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Troubleshoot Pod Identities for EKS add-ons
If your add-ons are encountering errors while attempting Amazon API, SDK, or CLI operations, confirm the following:
The Pod Identity Agent is installed in your cluster.
For information about how to install the Pod Identity Agent, see Set up the Amazon EKS Pod Identity Agent.
The Add-on has a valid Pod Identity association.
Use the Amazon CLI to retrieve the associations for the service account name used by the add-on.
aws eks list-pod-identity-associations --cluster-name <cluster-name>
The IAM role has the required trust policy for Pod Identities.
Use the Amazon CLI to retrieve the trust policy for an add-on.
aws iam get-role --role-name <role-name> --query Role.AssumeRolePolicyDocument
The IAM role has the necessary permissions for the add-on.
Use Amazon CloudTrail to review
events .
The service account name in the pod identity association matches the service account name used by the add-on.
For information about the available add-ons, see Amazon Add-ons.