Amazon EventBridge Pipes targets - Amazon EventBridge
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Amazon EventBridge Pipes targets

You can send data in your pipe to a specific target. You can configure the following targets when setting up a pipe in EventBridge:

Target parameters

Some target services don't send the event payload to the target, instead, they treat the event as a trigger for invoking a specific API. EventBridge uses the PipeTargetParameters to specify what information gets sent to that API. These include the following:


EventBridge does not support all JSON Path syntax and evaluate it at runtime. Supported syntax includes:

  • dot notation (for example,$.detail)

  • dashes

  • underscores

  • alphanumeric characters

  • array indices

  • wildcards (*)

Dynamic path parameters

EventBridge Pipes target parameters support optional dynamic JSON path syntax. You can use this syntax to specify JSON paths instead of static values (for example $.detail.state). The entire value has to be a JSON path, not only part of it. For example, RedshiftParameters.Sql can be $.detail.state but it can't be "SELECT * FROM $.detail.state". These paths are replaced dynamically at runtime with data from the event payload itself at the specified path. Dynamic path parameters can't reference new or transformed values resulting from input transformation. The supported syntax for dynamic parameter JSON paths is the same as when transforming input. For more information, see Amazon EventBridge Pipes input transformation.

Dynamic syntax can be used on all string, non-enum fields of all EventBridge Pipes enrichment and target parameters except:

For example, to set the PartitionKey of a pipe Kinesis target to a custom key from your source event, set the KinesisTargetParameter.PartitionKey to:

  • "$.data.someKey" for a Kinesis source

  • "$.body.someKey" for an Amazon SQS source

Then, if the event payload is a valid JSON string, such as {"someKey":"someValue"}, EventBridge extracts the value from the JSON path and uses it as the target parameter. In this example, EventBridge would set the Kinesis PartitionKey to "someValue".


To make API calls on the resources that you own, EventBridge Pipes needs appropriate permission. EventBridge PIpes uses the IAM role that you specify on the pipe for enrichment and target calls using the IAM principal

Invoking targets

EventBridge has the following ways to invoke a target:

  • Synchronously (invocation type set to REQUEST_RESPONSE) – EventBridge waits for a response from the target before proceeding.

  • Asynchronously (invocation type set to FIRE_AND_FORGET) – EventBridge doesn't wait for a response before proceeding.

By default, for pipes with ordered sources, EventBridge invokes targets synchronously because a response from the target is needed before proceeding to the next event.

If an source doesn't enforce order, such as a standard Amazon SQS queue, EventBridge can invoke a supported target synchronously or asynchronously.

With Lambda functions and Step Functions state machines, you can configure the invocation type.


For Step Functions state machines, Standard workflows must be invoked asynchronously.