Configure applications when you create a cluster
When you create a cluster, you can override the default configurations for applications using the Amazon EMR console, the Amazon Command Line Interface (Amazon CLI), or the Amazon SDK.
To override the default configuration for an application, you specify custom values in
a configuration classification. A configuration classification corresponds to a
configuration XML file for an application, such as hive-site.xml
Configuration classifications vary by Amazon EMR release version. For a list of configuration classifications that are available in a specific release version, see the release detail page. For example, Amazon EMR release 6.4.0.
Supply a configuration in the console when you create a cluster
To supply a configuration, navigate to the Create cluster
page and expand Software settings. You can then enter the
configuration directly by using either JSON or a shorthand syntax demonstrated in
shadow text in the console. Otherwise, you can provide an Amazon S3 URI for a file with a
JSON Configurations
To supply a configuration for an instance group, choose a cluster in your list of clusters, then choose the Configurations tab. In the Instance group configurations table, choose the instance group to edit, then choose Reconfigure.
Supply a configuration using the Amazon CLI when you create a cluster
You can provide a configuration to create-cluster by supplying
a path to a JSON file stored locally or in Amazon S3. The following example assumes that
you are using default roles for Amazon EMR and that the roles have been created. If you
need to create the roles, run aws emr create-default-roles
If your configuration is in your local directory, you can use the following example command.
aws emr create-cluster --use-default-roles --release-label
--applications Name=Hive \ --instance-type m5.xlarge --instance-count 3 --configurations file://./configurations.json
If your configuration is in an Amazon S3 path, you'll need to set up the following
workaround before passing the Amazon S3 path to the create-cluster
#!/bin/sh # Assume the ConfigurationS3Path is not public, and its present in the same AWS account as the EMR cluster ConfigurationS3Path="s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/config.json" # Get a presigned HTTP URL for the s3Path ConfigurationURL=`aws s3 presign $ConfigurationS3Path --expires-in 300` # Fetch the presigned URL, and minify the JSON so that it spans only a single line Configurations=`curl $ConfigurationURL | jq -c .` aws emr create-cluster --use-default-roles --release-label emr-5.34.0 --instance-type m5.xlarge --instance-count 2 --applications Name=Hadoop Name=Spark --configurations $Configurations
Supply a configuration using the Java SDK when you create a cluster
The following program excerpt shows how to supply a configuration using the Amazon SDK for Java.
Application hive = new Application().withName("Hive"); Map<String,String> hiveProperties = new HashMap<String,String>(); hiveProperties.put("hive.join.emit.interval","1000"); hiveProperties.put("hive.merge.mapfiles","true"); Configuration myHiveConfig = new Configuration() .withClassification("hive-site") .withProperties(hiveProperties); RunJobFlowRequest request = new RunJobFlowRequest() .withName("Create cluster with ReleaseLabel") .withReleaseLabel("emr-5.20.0") .withApplications(hive) .withConfigurations(myHiveConfig) .withServiceRole("EMR_DefaultRole") .withJobFlowRole("EMR_EC2_DefaultRole") .withInstances(new JobFlowInstancesConfig() .withEc2KeyName("myEc2Key") .withInstanceCount(3) .withKeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps(true) .withMasterInstanceType("m4.large") .withSlaveInstanceType("m4.large") );