Considerations with Sqoop on Amazon EMR - Amazon EMR
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Considerations with Sqoop on Amazon EMR

Consider the following items when you run Sqoop on Amazon EMR.

Using Sqoop with HCatalog integration

Sqoop on Amazon EMR supports Sqoop-HCatalog integration. When you use Sqoop to write output to an HCatalog table in Amazon S3, disable Amazon EMR direct write by setting the and properties to false. For more information, see Using HCatalog. You can use the Hadoop -D and -D commands. If you don't disable direct write, no error occurs, but the table is created in Amazon S3 and no data is written.

Sqoop JDBC and database support

By default, Sqoop has a MariaDB and PostgreSQL driver installed. The PostgreSQL driver installed for Sqoop only works for PostgreSQL 8.4. To install an alternate set of JDBC connectors for Sqoop, connect to the cluster master node and install them in /usr/lib/sqoop/lib. The following are links for various JDBC connectors:

The supported databases for Sqoop are listed at the following url,, where version is the version of Sqoop you are using, for example 1.4.6. If the JDBC connect string does not match those in this list, you must specify a driver.

For example, you can export to an Amazon Redshift database table with the following command (for JDBC 4.1):

sqoop export --connect jdbc:redshift://$MYREDSHIFTHOST:5439/mydb --table mysqoopexport --export-dir s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/myinputfiles/ --driver --username master --password Mymasterpass1

You can use both the MariaDB and MySQL connection strings but if you specify the MariaDB connection string, you need to specify the driver:

sqoop export --connect jdbc:mariadb://$HOSTNAME:3306/mydb --table mysqoopexport --export-dir s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/myinputfiles/ --driver org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver --username master --password Mymasterpass1

If you are using Secure Socket Layer encryption to access your database, you need to use a JDBC URI like in the following Sqoop export example:

sqoop export --connect jdbc:mariadb://$HOSTNAME:3306/mydb?verifyServerCertificate=false&useSSL=true&requireSSL=true --table mysqoopexport --export-dir s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/myinputfiles/ --driver org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver --username master --password Mymasterpass1

For more information about SSL encryption in RDS, see Using SSL to encrypt a connection to a DB instance in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

For more information, see the Apache Sqoop documentation.

Securing your password

There are several methods that you might choose from to securely pass your password:

Java KeyStore

The preferred method encrypts the password with a Java KeyStore (JKS), eliminating the need to store the password in a readable format.

  1. Create a password alias. On prompt, enter the password that you use to access the database.

    hadoop credential create mydb.password.alias -provider jceks://hdfs/user/root/mysql.password.jceks
  2. Use the password alias to launch the Sqoop job:

    sqoop export --connect jdbc:mariadb://$HOSTNAME:3306/mydb --table mysqoopexport --export-dir s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/myinputfiles/ --driver org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver --username master --password-alias mydb.password.alias

You can use the --password-file command to pass the password through a file as shown in the following example:

  1. Create a new file that contains the password:

    echo -n 'Mymasterpass1' > /home/hadoop/mysql-pass.password
  2. Use the file to launch the Sqoop job:

    sqoop export --connect jdbc:mariadb://$HOSTNAME:3306/mydb --table mysqoopexport --export-dir s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/myinputfiles/ --driver org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver --username master --password-file /home/hadoop/mysql-pass.password

You can use the -P command to enter the password through a prompt as shown in the following example:

sqoop export --connect jdbc:mariadb://$HOSTNAME:3306/mydb --table mysqoopexport --export-dir s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/myinputfiles/ --driver org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver --username master -P