Supported plugins and options for Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines - Amazon OpenSearch Service
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Supported plugins and options for Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines

Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion supports a subset of sources, processors, and sinks compared to open source Data Prepper. In addition, there are some constraints that OpenSearch Ingestion places on the available options for each supported plugin. The following sections describe the plugins and associated options that OpenSearch Ingestion supports.


OpenSearch Ingestion doesn't support any buffer plugins because it automatically configures a default buffer. You receive a validation error if you include a buffer in your pipeline configuration.

Supported plugins

OpenSearch Ingestion supports the following Data Prepper plugins:




  • OpenSearch (supports OpenSearch Service, OpenSearch Serverless, and Elasticsearch 6.8 or later)

  • S3

Sink codecs:

Stateless versus stateful processors

Stateless processors perform operations like transformations and filtering, while stateful processors perform operations like aggregations, which remember the result of the previous run. OpenSearch Ingestion supports the stateful processors Aggregate and Service-map. All other supported processors are stateless.

For pipelines that contain only stateless processors, the maximum capacity limit is 96 Ingestion OCUs. If a pipeline contains any stateful processors, the maximum capacity limit is 48 Ingestion OCUs. However, if a pipeline has persistent buffering enabled, it can have a maximum of 384 Ingestion OCUs with only stateless processors, or 192 Ingestion OCUs if it contains any stateful processors. For more information, see Scaling pipelines.

End-to-end acknowledgment is only supported for stateless processors. For more information, see End-to-end acknowledgement.

Configuration requirements and constraints

Unless otherwise specified below, all options described in the Data Prepper configuration reference for the supported plugins listed above are allowed in OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines. The following sections explain the constraints that OpenSearch Ingestion places on certain plugin options.


OpenSearch Ingestion doesn't support any buffer plugins because it automatically configures a default buffer. You receive a validation error if you include a buffer in your pipeline configuration.

Many options are configured and managed internally by OpenSearch Ingestion, such as authentication and acm_certificate_arn. Other options, such as thread_count and request_timeout, have performance impacts if changed manually. Therefore, these values are set internally to ensure optimal performance of your pipelines.

Lastly, some options can't be passed to OpenSearch Ingestion, such as ism_policy_file and sink_template, because they're local files when run in open source Data Prepper. These values aren't supported.

General pipeline options

The following general pipeline options are set by OpenSearch Ingestion and aren't supported in pipeline configurations:

  • workers

  • delay

Grok processor

The following Grok processor options aren't supported:

  • patterns_directories

  • patterns_files_glob

HTTP source

The HTTP source plugin has the following requirements and constraints:

  • The path option is required. The path is a string such as /log/ingest, which represents the URI path for log ingestion. This path defines the URI that you use to send data to the pipeline. For example, The path must start with a slash (/), and can contain the special characters '-', '_', '.', and '/', as well as the ${pipelineName} placeholder.

  • The following HTTP source options are set by OpenSearch Ingestion and aren't supported in pipeline configurations:

    • port

    • ssl

    • ssl_key_file

    • ssl_certificate_file

    • aws_region

    • authentication

    • unauthenticated_health_check

    • use_acm_certificate_for_ssl

    • thread_count

    • request_timeout

    • max_connection_count

    • max_pending_requests

    • health_check_service

    • acm_private_key_password

    • acm_certificate_timeout_millis

    • acm_certificate_arn

OpenSearch sink

The OpenSearch sink plugin has the following requirements and limitations.

  • The aws option is required, and must contain the following options:

    • sts_role_arn

    • region

    • hosts

    • serverless (if the sink is an OpenSearch Serverless collection)

  • The sts_role_arn option must point to the same role for each sink within a YAML definition file.

  • The hosts option must specify an OpenSearch Service domain endpoint or an OpenSearch Serverless collection endpoint. All hosts within a YAML definition file must point to the same endpoint. You can't specify a custom endpoint for a domain; it must be the standard endpoint.

  • If the hosts option is a serverless collection endpoint, you must set the serverless option to true. In addition, if your YAML definition file contains the index_type option, it must be set to management_disabled, otherwise validation fails.

  • The following options aren't supported:

    • username

    • password

    • cert

    • proxy

    • dlq_file - If you want to offload failed events to a dead letter queue (DLQ), you must use the dlq option and specify an S3 bucket.

    • ism_policy_file

    • socket_timeout

    • template_file

    • insecure

    • bulk_size

OTel metrics source, OTel trace source, and OTel logs source

The OTel metrics source, OTel trace source, and OTel logs source plugins have the following requirements and limitations:

  • The path option is required. The path is a string such as /log/ingest, which represents the URI path for log ingestion. This path defines the URI that you use to send data to the pipeline. For example, The path must start with a slash (/), and can contain the special characters '-', '_', '.', and '/', as well as the ${pipelineName} placeholder.

  • The following options are set by OpenSearch Ingestion and aren't supported in pipeline configurations:

    • port

    • ssl

    • sslKeyFile

    • sslKeyCertChainFile

    • authentication

    • unauthenticated_health_check

    • useAcmCertForSSL

    • unframed_requests

    • proto_reflection_service

    • thread_count

    • request_timeout

    • max_connection_count

    • acmPrivateKeyPassword

    • acmCertIssueTimeOutMillis

    • health_check_service

    • acmCertificateArn

    • awsRegion

OTel trace group processor

The OTel trace group processor has the following requirements and limitations:

  • The aws option is required, and must contain the following options:

    • sts_role_arn

    • region

    • hosts

  • The sts_role_arn option specify the same role as the pipeline role that you specify in the OpenSearch sink configuration.

  • The username, password, cert, and insecure options aren't supported.

  • The aws_sigv4 option is required and must be set to true.

  • The serverless option within the OpenSearch sink plugin isn't supported. The Otel trace group processor doesn't currently work with OpenSearch Serverless collections.

  • The number of otel_trace_group processors within the pipeline configuration body can't exceed 8.

OTel trace processor

The OTel trace processor has the following requirements and limitations:

  • The value of the trace_flush_interval option can't exceed 300 seconds.

Service-map processor

The Service-map processor has the following requirements and limitations:

  • The value of the window_duration option can't exceed 300 seconds.

S3 source

The S3 source plugin has the following requirements and limitations:

  • The aws option is required, and must contain region and sts_role_arn options.

  • The value of the records_to_accumulate option can't exceed 200.

  • The value of the maximum_messages option can't exceed 10.

  • If specified, the disable_bucket_ownership_validation option must be set to false.

  • If specified, the input_serialization option must be set to parquet.