Using termination protection to protect your Amazon EMR clusters from accidental shut down - Amazon EMR
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Using termination protection to protect your Amazon EMR clusters from accidental shut down

Termination protection protects your clusters from accidental termination, which can be especially useful for long running clusters processing critical workloads. When termination protection is enabled on a long-running cluster, you can still terminate the cluster, but you must explicitly remove termination protection from the cluster first. This helps ensure that EC2 instances are not shut down by an accident or error. You can enable termination protection when you create a cluster, and you can change the setting on a running cluster.

With termination protection enabled, the TerminateJobFlows action in the Amazon EMR API does not work. Users cannot terminate the cluster using this API or the terminate-clusters command from the Amazon CLI. The API returns an error, and the CLI exits with a non-zero return code. When you use the Amazon EMR console to terminate a cluster, you are prompted with an extra step to turn termination protection off.


Termination protection does not guarantee that data is retained in the event of a human error or a workaround—for example, if a reboot command is issued from the command line while connected to the instance using SSH, if an application or script running on the instance issues a reboot command, or if the Amazon EC2 or Amazon EMR API is used to disable termination protection. This is true as well if you're running Amazon EMR releases 7.1 and higher and an instance becomes unhealthy and unrecoverable. Even with termination protection enabled, data saved to instance storage, including HDFS data, can be lost. Write data output to Amazon S3 locations and create backup strategies as appropriate for your business continuity requirements.

Termination protection does not affect your ability to scale cluster resources using any of the following actions:

Termination protection and Amazon EC2

The termination protection setting in an Amazon EMR cluster corresponds with the DisableApiTermination attribute for all Amazon EC2 instances in the cluster. For example, if you enable termination protection in an EMR cluster, Amazon EMR automatically sets DisableApiTermination to true for all EC2 instances within the EMR cluster. The same applies if you disable termination protection. Amazon EMR automatically sets DisableApiTermination to false for all EC2 instances within the EMR cluster. If you terminate or scale down a cluster from Amazon EMR and the Amazon EC2 settings conflict for an EC2 instance, Amazon EMR prioritizes the Amazon EMR setting over the DisableApiStop and DisableApiTermination settings in Amazon EC2 and continues to terminate the EC2 instance.

For example, you can use the Amazon EC2 console to enable termination protection on an Amazon EC2 instance in an EMR cluster with termination protection disabled. If you terminate or scale down the cluster with the Amazon EMR console, the Amazon CLI, or the Amazon EMR API, Amazon EMR overrides the DisableApiTermination setting, sets it to false, and terminates the instance along with other instances.

You can also use the Amazon EC2 console to enable stop protection on an Amazon EC2 instance in an EMR cluster with termination protection disabled. If you terminate or scale down the cluster, Amazon EMR sets DisableApiStop to false in Amazon EC2 and terminates the instance along with other instances.

Amazon EMR overrides the DisableApiStop setting only when you terminate or scale down a cluster. When you enable or disable termination protection in an EMR cluster, Amazon EMR doesn’t change the disableApiStop setting for any of the EC2 instances in the respective EMR cluster.


If you create an instance as part of an Amazon EMR cluster with termination protection, and you use the Amazon EC2 API or Amazon CLI commands to modify the instance so that DisableApiTermination is false, and then the Amazon EC2 API or Amazon CLI commands run the TerminateInstances operation, the Amazon EC2 instance terminates.

Termination protection and unhealthy YARN nodes

Amazon EMR periodically checks the Apache Hadoop YARN status of nodes running on core and task Amazon EC2 instances in a cluster. The health status is reported by the NodeManager health checker service. If a node reports UNHEALTHY, the Amazon EMR instance controller adds the node to a denylist and does not allocate YARN containers to it until it becomes healthy again. Depending on the statuses of termination protection, unhealthy node replacement, and Amazon EMR release version, Amazon EMR will either replace the unhealthy instance or stop allocating controllers to the instance.

Termination protection and termination after step execution

When you enable termination after step execution and also enable termination protection, Amazon EMR ignores the termination protection.

