Configuring managed scaling for Amazon EMR - Amazon EMR
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Configuring managed scaling for Amazon EMR

The following sections explain how to launch an EMR cluster that uses managed scaling with the Amazon Web Services Management Console, the Amazon SDK for Java, or the Amazon Command Line Interface.

Use the Amazon Web Services Management Console to configure managed scaling

You can use the Amazon EMR console to configure managed scaling when you create a cluster or to change a managed scaling policy for a running cluster.

New console
To configure managed scaling when you create a cluster with the new console
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console, and open the Amazon EMR console at

  2. Under EMR on EC2 in the left navigation pane, choose Clusters, and then choose Create cluster.

  3. Choose an Amazon EMR release emr-5.30.0 or later, except version emr-6.0.0.

  4. Under Cluster scaling and provisioning option, choose Use EMR-managed scaling. Specify the Minimum and Maximum number of instances, the Maximum core node instances, and the Maximum On-Demand instances.

  5. Choose any other options that apply to your cluster.

  6. To launch your cluster, choose Create cluster.

To configure managed scaling on an existing cluster with the new console
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console, and open the Amazon EMR console at

  2. Under EMR on EC2 in the left navigation pane, choose Clusters, and select the cluster that you want to update.

  3. On the Instances tab of the cluster details page, find the Instance group settings section. Select Edit cluster scaling to specify new values for the Minimum and Maximum number of instances and the On-Demand limit.

Old console

When you create a cluster on the old console, you can configure managed scaling using either quick options or advanced cluster configuration options. You can also create or change a managed scaling policy for a running cluster by modifying the Managed Scaling settings on the Summary or Hardware page.

To use quick options to configure managed scaling when you create a cluster with the old console
  1. Open the Amazon EMR console, choose Create cluster and open Create Cluster - Quick options.

  2. In the Hardware configuration section next to Cluster scaling and provisioning option, choose the checkbox to enable scale cluster nodes based on workload.

  3. Under Core and task units, specify the Minimum and Maximum number of core and task instances.

To use the advanced option to configure managed scaling when you create a cluster with the old console
  1. In the Amazon EMR console, select Create cluster, select Go to advanced options, choose options for Step 1: Software and Steps, and then go to Step 2: Hardware Configuration.

  2. In the Cluster composition section, select Instance fleets or Uniform instance groups.

  3. Under Cluster scaling and provisioning option, select Enable cluster scaling. Then select Use EMR-managed scaling. Under Core and task units, specify the Minimum and Maximum number of instances or instance fleet units, the On-Demand limit, and Maximum Core Node count.

    For clusters composed of instance groups, you can also choose Create a custom automatic scaling policy if you want to define custom automatic scaling policies for each instance group. For more information, see Using automatic scaling with a custom policy for instance groups.

To modify managed scaling on an existing cluster with the old console
  1. Open the Amazon EMR console, select your cluster from the cluster list, and then choose the Hardware tab.

  2. In the Cluster scaling and provisioning option section, select Edit for Amazon EMR managed scaling.

  3. In the Cluster scaling and provisioning option section, specify new values for the Minimum and Maximum number of instances and the On-Demand limit.

Use the Amazon CLI to configure managed scaling

You can use Amazon CLI commands for Amazon EMR to configure managed scaling when you create a cluster. You can use a shorthand syntax, specifying the JSON configuration inline within the relevant commands, or you can reference a file containing the configuration JSON. You can also apply a managed scaling policy to an existing cluster and remove a managed scaling policy that was previously applied. In addition, you can retrieve details of a scaling policy configuration from a running cluster.

Enabling Managed Scaling During Cluster Launch

You can enable managed scaling during cluster launch as the following example demonstrates.

aws emr create-cluster \ --service-role EMR_DefaultRole \ --release-label emr-7.2.0 \ --name EMR_Managed_Scaling_Enabled_Cluster \ --applications Name=Spark Name=Hbase \ --ec2-attributes KeyName=keyName,InstanceProfile=EMR_EC2_DefaultRole \ --instance-groups InstanceType=m4.xlarge,InstanceGroupType=MASTER,InstanceCount=1 InstanceType=m4.xlarge,InstanceGroupType=CORE,InstanceCount=2 \ --region us-east-1 \ --managed-scaling-policy ComputeLimits='{MinimumCapacityUnits=2,MaximumCapacityUnits=4,UnitType=Instances}'

You can also specify a managed policy configuration using the --managed-scaling-policy option when you use create-cluster.

Applying a Managed Scaling Policy to an Existing Cluster

You can apply a managed scaling policy to an existing cluster as the following example demonstrates.

aws emr put-managed-scaling-policy --cluster-id j-123456 --managed-scaling-policy ComputeLimits='{MinimumCapacityUnits=1, MaximumCapacityUnits=10, MaximumOnDemandCapacityUnits=10, UnitType=Instances}'

You can also apply a managed scaling policy to an existing cluster by using the aws emr put-managed-scaling-policy command. The following example uses a reference to a JSON file, managedscaleconfig.json, that specifies the managed scaling policy configuration.

aws emr put-managed-scaling-policy --cluster-id j-123456 --managed-scaling-policy file://./managedscaleconfig.json

The following example shows the contents of the managedscaleconfig.json file, which defines the managed scaling policy.

