Update an Amazon CloudFormation node stack - Amazon EKS
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Update an Amazon CloudFormation node stack

This topic describes how you can update an existing Amazon CloudFormation self-managed node stack with a new AMI. You can use this procedure to update your nodes to a new version of Kubernetes following a cluster update. Otherwise, you can update to the latest Amazon EKS optimized AMI for an existing Kubernetes version.


This topic covers node updates for self-managed nodes. For information about using Simplify node lifecycle with managed node groups, see Update a managed node group for your cluster.

The latest default Amazon EKS node Amazon CloudFormation template is configured to launch an instance with the new AMI into your cluster before removing an old one, one at a time. This configuration ensures that you always have your Auto Scaling group’s desired count of active instances in your cluster during the rolling update.


This method isn’t supported for node groups that were created with eksctl. If you created your cluster or node group with eksctl, see Migrate applications to a new node group.

  1. Determine the DNS provider for your cluster.

    kubectl get deployments -l k8s-app=kube-dns -n kube-system

    An example output is as follows. This cluster is using CoreDNS for DNS resolution, but your cluster might return kube-dns instead. Your output might look different depending on the version of kubectl that you’re using.

  2. If your current deployment is running fewer than two replicas, scale out the deployment to two replicas. Replace coredns with kube-dns if your previous command output returned that instead.

    kubectl scale deployments/coredns --replicas=2 -n kube-system
  3. (Optional) If you’re using the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler, scale the deployment down to zero (0) replicas to avoid conflicting scaling actions.

    kubectl scale deployments/cluster-autoscaler --replicas=0 -n kube-system
  4. Determine the instance type and desired instance count of your current node group. You enter these values later when you update the Amazon CloudFormation template for the group.

    1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/.

    2. In the left navigation pane, choose Launch Configurations, and note the instance type for your existing node launch configuration.

    3. In the left navigation pane, choose Auto Scaling Groups, and note the Desired instance count for your existing node Auto Scaling group.

  5. Open the Amazon CloudFormation console.

  6. Select your node group stack, and then choose Update.

  7. Select Replace current template and select Amazon S3 URL.

  8. For Amazon S3 URL, paste the following URL into the text area to ensure that you’re using the latest version of the node Amazon CloudFormation template. Then, choose Next:

  9. On the Specify stack details page, fill out the following parameters, and choose Next:

    • NodeAutoScalingGroupDesiredCapacity – Enter the desired instance count that you recorded in a previous step. Or, enter your new desired number of nodes to scale to when your stack is updated.

    • NodeAutoScalingGroupMaxSize – Enter the maximum number of nodes to which your node Auto Scaling group can scale out. This value must be at least one node more than your desired capacity. This is so that you can perform a rolling update of your nodes without reducing your node count during the update.

    • NodeInstanceType – Choose the instance type your recorded in a previous step. Alternatively, choose a different instance type for your nodes. Before choosing a different instance type, review Choose an optimal Amazon EC2 node instance type. Each Amazon EC2 instance type supports a maximum number of elastic network interfaces (network interface) and each network interface supports a maximum number of IP addresses. Because each worker node and Pod ,is assigned its own IP address, it’s important to choose an instance type that will support the maximum number of Pods that you want to run on each Amazon EC2 node. For a list of the number of network interfaces and IP addresses supported by instance types, see IP addresses per network interface per instance type. For example, the m5.large instance type supports a maximum of 30 IP addresses for the worker node and Pods.


      The supported instance types for the latest version of the Amazon VPC CNI plugin for Kubernetes are shown in vpc_ip_resource_limit.go on GitHub. You might need to update your Amazon VPC CNI plugin for Kubernetes version to use the latest supported instance types. For more information, see Amazon VPC CNI.


      Some instance types might not be available in all Amazon Regions.

    • NodeImageIdSSMParam – The Amazon EC2 Systems Manager parameter of the AMI ID that you want to update to. The following value uses the latest Amazon EKS optimized AMI for Kubernetes version 1.30.


      You can replace 1.30 with a supported Kubernetes version that’s the same. Or, it should be up to one version earlier than the Kubernetes version running on your control plane. We recommend that you keep your nodes at the same version as your control plane. You can also replace amazon-linux-2 with a different AMI type. For more information, see Retrieve recommended Amazon Linux AMI IDs.


      Using the Amazon EC2 Systems Manager parameter enables you to update your nodes in the future without having to look up and specify an AMI ID. If your Amazon CloudFormation stack is using this value, any stack update always launches the latest recommended Amazon EKS optimized AMI for your specified Kubernetes version. This is even the case even if you don’t change any values in the template.

    • NodeImageId – To use your own custom AMI, enter the ID for the AMI to use.


      This value overrides any value specified for NodeImageIdSSMParam. If you want to use the NodeImageIdSSMParam value, ensure that the value for NodeImageId is blank.

    • DisableIMDSv1 – By default, each node supports the Instance Metadata Service Version 1 (IMDSv1) and IMDSv2. However, you can disable IMDSv1. Select true if you don’t want any nodes or any Pods scheduled in the node group to use IMDSv1. For more information about IMDS, see Configuring the instance metadata service. If you’ve implemented IAM roles for service accounts, assign necessary permissions directly to all Pods that require access to Amazon services. This way, no Pods in your cluster require access to IMDS for other reasons, such as retrieving the current Amazon Region. Then, you can also disable access to IMDSv2 for Pods that don’t use host networking. For more information, see Restrict access to the instance profile assigned to the worker node.

  10. (Optional) On the Options page, tag your stack resources. Choose Next.

  11. On the Review page, review your information, acknowledge that the stack might create IAM resources, and then choose Update stack.


    The update of each node in the cluster takes several minutes. Wait for the update of all nodes to complete before performing the next steps.

  12. If your cluster’s DNS provider is kube-dns, scale in the kube-dns deployment to one replica.

    kubectl scale deployments/kube-dns --replicas=1 -n kube-system
  13. (Optional) If you are using the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler, scale the deployment back to your desired amount of replicas.

    kubectl scale deployments/cluster-autoscaler --replicas=1 -n kube-system
  14. (Optional) Verify that you’re using the latest version of the Amazon VPC CNI plugin for Kubernetes. You might need to update your Amazon VPC CNI plugin for Kubernetes version to use the latest supported instance types. For more information, see Amazon VPC CNI.