Examples using LDAP with Amazon EMR - Amazon EMR
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Examples using LDAP with Amazon EMR

Once you provision an EMR cluster that uses LDAP integration, you can provide your LDAP credentials to any supported application through its built-in username and password authentication mechanism. This page shows some examples.

Using LDAP authentication with Apache Hive

Example - Apache Hive

The following example command starts an Apache Hive session through HiveServer2 and Beeline:

beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://$HOSTNAME:10000/default;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=$TRUSTSTORE_PATH;trustStorePassword=$TRUSTSTORE_PASS" -n LDAP_USERNAME -p LDAP_PASSWORD

Using LDAP authentication with Apache Livy

Example - Apache Livy

The following example command starts a Livy session through cURL. Replace ENCODED-KEYPAIR with a Base64-encoded string for username:password.

curl -X POST --data '{"proxyUser":"LDAP_USERNAME","kind": "pyspark"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ENCODED-KEYPAIR" DNS_OF_PRIMARY_NODE:8998/sessions

Using LDAP authentication with Presto

Example - Presto

The following example command starts a Presto session through the Presto CLI:

presto-cli --user "LDAP_USERNAME" --password --catalog hive

After you run this command, enter the LDAP password at the prompt.

Using LDAP authentication with Trino

Example - Trino

The following example command starts a Trino session through the Trino CLI:

trino-cli --user "LDAP_USERNAME" --password --catalog hive

After you run this command, enter the LDAP password at the prompt.

Using LDAP authentication with Hue

You can access Hue UI through an SSH tunnel that you create on the cluster, or you can set a proxy server to publicly broadcast the connection to Hue. Because Hue doesn't run in HTTPS mode by default, we recommend that you use an additional encryption layer to ensure that communication between clients and the Hue UI is encrypted with HTTPS. This reduces the chance that you might accidentally expose user credentials in plain text.

To use the Hue UI, open the Hue UI in your browser and enter your LDAP username password to log in. If the credentials are correct, Hue logs you in and uses your identity to authenticate you with all supported applications.

Using SSH for password authentication and Kerberos tickets for other applications


We don't recommend that you use password authentication to SSH into an EMR cluster.

You can use your LDAP credentials to SSH to an EMR cluster. To do this, set the EnableSSHLogin configuration to true in the Amazon EMR security configuration that you use to start the cluster. Then, use the following command to SSH to the cluster once its been launched:


After you run this command, enter the LDAP password at the prompt.

Amazon EMR includes an on-cluster script that allows users to generate a Kerberos keytab file and ticket to use with supported applications that don't accept LDAP credentials directly. Some of these applications include spark-submit, Spark SQL, and PySpark.

Run ldap-kinit and follow the prompts. If the authentication succeeds, the Kerberos keytab file appears in your home directory with a valid Kerberos ticket. Use the Kerberos ticket to run applications as you would on any Kerberized environment.