Create Amazon Linux nodes on Amazon Outposts - Amazon EKS
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Create Amazon Linux nodes on Amazon Outposts

This topic describes how you can launch Auto Scaling groups of Amazon Linux nodes on an Outpost that register with your Amazon EKS cluster. The cluster can be on the Amazon Cloud or on an Outpost.

  • An existing Outpost. For more information, see What is Amazon Outposts.

  • An existing Amazon EKS cluster. To deploy a cluster on the Amazon Cloud, see Create an Amazon EKS cluster. To deploy a cluster on an Outpost, see Create local Amazon EKS clusters on Amazon Outposts for high availability.

  • Suppose that you’re creating your nodes in a cluster on the Amazon Cloud and you have subnets in the Amazon Region where you have Amazon Outposts, Amazon Wavelength, or Amazon Local Zones enabled. Then, those subnets must not have been passed in when you created your cluster. If you’re creating your nodes in a cluster on an Outpost, you must have passed in an Outpost subnet when creating your cluster.

  • (Recommended for clusters on the Amazon Cloud) The Amazon VPC CNI plugin for Kubernetes add-on configured with its own IAM role that has the necessary IAM policy attached to it. For more information, see Configure Amazon VPC CNI plugin to use IRSA. Local clusters do not support IAM roles for service accounts.

You can create a self-managed Amazon Linux node group with eksctl or the Amazon Web Services Management Console (with an Amazon CloudFormation template). You can also use Terraform.

You can create a local cluster with the following tools described in this page:


To launch self-managed Linux nodes using eksctl `

  1. Install version 0.190.0 or later of the eksctl command line tool installed on your device or Amazon CloudShell. To install or update eksctl, see Installation in the eksctl documentation.

  2. If your cluster is on the Amazon Cloud and the AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy managed IAM policy is attached to your Amazon EKS node IAM role, we recommend assigning it to an IAM role that you associate to the Kubernetes aws-node service account instead. For more information, see Configure Amazon VPC CNI plugin to use IRSA. If your cluster in on your Outpost, the policy must be attached to your node role.

  3. The following command creates a node group in an existing cluster. The cluster must have been created using eksctl. Replace al-nodes with a name for your node group. The node group name can’t be longer than 63 characters. It must start with letter or digit, but can also include hyphens and underscores for the remaining characters. Replace my-cluster with the name of your cluster. The name can contain only alphanumeric characters (case-sensitive) and hyphens. It must start with an alphanumeric character and can’t be longer than 100 characters. The name must be unique within the Amazon Region and Amazon account that you’re creating the cluster in. If your cluster exists on an Outpost, replace id with the ID of an Outpost subnet. If your cluster exists on the Amazon Cloud, replace id with the ID of a subnet that you didn’t specify when you created your cluster. Replace instance-type with an instance type supported by your Outpost. Replace the remaining example values with your own values. The nodes are created with the same Kubernetes version as the control plane, by default.

    Replace instance-type with an instance type available on your Outpost.

    Replace my-key with the name of your Amazon EC2 key pair or public key. This key is used to SSH into your nodes after they launch. If you don’t already have an Amazon EC2 key pair, you can create one in the Amazon Web Services Management Console. For more information, see Amazon EC2 key pairs in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

    Create your node group with the following command.

    eksctl create nodegroup --cluster my-cluster --name al-nodes --node-type instance-type \ --nodes 3 --nodes-min 1 --nodes-max 4 --managed=false --node-volume-type gp2 --subnet-ids subnet-id

    If your cluster is deployed on the Amazon Cloud:

    For a complete list of all available options and defaults, see Amazon Outposts Support in the eksctl documentation.

  4. (Optional) Deploy a sample application to test your cluster and Linux nodes.

Amazon Web Services Management Console

Step 1: Launch self-managed Linux nodes using Amazon Web Services Management Console `

  1. Download the latest version of the Amazon CloudFormation template.

    curl -O
  2. Open the Amazon CloudFormation console.

  3. Choose Create stack and then select With new resources (standard).

  4. For Specify template, select Upload a template file and then select Choose file. Select the amazon-eks-nodegroup.yaml file that you downloaded in a previous step and then select Next.