When you submit steps to a cluster, you can set the ActionOnFailure property to determine what happens if the step can't complete execution because of an error. The possible values for this setting are TERMINATE_CLUSTER (TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW with earlier versions), CANCEL_AND_WAIT, and CONTINUE. For more information, see Submit work to an Amazon EMR cluster.

If a step fails that is configured with ActionOnFailure set to CANCEL_AND_WAIT, if termination after step execution is enabled, the cluster terminates without executing subsequent steps.

If a step fails that is configured with ActionOnFailure set to TERMINATE_CLUSTER, use the table of settings below to determine the outcome.

ActionOnFailure Termination after step execution Termination protection Result




Cluster terminates



Cluster terminates



Cluster continues



Cluster terminates

Termination protection and Spot Instances

Amazon EMR termination protection does not prevent an Amazon EC2 Spot Instance from terminating when the Spot price rises above the maximum Spot price.

Configuring termination protection when you launch a cluster

You can enable or disable termination protection when you launch a cluster using the console, the Amazon CLI, or the API.

For single-node clusters, default termination protection settings are as follows:

  • Launching a cluster by Amazon EMR Console —Termination Protection is disabled by default.

  • Launching a cluster by Amazon CLI aws emr create-cluster—Termination Protection is disabled unless --termination-protected is specified.

  • Launching a cluster by Amazon EMR API RunJobFlow command—Termination Protection is disabled unless the TerminationProtected boolean value is set to true.

For high-availability clusters, default termination protection settings are as follows:

  • Launching a cluster by Amazon EMR Console — Termination Protection is enabled by default.

  • Launching a cluster by Amazon CLI aws emr create-cluster—Termination Protection is disabled unless --termination-protected is specified.

  • Launching a cluster by Amazon EMR API RunJobFlow command—Termination Protection is disabled unless the TerminationProtected boolean value is set to true.

To turn termination protection on or off when you create a cluster with the console
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console, and open the Amazon EMR console at

  2. Under EMR on EC2 in the left navigation pane, choose Clusters, and then choose Create cluster.

  3. For EMR release version, choose emr-6.6.0 or later.

  4. Under Cluster termination and node replacement, make sure that Use termination protection is pre-selected, or clear the selection to turn it off.

  5. Choose any other options that apply to your cluster.

  6. To launch your cluster, choose Create cluster.

Amazon CLI
To turn termination protection on or off when you create a cluster using the Amazon CLI
  • With the Amazon CLI, you can launch a cluster with termination protection enabled with the create-cluster command with the --termination-protected parameter. Termination protection is disabled by default.

    The following example creates cluster with termination protection enabled:


    Linux line continuation characters (\) are included for readability. They can be removed or used in Linux commands. For Windows, remove them or replace with a caret (^).

    aws emr create-cluster --name "TerminationProtectedCluster" --release-label emr-7.6.0 \ --applications Name=Hadoop Name=Hive Name=Pig \ --use-default-roles --ec2-attributes KeyName=myKey --instance-type m5.xlarge \ --instance-count 3 --termination-protected

    For more information about using Amazon EMR commands in the Amazon CLI, see

Configuring termination protection for running clusters

You can configure termination protection for a running cluster with the console or the Amazon CLI.

To turn termination protection on or off for a running cluster with the console
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console, and open the Amazon EMR console at

  2. Under EMR on EC2 in the left navigation pane, choose Clusters, and select the cluster that you want to update.

  3. On the Properties tab on the cluster details page, find Cluster termination and select Edit.

  4. Select or clear the Use termination protection check box to turn the feature on or off. Then select Save changes to confirm.

Amazon CLI
To turn termination protection on or off for a running cluster using the Amazon CLI
  • To enable termination protection on a running cluster with the Amazon CLI, use the modify-cluster-attributes command with the --termination-protected parameter. To disable it, use the --no-termination-protected parameter.

    The following example enables termination protection on the cluster with ID j-3KVTXXXXXX7UG:

    aws emr modify-cluster-attributes --cluster-id j-3KVTXXXXXX7UG --termination-protected

    The following example disables termination protection on the same cluster:

    aws emr modify-cluster-attributes --cluster-id j-3KVTXXXXXX7UG --no-termination-protected