Use DescribeInstanceTypes
with an Amazon SDK or CLI
The following code examples show how to use DescribeInstanceTypes
Action examples are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. You can see this action in context in the following code example:
- .NET
- Amazon SDK for .NET
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository
. /// <summary> /// Describe the instance types available. /// </summary> /// <returns>A list of instance type information.</returns> public async Task<List<InstanceTypeInfo>> DescribeInstanceTypes(ArchitectureValues architecture) { try { var request = new DescribeInstanceTypesRequest(); var filters = new List<Filter> { new Filter("processor-info.supported-architecture", new List<string> { architecture.ToString() }) }; filters.Add(new Filter("instance-type", new() { "*.micro", "*.small" })); request.Filters = filters; var instanceTypes = new List<InstanceTypeInfo>(); var paginator = _amazonEC2.Paginators.DescribeInstanceTypes(request); await foreach (var instanceType in paginator.InstanceTypes) { instanceTypes.Add(instanceType); } return instanceTypes; } catch (AmazonEC2Exception ec2Exception) { if (ec2Exception.ErrorCode == "InvalidParameterValue") { _logger.LogError( $"Parameters are invalid. Ensure architecture and size strings conform to DescribeInstanceTypes API reference."); } throw; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Couldn't delete the security group because: {ex.Message}"); throw; } }
For API details, see DescribeInstanceTypes in Amazon SDK for .NET API Reference.
- Bash
- Amazon CLI with Bash script
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository
. ############################################################################### # ec2_describe_instance_types # # This function describes EC2 instance types filtered by processor architecture # and optionally by instance type. It takes the following arguments: # # -a, --architecture ARCHITECTURE Specify the processor architecture (e.g., x86_64) # -t, --type INSTANCE_TYPE Comma-separated list of instance types (e.g., t2.micro) # -h, --help Show the usage help # # The function prints the instance type and supported architecture for each # matching instance type. ############################################################################### function ec2_describe_instance_types() { local architecture="" local instance_types="" # bashsupport disable=BP5008 function usage() { echo "Usage: ec2_describe_instance_types [-a|--architecture ARCHITECTURE] [-t|--type INSTANCE_TYPE] [-h|--help]" echo " -a, --architecture ARCHITECTURE Specify the processor architecture (e.g., x86_64)" echo " -t, --type INSTANCE_TYPE Comma-separated list of instance types (e.g., t2.micro)" echo " -h, --help Show this help message" } while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "$1" in -a | --architecture) architecture="$2" shift 2 ;; -t | --type) instance_types="$2" shift 2 ;; -h | --help) usage return 0 ;; *) echo "Unknown argument: $1" return 1 ;; esac done if [[ -z "$architecture" ]]; then errecho "Error: Architecture not specified." usage return 1 fi if [[ -z "$instance_types" ]]; then errecho "Error: Instance type not specified." usage return 1 fi local tmp_json_file="temp_ec2.json" echo -n '[ { "Name": "processor-info.supported-architecture", "Values": [' >"$tmp_json_file" local items IFS=',' read -ra items <<<"$architecture" local array_size array_size=${#items[@]} for i in $(seq 0 $((array_size - 1))); do echo -n '"'"${items[$i]}"'"' >>"$tmp_json_file" if [[ $i -lt $((array_size - 1)) ]]; then echo -n ',' >>"$tmp_json_file" fi done echo -n ']}, { "Name": "instance-type", "Values": [' >>"$tmp_json_file" IFS=',' read -ra items <<<"$instance_types" local array_size array_size=${#items[@]} for i in $(seq 0 $((array_size - 1))); do echo -n '"'"${items[$i]}"'"' >>"$tmp_json_file" if [[ $i -lt $((array_size - 1)) ]]; then echo -n ',' >>"$tmp_json_file" fi done echo -n ']}]' >>"$tmp_json_file" local response response=$(aws ec2 describe-instance-types --filters file://"$tmp_json_file" \ --query 'InstanceTypes[*].[InstanceType]' --output text) local error_code=$? rm "$tmp_json_file" if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]]; then aws_cli_error_log $error_code echo "ERROR: AWS reports describe-instance-types operation failed." return 1 fi echo "$response" return 0 }
The utility functions used in this example.