  5. On the Specify stack details page, enter the following parameters accordingly, and then choose Next:

    • Stack name: Choose a stack name for your Amazon CloudFormation stack. For example, you can call it al-nodes. The name can contain only alphanumeric characters (case-sensitive) and hyphens. It must start with an alphanumeric character and can’t be longer than 100 characters. The name must be unique within the Amazon Region and Amazon account that you’re creating the cluster in.

    • ClusterName: Enter the name of your cluster. If this name doesn’t match your cluster name, your nodes can’t join the cluster.

    • ClusterControlPlaneSecurityGroup: Choose the SecurityGroups value from the Amazon CloudFormation output that you generated when you created your VPC.

      The following steps show one operation to retrieve the applicable group.

      1. Open the Amazon EKS console.

      2. Choose the name of the cluster.

      3. Choose the Networking tab.

      4. Use the Additional security groups value as a reference when selecting from the ClusterControlPlaneSecurityGroup dropdown list.

    • NodeGroupName: Enter a name for your node group. This name can be used later to identify the Auto Scaling node group that’s created for your nodes.

    • NodeAutoScalingGroupMinSize: Enter the minimum number of nodes that your node Auto Scaling group can scale in to.

    • NodeAutoScalingGroupDesiredCapacity: Enter the desired number of nodes to scale to when your stack is created.

    • NodeAutoScalingGroupMaxSize: Enter the maximum number of nodes that your node Auto Scaling group can scale out to.

    • NodeInstanceType: Choose an instance type for your nodes. If your cluster is running on the Amazon Cloud, then for more information, see Choose an optimal Amazon EC2 node instance type. If your cluster is running on an Outpost, then you can only select an instance type that is available on your Outpost.

    • NodeImageIdSSMParam: Pre-populated with the Amazon EC2 Systems Manager parameter of a recent Amazon EKS optimized AMI for a variable Kubernetes version. To use a different Kubernetes minor version supported with Amazon EKS, replace 1.XX with a different supported version. We recommend specifying the same Kubernetes version as your cluster.

      To use the Amazon EKS optimized accelerated AMI, replace amazon-linux-2 with amazon-linux-2-gpu. To use the Amazon EKS optimized Arm AMI, replace amazon-linux-2 with amazon-linux-2-arm64.


      The Amazon EKS node AMI is based on Amazon Linux. You can track security or privacy events for Amazon Linux at the Amazon Linux security center by choosing the tab for your desired version. You can also subscribe to the applicable RSS feed. Security and privacy events include an overview of the issue, what packages are affected, and how to update your instances to correct the issue.

    • NodeImageId: (Optional) If you’re using your own custom AMI (instead of the Amazon EKS optimized AMI), enter a node AMI ID for your Amazon Region. If you specify a value here, it overrides any values in the NodeImageIdSSMParam field.

    • NodeVolumeSize: Specify a root volume size for your nodes, in GiB.

    • NodeVolumeType: Specify a root volume type for your nodes.

    • KeyName: Enter the name of an Amazon EC2 SSH key pair that you can use to connect using SSH into your nodes with after they launch. If you don’t already have an Amazon EC2 key pair, you can create one in the Amazon Web Services Management Console. For more information, see Amazon EC2 key pairs in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.


      If you don’t provide a key pair here, the Amazon CloudFormation stack creation fails.

    • BootstrapArguments: There are several optional arguments that you can pass to your nodes. For more information, view the bootstrap script usage information on GitHub. If you’re adding nodes to an Amazon EKS Local Cluster on Amazon Outposts (where the Kubernetes control plane instances run on Amazon Outposts) and the cluster doesn’t have ingress and egress internet connection (also known as private clusters), then you must provide the following bootstrap arguments (as a single line).

      --b64-cluster-ca ${CLUSTER_CA} --apiserver-endpoint https://${APISERVER_ENDPOINT} --enable-local-outpost true --cluster-id ${CLUSTER_ID}
    • DisableIMDSv1: By default, each node supports the Instance Metadata Service Version 1 (IMDSv1) and IMDSv2. You can disable IMDSv1. To prevent future nodes and Pods in the node group from using IMDSv1, set DisableIMDSv1 to true. For more information about IMDS, see Configuring the instance metadata service. For more information about restricting access to it on your nodes, see Restrict access to the instance profile assigned to the worker node.

