Check the fast snapshot restore state for an Amazon EBS snapshot - Amazon EBS
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Check the fast snapshot restore state for an Amazon EBS snapshot

Fast snapshot restore for a snapshot can be in one of the following states.

  • enabling — A request was made to enable fast snapshot restore.

  • optimizing — Fast snapshot restore is being enabled. It takes 60 minutes per TiB to optimize a snapshot. Snapshots in this state offer some performance benefit when restoring volumes.

  • enabled — Fast snapshot restore is enabled. Snapshots that are in this state and that have sufficient volume creation credits offer the full performance benefit when restoring volumes.

  • disabling — A request was made to disable fast snapshot restore, or a request to enable fast snapshot restore failed.

  • disabled — Fast snapshot restore is disabled. You can enable fast snapshot restore again as needed.

Use one of the following methods to view the state of fast snapshot restore for a snapshot that you own or for a snapshot that is shared with you.

To view the state of fast snapshot restore using the console
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Snapshots.

  3. Select the snapshot.

  4. On the Details tab, Fast snapshot restore, indicates the state of fast snapshot restore.

Amazon CLI
To view snapshots with fast snapshot restore enabled using the Amazon CLI

Use the describe-fast-snapshot-restores command to describe the snapshots that are enabled for fast snapshot restore.

aws ec2 describe-fast-snapshot-restores --filters Name=state,Values=enabled

The following is example output.

{ "FastSnapshotRestores": [ { "SnapshotId": "snap-0e946653493cb0447", "AvailabilityZone": "us-east-2a", "State": "enabled", "StateTransitionReason": "Client.UserInitiated - Lifecycle state transition", "OwnerId": "123456789012", "EnablingTime": "2020-01-25T23:57:49.596Z", "OptimizingTime": "2020-01-25T23:58:25.573Z", "EnabledTime": "2020-01-25T23:59:29.852Z" }, { "SnapshotId": "snap-0e946653493cb0447", "AvailabilityZone": "us-east-2b", "State": "enabled", "StateTransitionReason": "Client.UserInitiated - Lifecycle state transition", "OwnerId": "123456789012", "EnablingTime": "2020-01-25T23:57:49.596Z", "OptimizingTime": "2020-01-25T23:58:25.573Z", "EnabledTime": "2020-01-25T23:59:29.852Z" } ] }