{ "ComputeLimits": { "UnitType": "Instances", "MinimumCapacityUnits": 1, "MaximumCapacityUnits": 10, "MaximumOnDemandCapacityUnits": 10 } }

Retrieving a Managed Scaling Policy Configuration

The GetManagedScalingPolicy command retrieves the policy configuration. For example, the following command retrieves the configuration for the cluster with a cluster ID of j-123456.

aws emr get-managed-scaling-policy --cluster-id j-123456

The command produces the following example output.

{ "ManagedScalingPolicy": { "ComputeLimits": { "MinimumCapacityUnits": 1, "MaximumOnDemandCapacityUnits": 10, "MaximumCapacityUnits": 10, "UnitType": "Instances" } } }

For more information about using Amazon EMR commands in the Amazon CLI, see

Removing Managed Scaling Policy

The RemoveManagedScalingPolicy command removes the policy configuration. For example, the following command removes the configuration for the cluster with a cluster ID of j-123456.

aws emr remove-managed-scaling-policy --cluster-id j-123456

Use Amazon SDK for Java to configure managed scaling

The following program excerpt shows how to configure managed scaling using the Amazon SDK for Java:

package com.amazonaws.emr.sample; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSStaticCredentialsProvider; import com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider; import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class CreateClusterWithManagedScalingWithIG { public static void main(String[] args) { AWSCredentials credentialsFromProfile = getCreadentials("AWS-Profile-Name-Here"); /** * Create an Amazon EMR client with the credentials and region specified in order to create the cluster */ AmazonElasticMapReduce emr = AmazonElasticMapReduceClientBuilder.standard() .withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(credentialsFromProfile)) .withRegion(Regions.US_EAST_1) .build(); /** * Create Instance Groups - Primary, Core, Task */ InstanceGroupConfig instanceGroupConfigMaster = new InstanceGroupConfig() .withInstanceCount(1) .withInstanceRole("MASTER") .withInstanceType("m4.large") .withMarket("ON_DEMAND"); InstanceGroupConfig instanceGroupConfigCore = new InstanceGroupConfig() .withInstanceCount(4) .withInstanceRole("CORE") .withInstanceType("m4.large") .withMarket("ON_DEMAND"); InstanceGroupConfig instanceGroupConfigTask = new InstanceGroupConfig() .withInstanceCount(5) .withInstanceRole("TASK") .withInstanceType("m4.large") .withMarket("ON_DEMAND"); List<InstanceGroupConfig> igConfigs = new ArrayList<>(); igConfigs.add(instanceGroupConfigMaster); igConfigs.add(instanceGroupConfigCore); igConfigs.add(instanceGroupConfigTask); /** * specify applications to be installed and configured when Amazon EMR creates the cluster */ Application hive = new Application().withName("Hive"); Application spark = new Application().withName("Spark"); Application ganglia = new Application().withName("Ganglia"); Application zeppelin = new Application().withName("Zeppelin"); /** * Managed Scaling Configuration - * Using UnitType=Instances for clusters composed of instance groups * * Other options are: * UnitType = VCPU ( for clusters composed of instance groups) * UnitType = InstanceFleetUnits ( for clusters composed of instance fleets) **/ ComputeLimits computeLimits = new ComputeLimits() .withMinimumCapacityUnits(1) .withMaximumCapacityUnits(20) .withUnitType(ComputeLimitsUnitType.Instances); ManagedScalingPolicy managedScalingPolicy = new ManagedScalingPolicy(); managedScalingPolicy.setComputeLimits(computeLimits); // create the cluster with a managed scaling policy RunJobFlowRequest request = new RunJobFlowRequest() .withName("EMR_Managed_Scaling_TestCluster") .withReleaseLabel("emr-7.2.0") // Specifies the version label for the Amazon EMR release; we recommend the latest release .withApplications(hive,spark,ganglia,zeppelin) .withLogUri("s3://path/to/my/emr/logs") // A URI in S3 for log files is required when debugging is enabled. .withServiceRole("EMR_DefaultRole") // If you use a custom IAM service role, replace the default role with the custom role. .withJobFlowRole("EMR_EC2_DefaultRole") // If you use a custom Amazon EMR role for EC2 instance profile, replace the default role with the custom Amazon EMR role. .withInstances(new JobFlowInstancesConfig().withInstanceGroups(igConfigs) .withEc2SubnetId("subnet-123456789012345") .withEc2KeyName("my-ec2-key-name") .withKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps(true)) .withManagedScalingPolicy(managedScalingPolicy); RunJobFlowResult result = emr.runJobFlow(request); System.out.println("The cluster ID is " + result.toString()); } public static AWSCredentials getCredentials(String profileName) { // specifies any named profile in .aws/credentials as the credentials provider try { return new ProfileCredentialsProvider("AWS-Profile-Name-Here") .getCredentials(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AmazonClientException( "Cannot load credentials from .aws/credentials file. " + "Make sure that the credentials file exists and that the profile name is defined within it.", e); } } public CreateClusterWithManagedScalingWithIG() { } }