Monitor the progress of Amazon EBS volume modifications - Amazon EBS
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Monitor the progress of Amazon EBS volume modifications

When you modify an EBS volume, it goes through a sequence of states. The volume enters the modifying state, the optimizing state, and finally the completed state. At this point, the volume is ready to be further modified.


Rarely, a transient Amazon fault can result in a failed state. This is not an indication of volume health; it merely indicates that the modification to the volume failed. If this occurs, retry the volume modification.

While the volume is in the optimizing state, your volume performance is in between the source and target configuration specifications. Transitional volume performance will be no less than the source volume performance. If you are downgrading IOPS, transitional volume performance is no less than the target volume performance.

Volume modification changes take effect as follows:

  • Size changes usually take a few seconds to complete and take effect after the volume has transitioned to the Optimizing state.

  • Performance (IOPS) changes can take from a few minutes to a few hours to complete and are dependent on the configuration change being made.

  • In some cases, it can take more than 24 hours for a new configuration to take effect, such as when the volume has not been fully initialized. Typically, a fully used 1-TiB volume takes about 6 hours to migrate to a new performance configuration.

To monitor the progress of a volume modification, use one of the following methods.

To monitor progress of a modification using the Amazon EC2 console
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Volumes.

  3. Select the volume.

  4. The Volume state column and the Volume state field in the Details tab contain information in the following format: Volume state - Modification state (Modification progress%). The following image shows the volume and volume modification states.

    Volume and volume modification states

    The possible volume states are creating, available, in-use, deleting, deleted, and error.

    The possible modification states are modifying, optimizing, and completed.

    After the modification completes, only the volume state is displayed. The modification state and progress are no longer displayed.

Amazon CLI
To monitor progress of a modification using the Amazon CLI

Use the describe-volumes-modifications command to view the progress of one or more volume modifications. The following example describes the volume modifications for two volumes.

aws ec2 describe-volumes-modifications --volume-ids vol-11111111111111111 vol-22222222222222222

In the following example output, the volume modifications are still in the modifying state. Progress is reported as a percentage.

{ "VolumesModifications": [ { "TargetSize": 200, "TargetVolumeType": "io1", "ModificationState": "modifying", "VolumeId": "vol-11111111111111111", "TargetIops": 10000, "StartTime": "2017-01-19T22:21:02.959Z", "Progress": 0, "OriginalVolumeType": "gp2", "OriginalIops": 300, "OriginalSize": 100 }, { "TargetSize": 2000, "TargetVolumeType": "sc1", "ModificationState": "modifying", "VolumeId": "vol-22222222222222222", "StartTime": "2017-01-19T22:23:22.158Z", "Progress": 0, "OriginalVolumeType": "gp2", "OriginalIops": 300, "OriginalSize": 1000 } ] }

The next example describes all volumes with a modification state of either optimizing or completed, and then filters and formats the results to show only modifications that were initiated on or after February 1, 2017:

aws ec2 describe-volumes-modifications --filters Name=modification-state,Values="optimizing","completed" --query "VolumesModifications[?StartTime>='2017-02-01'].{ID:VolumeId,STATE:ModificationState}"

The following is example output with information about two volumes:

[ { "STATE": "optimizing", "ID": "vol-06397e7a0eEXAMPLE" }, { "STATE": "completed", "ID": "vol-ba74e18c2aEXAMPLE" } ]
CloudWatch Events console

With CloudWatch Events, you can create a notification rule for volume modification events. You can use your rule to generate a notification message using Amazon SNS or to invoke a Lambda function in response to matching events. Events are emitted on a best effort basis.

To monitor progress of a modification using CloudWatch Events
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. Choose Events, Create rule.

  3. For Build event pattern to match events by service, choose Custom event pattern.

  4. For Build custom event pattern, replace the contents with the following and choose Save.

    { "source": [ "aws.ec2" ], "detail-type": [ "EBS Volume Notification" ], "detail": { "event": [ "modifyVolume" ] } }

    The following is example event data:

    { "version": "0", "id": "01234567-0123-0123-0123-012345678901", "detail-type": "EBS Volume Notification", "source": "aws.ec2", "account": "012345678901", "time": "2017-01-12T21:09:07Z", "region": "us-east-1", "resources": [ "arn:aws-cn:ec2:us-east-1:012345678901:volume/vol-03a55cf56513fa1b6" ], "detail": { "result": "optimizing", "cause": "", "event": "modifyVolume", "request-id": "01234567-0123-0123-0123-0123456789ab" } }