Use CreateVpnConnection
with a CLI
The following code examples show how to use CreateVpnConnection
- Amazon CLI
Example 1: To create a VPN connection with dynamic routing
The following
example creates a VPN connection between the specified virtual private gateway and the specified customer gateway, and applies tags to the VPN connection. The output includes the configuration information for your customer gateway device, in XML ec2 create-vpn-connection \ --type
\ --customer-gateway-idcgw-001122334455aabbc
\ --vpn-gateway-idvgw-1a1a1a1a1a1a2b2b2
\ --tag-specification 'ResourceType=vpn-connection,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=BGP-VPN}]
{ "VpnConnection": { "CustomerGatewayConfiguration": "...configuration information...", "CustomerGatewayId": "cgw-001122334455aabbc", "Category": "VPN", "State": "pending", "VpnConnectionId": "vpn-123123123123abcab", "VpnGatewayId": "vgw-1a1a1a1a1a1a2b2b2", "Options": { "EnableAcceleration": false, "StaticRoutesOnly": false, "LocalIpv4NetworkCidr": "", "RemoteIpv4NetworkCidr": "", "TunnelInsideIpVersion": "ipv4", "TunnelOptions": [ {}, {} ] }, "Routes": [], "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "BGP-VPN" } ] } }
For more information, see How Amazon Site-to-Site VPN works
in the Amazon Site-to-Site VPN User Guide. Example 2: To create a VPN connection with static routing
The following
example creates a VPN connection between the specified virtual private gateway and the specified customer gateway. The options specify static routing. The output includes the configuration information for your customer gateway device, in XML ec2 create-vpn-connection \ --type
\ --customer-gateway-idcgw-001122334455aabbc
\ --vpn-gateway-idvgw-1a1a1a1a1a1a2b2b2
\ --options "{\"StaticRoutesOnly\":true}"Output:
{ "VpnConnection": { "CustomerGatewayConfiguration": "..configuration information...", "CustomerGatewayId": "cgw-001122334455aabbc", "Category": "VPN", "State": "pending", "VpnConnectionId": "vpn-123123123123abcab", "VpnGatewayId": "vgw-1a1a1a1a1a1a2b2b2", "Options": { "EnableAcceleration": false, "StaticRoutesOnly": true, "LocalIpv4NetworkCidr": "", "RemoteIpv4NetworkCidr": "", "TunnelInsideIpVersion": "ipv4", "TunnelOptions": [ {}, {} ] }, "Routes": [], "Tags": [] } }
For more information, see How Amazon Site-to-Site VPN works
in the Amazon Site-to-Site VPN User Guide. Example 3: To create a VPN connection and specify your own inside CIDR and pre-shared key
The following
example creates a VPN connection and specifies the inside IP address CIDR block and a custom pre-shared key for each tunnel. The specified values are returned in theCustomerGatewayConfiguration ec2 create-vpn-connection \ --type
\ --customer-gateway-idcgw-001122334455aabbc
\ --vpn-gateway-idvgw-1a1a1a1a1a1a2b2b2
\ --options TunnelOptions='[{TunnelInsideCidr=,PreSharedKey=ExamplePreSharedKey1},{TunnelInsideCidr=,PreSharedKey=ExamplePreSharedKey2}]'Output:
{ "VpnConnection": { "CustomerGatewayConfiguration": "..configuration information...", "CustomerGatewayId": "cgw-001122334455aabbc", "Category": "VPN", "State": "pending", "VpnConnectionId": "vpn-123123123123abcab", "VpnGatewayId": "vgw-1a1a1a1a1a1a2b2b2", "Options": { "EnableAcceleration": false, "StaticRoutesOnly": false, "LocalIpv4NetworkCidr": "", "RemoteIpv4NetworkCidr": "", "TunnelInsideIpVersion": "ipv4", "TunnelOptions": [ { "OutsideIpAddress": "", "TunnelInsideCidr": "", "PreSharedKey": "ExamplePreSharedKey1" }, { "OutsideIpAddress": "", "TunnelInsideCidr": "", "PreSharedKey": "ExamplePreSharedKey2" } ] }, "Routes": [], "Tags": [] } }
For more information, see How Amazon Site-to-Site VPN works
in the Amazon Site-to-Site VPN User Guide. Example 4: To create a VPN connection that supports IPv6 traffic
The following
example creates a VPN connection that supports IPv6 traffic between the specified transit gateway and specified customer gateway. The tunnel options for both tunnels specify that Amazon must initiate the IKE ec2 create-vpn-connection \ --type
\ --transit-gateway-idtgw-12312312312312312
\ --customer-gateway-idcgw-001122334455aabbc
\ --optionsTunnelInsideIpVersion=ipv6,TunnelOptions=[{StartupAction=start},{StartupAction=start}]
{ "VpnConnection": { "CustomerGatewayConfiguration": "..configuration information...", "CustomerGatewayId": "cgw-001122334455aabbc", "Category": "VPN", "State": "pending", "VpnConnectionId": "vpn-11111111122222222", "TransitGatewayId": "tgw-12312312312312312", "Options": { "EnableAcceleration": false, "StaticRoutesOnly": false, "LocalIpv6NetworkCidr": "::/0", "RemoteIpv6NetworkCidr": "::/0", "TunnelInsideIpVersion": "ipv6", "TunnelOptions": [ { "OutsideIpAddress": "", "StartupAction": "start" }, { "OutsideIpAddress": "", "StartupAction": "start" } ] }, "Routes": [], "Tags": [] } }
For more information, see How Amazon Site-to-Site VPN works
in the Amazon Site-to-Site VPN User Guide. -
For API details, see CreateVpnConnection
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
- PowerShell
- Tools for PowerShell
Example 1: This example creates a VPN connection between the specified virtual private gateway and the specified customer gateway. The output includes the configuration information that your network administrator needs, in XML format.
New-EC2VpnConnection -Type ipsec.1 -CustomerGatewayId cgw-1a2b3c4d -VpnGatewayId vgw-1a2b3c4d
CustomerGatewayConfiguration : [XML document] CustomerGatewayId : cgw-1a2b3c4d Options : Routes : {} State : pending Tags : {} Type : VgwTelemetry : {} VpnConnectionId : vpn-12345678 VpnGatewayId : vgw-1a2b3c4d
Example 2: This example creates the VPN connection and captures the configuration in a file with the specified name.
(New-EC2VpnConnection -CustomerGatewayId cgw-1a2b3c4d -VpnGatewayId vgw-1a2b3c4d).CustomerGatewayConfiguration | Out-File C:\path\vpn-configuration.xml
Example 3: This example creates a VPN connection, with static routing, between the specified virtual private gateway and the specified customer gateway.
New-EC2VpnConnection -Type ipsec.1 -CustomerGatewayId cgw-1a2b3c4d -VpnGatewayId vgw-1a2b3c4d -Options_StaticRoutesOnly $true
For API details, see CreateVpnConnection
in Amazon Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.
For a complete list of Amazon SDK developer guides and code examples, see Create Amazon EC2 resources using an Amazon SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.