############################################################################### # function errecho # # This function outputs everything sent to it to STDERR (standard error output). ############################################################################### function errecho() { printf "%s\n" "$*" 1>&2 } ############################################################################## # function aws_cli_error_log() # # This function is used to log the error messages from the AWS CLI. # # The function expects the following argument: # $1 - The error code returned by the AWS CLI. # # Returns: # 0: - Success. # ############################################################################## function aws_cli_error_log() { local err_code=$1 errecho "Error code : $err_code" if [ "$err_code" == 1 ]; then errecho " One or more S3 transfers failed." elif [ "$err_code" == 2 ]; then errecho " Command line failed to parse." elif [ "$err_code" == 130 ]; then errecho " Process received SIGINT." elif [ "$err_code" == 252 ]; then errecho " Command syntax invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 253 ]; then errecho " The system environment or configuration was invalid." elif [ "$err_code" == 254 ]; then errecho " The service returned an error." elif [ "$err_code" == 255 ]; then errecho " 255 is a catch-all error." fi return 0 }
For API details, see DescribeInstanceTypes in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
- Amazon CLI
Example 1: To describe an instance type
The following
example displays details for the specified instance ec2 describe-instance-types \ --instance-types
{ "InstanceTypes": [ { "InstanceType": "t2.micro", "CurrentGeneration": true, "FreeTierEligible": true, "SupportedUsageClasses": [ "on-demand", "spot" ], "SupportedRootDeviceTypes": [ "ebs" ], "BareMetal": false, "Hypervisor": "xen", "ProcessorInfo": { "SupportedArchitectures": [ "i386", "x86_64" ], "SustainedClockSpeedInGhz": 2.5 }, "VCpuInfo": { "DefaultVCpus": 1, "DefaultCores": 1, "DefaultThreadsPerCore": 1, "ValidCores": [ 1 ], "ValidThreadsPerCore": [ 1 ] }, "MemoryInfo": { "SizeInMiB": 1024 }, "InstanceStorageSupported": false, "EbsInfo": { "EbsOptimizedSupport": "unsupported", "EncryptionSupport": "supported" }, "NetworkInfo": { "NetworkPerformance": "Low to Moderate", "MaximumNetworkInterfaces": 2, "Ipv4AddressesPerInterface": 2, "Ipv6AddressesPerInterface": 2, "Ipv6Supported": true, "EnaSupport": "unsupported" }, "PlacementGroupInfo": { "SupportedStrategies": [ "partition", "spread" ] }, "HibernationSupported": false, "BurstablePerformanceSupported": true, "DedicatedHostsSupported": false, "AutoRecoverySupported": true } ] }
For more information, see Instance Types
in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances. Example 2: To filter the available instance types
You can specify a filter to scope the results to instance types that have a specific characteristic. The following
example lists the instance types that support ec2 describe-instance-types \ --filters
--query 'InstanceTypes[*].InstanceType
[ "m5.8xlarge", "r3.large", "c3.8xlarge", "r5.large", "m4.4xlarge", "c4.large", "m5.xlarge", "m4.xlarge", "c3.large", "c4.8xlarge", "c4.4xlarge", "c5.xlarge", "c5.12xlarge", "r5.4xlarge", "c5.4xlarge" ]
For more information, see Instance Types
in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances. -
For API details, see DescribeInstanceTypes
in Amazon CLI Command Reference.
- Java
- SDK for Java 2.x
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository
. /** * Asynchronously retrieves the instance types available in the current AWS region. * <p> * This method uses the AWS SDK's asynchronous API to fetch the available instance types * and then processes the response. It logs the memory information, network information, * and instance type for each instance type returned. Additionally, it returns a * {@link CompletableFuture} that resolves to the instance type string for the "t2.2xlarge" * instance type, if it is found in the response. If the "t2.2xlarge" instance type is not * found, an empty string is returned. * </p> * * @return a {@link CompletableFuture} that resolves to the instance type string for the * "t2.2xlarge" instance type, or an empty string if the instance type is not found */ public CompletableFuture<String> getInstanceTypesAsync() { DescribeInstanceTypesRequest typesRequest = DescribeInstanceTypesRequest.builder() .maxResults(10) .build(); CompletableFuture<DescribeInstanceTypesResponse> response = getAsyncClient().describeInstanceTypes(typesRequest); response.whenComplete((resp, ex) -> { if (resp != null) { List<InstanceTypeInfo> instanceTypes = resp.instanceTypes(); for (InstanceTypeInfo type : instanceTypes) {"The memory information of this type is " + type.memoryInfo().sizeInMiB());"Network information is " + type.networkInfo().toString());"Instance type is " + type.instanceType().toString()); } } else { throw (RuntimeException) ex; } }); return response.thenApply(resp -> { for (InstanceTypeInfo type : resp.instanceTypes()) { String instanceType = type.instanceType().toString(); if (instanceType.equals("t2.2xlarge")) { return instanceType; } } return ""; }); }
For API details, see DescribeInstanceTypes in Amazon SDK for Java 2.x API Reference.