    • VpcId: Enter the ID for the VPC that you created. Before choosing a VPC, review VPC requirements and considerations.

    • Subnets: If your cluster is on an Outpost, then choose at least one private subnet in your VPC. Before choosing subnets, review Subnet requirements and considerations. You can see which subnets are private by opening each subnet link from the Networking tab of your cluster.

  6. Select your desired choices on the Configure stack options page, and then choose Next.

  7. Select the check box to the left of I acknowledge that Amazon CloudFormation might create IAM resources., and then choose Create stack.

  8. When your stack has finished creating, select it in the console and choose Outputs.

  9. Record the NodeInstanceRole for the node group that was created. You need this when you configure your Amazon EKS nodes.

Step 2: Enable nodes to join your cluster

  1. Check to see if you already have an aws-auth ConfigMap.

    kubectl describe configmap -n kube-system aws-auth
  2. If you are shown an aws-auth ConfigMap, then update it as needed.

    1. Open the ConfigMap for editing.

      kubectl edit -n kube-system configmap/aws-auth
    2. Add a new mapRoles entry as needed. Set the rolearn value to the NodeInstanceRole value that you recorded in the previous procedure.

      [...] data: mapRoles: | - rolearn: <ARN of instance role (not instance profile)> username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}} groups: - system:bootstrappers - system:nodes [...]
    3. Save the file and exit your text editor.

  3. If you received an error stating "Error from server (NotFound): configmaps "aws-auth" not found, then apply the stock ConfigMap.

    1. Download the configuration map.

      curl -O
    2. In the aws-auth-cm.yaml file, set the rolearn to the NodeInstanceRole value that you recorded in the previous procedure. You can do this with a text editor, or by replacing my-node-instance-role and running the following command:

      sed -i.bak -e 's|<ARN of instance role (not instance profile)>|my-node-instance-role|' aws-auth-cm.yaml
    3. Apply the configuration. This command may take a few minutes to finish.

      kubectl apply -f aws-auth-cm.yaml
  4. Watch the status of your nodes and wait for them to reach the Ready status.

    kubectl get nodes --watch

    Enter Ctrl+C to return to a shell prompt.


    If you receive any authorization or resource type errors, see Unauthorized or access denied (kubectl) in the troubleshooting topic.

    If nodes fail to join the cluster, then see Nodes fail to join cluster in Troubleshoot problems with Amazon EKS clusters and nodes and Can’t join nodes to a cluster in Troubleshoot local Amazon EKS clusters on Amazon Outposts.

  5. Install the Amazon EBS CSI driver. For more information, see Installation on GitHub. In the Set up driver permission section, make sure to follow the instruction for the Using IAM instance profile option. You must use the gp2 storage class. The gp3 storage class isn’t supported.

    To create a gp2 storage class on your cluster, complete the following steps.

    1. Run the following command to create the gp2-storage-class.yaml file.

      cat >gp2-storage-class.yaml <<EOF apiVersion: kind: StorageClass metadata: annotations: "true" name: ebs-sc provisioner: volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer parameters: type: gp2 encrypted: "true" allowVolumeExpansion: true EOF
    2. Apply the manifest to your cluster.

      kubectl apply -f gp2-storage-class.yaml
  6. (GPU nodes only) If you chose a GPU instance type and the Amazon EKS optimized accelerated AMI, you must apply the NVIDIA device plugin for Kubernetes as a DaemonSet on your cluster. Replace vX.X.X with your desired NVIDIA/k8s-device-plugin version before running the following command.

    kubectl apply -f

Step3: Additional actions

  1. (Optional) Deploy a sample application to test your cluster and Linux nodes.

  2. If your cluster is deployed on an Outpost, then skip this step. If your cluster is deployed on the Amazon Cloud, the following information is optional. If the AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy managed IAM policy is attached to your Amazon EKS node IAM role, we recommend assigning it to an IAM role that you associate to the Kubernetes aws-node service account instead. For more information, see Configure Amazon VPC CNI plugin to use IRSA.