In-transit encryption in HiveServer2 - Amazon EMR
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In-transit encryption in HiveServer2

Starting with Amazon EMR release 6.9.0, HiveServer2 (HS2) is TLS/SSL-enabled as part of In-transit encryption in HiveServer2 security configuration. This affects how you connect to HS2 running on an Amazon EMR cluster with in-transit encryption enabled. To connect to HS2, you must modify the TRUSTSTORE_PATH and TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD parameter values in the JDBC URL. The following URL is an example of a JDBC connection for HS2 with the required parameters:


Use the appropriate instuctions for on-cluster or off-cluster HiveServer2 encryption below.

On-cluster HS2 access

If you are accessing HiveServer2 using the Beeline client after you SSH to the primary node, then reference /etc/hadoop/conf/ssl-server.xml to find the TRUSTSTORE_PATH and TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD parameter values using configuration ssl.server.truststore.location and ssl.server.truststore.password.

The following example commands can help you retrieve these configurations:

TRUSTSTORE_PATH=$(sed -n '/ssl.server.truststore.location/,+2p' /etc/hadoop/conf/ssl-server.xml | awk -F "[><]" '/value/{print $3}') TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD=$(sed -n '/ssl.server.truststore.password/,+2p' /etc/hadoop/conf/ssl-server.xml | awk -F "[><]" '/value/{print $3}')
Off-cluster HS2 access

If you are accessing HiveServer2 from a client outside the Amazon EMR cluster. you can use one of the following approaches to get the TRUSTSTORE_PATH and TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD:

  • Convert the PEM file that was created during security configuration to a JKS file and use the same in the JDBC connection URL. For example, with openssl and keytool, use the following commands:

    openssl pkcs12 -export -in trustedCertificates.pem -inkey privateKey.pem -out trustedCertificates.p12 -name "certificate" keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore trustedCertificates.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore trustedCertificates.jks
  • Alternatively, reference /etc/hadoop/conf/ssl-server.xml to find the TRUSTSTORE_PATH and TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD parameter values using configuration ssl.server.truststore.location and ssl.server.truststore.password. Download the truststore file to the client machine and use the path on the client machine as the TRUSTSTORE_PATH.

    For more information on accessing applications from a client outside of the Amazon EMR cluster, see Use the Hive JDBC driver.