Submit a streaming step - Amazon EMR
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Submit a streaming step

This section covers the basics of submitting a streaming step to a cluster. A streaming application reads input from standard input and then runs a script or executable (called a mapper) against each input. The result from each of the inputs is saved locally, typically on a Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) partition. After all the input is processed by the mapper, a second script or executable (called a reducer) processes the mapper results. The results from the reducer are sent to standard output. You can chain together a series of streaming steps, where the output of one step becomes the input of another step.

The mapper and the reducer can each be referenced as a file or you can supply a Java class. You can implement the mapper and reducer in any of the supported languages, including Ruby, Perl, Python, PHP, or Bash.

Submit a streaming step using the console

This example describes how to use the Amazon EMR console to submit a streaming step to a running cluster.

To submit a streaming step
  1. Open the Amazon EMR console at

  2. In the Cluster List, select the name of your cluster.

  3. Scroll to the Steps section and expand it, then choose Add step.

  4. In the Add Step dialog box:

    • For Step type, choose Streaming program.

    • For Name, accept the default name (Streaming program) or type a new name.

    • For Mapper, type or browse to the location of your mapper class in Hadoop, or an S3 bucket where the mapper executable, such as a Python program, resides. The path value must be in the form BucketName/path/MapperExecutable.

    • For Reducer, type or browse to the location of your reducer class in Hadoop, or an S3 bucket where the reducer executable, such as a Python program, resides. The path value must be in the form BucketName/path/MapperExecutable. Amazon EMR supports the special aggregate keyword. For more information, go to the Aggregate library supplied by Hadoop.

    • For Input S3 location, type or browse to the location of your input data.

    • For Output S3 location, type or browse to the name of your Amazon S3 output bucket.

    • For Arguments, leave the field blank.

    • For Action on failure, accept the default option (Continue).

  5. Choose Add. The step appears in the console with a status of Pending.

  6. The status of the step changes from Pending to Running to Completed as the step runs. To update the status, choose the Refresh icon above the Actions column.

Amazon CLI

These examples demonstrate how to use the Amazon CLI to create a cluster and submit a Streaming step.

To create a cluster and submit a streaming step using the Amazon CLI
  • To create a cluster and submit a streaming step using the Amazon CLI, type the following command and replace myKey with the name of your EC2 key pair. Note that your argument for --files should be the Amazon S3 path to your script's location, and the arguments for -mapper and -reducer should be the names of the respective script files.

    aws emr create-cluster --name "Test cluster" --release-label emr-7.5.0 --applications Name=Hue Name=Hive Name=Pig --use-default-roles \ --ec2-attributes KeyName=myKey --instance-type m5.xlarge --instance-count 3 \ --steps Type=STREAMING,Name="Streaming Program",ActionOnFailure=CONTINUE,Args=[--files,pathtoscripts,-mapper,mapperscript,-reducer,reducerscript,aggregate,-input,pathtoinputdata,-output,pathtooutputbucket]

    Linux line continuation characters (\) are included for readability. They can be removed or used in Linux commands. For Windows, remove them or replace with a caret (^).

    When you specify the instance count without using the --instance-groups parameter, a single master node is launched, and the remaining instances are launched as core nodes. All nodes use the instance type specified in the command.


    If you have not previously created the default Amazon EMR service role and EC2 instance profile, type aws emr create-default-roles to create them before typing the create-cluster subcommand.

    For more information on using Amazon EMR commands in the Amazon CLI, see