81ad38e74c"), "state" : "Washington", "city" : "Seattle", "name" : "Curry House", "rating" : 4.8, "location" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -121.4517, 47.6229 ] }, "DistanceKilometers" : 67.52845344856914 }

To limit the number of results in a query, use the limit or num option.


db.usarestaurants.aggregate([ { "$geoNear":{ "near":{ "type":"Point", "coordinates":[ -122.3516, 47.6156 ] }, "spherical":true, "distanceField":"DistanceKilometers", "distanceMultiplier":0.001, "limit": 10 } } ])


db.usarestaurants.aggregate([ { "$geoNear":{ "near":{ "type":"Point", "coordinates":[ -122.3516, 47.6156 ] }, "spherical":true, "distanceField":"DistanceKilometers", "distanceMultiplier":0.001, "num": 10 } } ])

$geoNear stage supports the limit and num options to specify maximum number of documents to return. $geoNear returns a maximum of 100 documents by default if the limit or num options are not specified. This is overridden by the value of the $limit stage if present and the value is less than 100.

Example 2

In this example, you will learn how to find all restaurants (points) within 2 kilometers of a specific address (point). To perform such a query, you can use $nearSphere within a minimum $minDistance and maximum $maxDistance from a GeoJSON Point

db.usarestaurants.find({ "location":{ "$nearSphere":{ "$geometry":{ "type":"Point", "coordinates":[ -122.3516, 47.6156 ] }, "$minDistance":1, "$maxDistance":2000 } } }, { "name":1 })

The command above would return restaurants at a maximum distance of 2 kilometers from the point specified. The output of this command would look something like this

{ "_id" : ObjectId("611f3da985009a81ad38e74b"), "name" : "Noodle House" }


Amazon DocumentDB does not support querying or indexing of Polygons, LineString, MultiPoint, MultiPolygon, MultiLineString, and GeometryCollection.