- JavaScript
- SDK for JavaScript (v3)
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository
. import { EC2Client, paginateDescribeInstanceTypes } from "@aws-sdk/client-ec2"; /** * Describes the specified instance types. By default, all instance types for the * current Region are described. Alternatively, you can filter the results. * @param {{ pageSize: string, supportedArch: string[], freeTier: boolean }} options */ export const main = async ({ pageSize, supportedArch, freeTier }) => { pageSize = Number.parseInt(pageSize); const client = new EC2Client({}); // The paginate function is a wrapper around the underlying command. const paginator = paginateDescribeInstanceTypes( // Without limiting the page size, this call can take a long time. pageSize is just sugar for // the MaxResults property in the underlying command. { client, pageSize }, { Filters: [ { Name: "processor-info.supported-architecture", Values: supportedArch, }, { Name: "free-tier-eligible", Values: [freeTier ? "true" : "false"] }, ], }, ); try { /** * @type {import('@aws-sdk/client-ec2').InstanceTypeInfo[]} */ const instanceTypes = []; for await (const page of paginator) { if (page.InstanceTypes.length) { instanceTypes.push(; // When we have at least 1 result, we can stop. if (instanceTypes.length >= 1) { break; } } } console.log( `Memory size in MiB for matching instance types:\n\n${ => `${it.InstanceType}: ${it.MemoryInfo.SizeInMiB} MiB`).join("\n")}`, ); } catch (caught) { if (caught instanceof Error && === "InvalidParameterValue") { console.warn(`${caught.message}`); return []; } throw caught; } };
For API details, see DescribeInstanceTypes in Amazon SDK for JavaScript API Reference.
- Kotlin
- SDK for Kotlin
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository
. // Get a list of instance types. suspend fun getInstanceTypesSc(): String { var instanceType = "" val filterObs = ArrayList<Filter>() val filter = Filter { name = "processor-info.supported-architecture" values = listOf("arm64") } filterObs.add(filter) val typesRequest = DescribeInstanceTypesRequest { filters = filterObs maxResults = 10 } Ec2Client { region = "us-west-2" }.use { ec2 -> val response = ec2.describeInstanceTypes(typesRequest) response.instanceTypes?.forEach { type -> println("The memory information of this type is ${type.memoryInfo?.sizeInMib}") println("Maximum number of network cards is ${type.networkInfo?.maximumNetworkCards}") instanceType = type.instanceType.toString() } return instanceType } }
For API details, see DescribeInstanceTypes
in Amazon SDK for Kotlin API reference.
- Python
- SDK for Python (Boto3)
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository
. class EC2InstanceWrapper: """Encapsulates Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance actions using the client interface.""" def __init__( self, ec2_client: Any, instances: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None ) -> None: """ Initializes the EC2InstanceWrapper with an EC2 client and optional instances. :param ec2_client: A Boto3 Amazon EC2 client. This client provides low-level access to AWS EC2 services. :param instances: A list of dictionaries representing Boto3 Instance objects. These are high-level objects that wrap instance actions. """ self.ec2_client = ec2_client self.instances = instances or [] @classmethod def from_client(cls) -> "EC2InstanceWrapper": """ Creates an EC2InstanceWrapper instance with a default EC2 client. :return: An instance of EC2InstanceWrapper initialized with the default EC2 client. """ ec2_client = boto3.client("ec2") return cls(ec2_client) def get_instance_types( self, architecture: str = "x86_64", sizes: List[str] = ["*.micro", "*.small"] ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Gets instance types that support the specified architecture and size. See for a list of allowable parameters. :param architecture: The architecture supported by instance types. Default: 'x86_64'. :param sizes: The size of instance types. Default: '*.micro', '*.small', :return: A list of dictionaries representing instance types that support the specified architecture and size. """ try: inst_types = [] paginator = self.ec2_client.get_paginator("describe_instance_types") for page in paginator.paginate( Filters=[ { "Name": "processor-info.supported-architecture", "Values": [architecture], }, {"Name": "instance-type", "Values": sizes}, ] ): inst_types += page["InstanceTypes"] except ClientError as err: logger.error( f"Failed to get instance types: {architecture}, {','.join(map(str, sizes))}" ) error_code = err.response["Error"]["Code"] if error_code == "InvalidParameterValue": logger.error( "Parameters are invalid. " "Ensure architecture and size strings conform to DescribeInstanceTypes API reference." ) raise else: return inst_types
For API details, see DescribeInstanceTypes in Amazon SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.
- Rust
- SDK for Rust
There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository
. /// List instance types that match an image's architecture and are free tier eligible. pub async fn list_instance_types(&self, image: &Image) -> Result<Vec<InstanceType>, EC2Error> { let architecture = format!( "{}", image.architecture().ok_or_else(|| EC2Error::new(format!( "Image {:?} does not have a listed architecture", image.image_id() )))? ); let free_tier_eligible_filter = Filter::builder() .name("free-tier-eligible") .values("false") .build(); let supported_architecture_filter = Filter::builder() .name("processor-info.supported-architecture") .values(architecture) .build(); let response = self .client .describe_instance_types() .filters(free_tier_eligible_filter) .filters(supported_architecture_filter) .send() .await?; Ok(response .instance_types .unwrap_or_default() .into_iter() .filter_map(|iti| iti.instance_type) .collect()) }
For API details, see DescribeInstanceTypes
in Amazon SDK for Rust API reference.
For a complete list of Amazon SDK developer guides and code examples, see Create Amazon EC2 resources using an Amazon SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.