Authorization methods for connections in EventBridge - Amazon EventBridge
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Authorization methods for connections in EventBridge

EventBridge connections support the following authorization methods:

  • Basic

  • API Key

    For Basic and API Key authorization, EventBridge populates the required authorization headers for you.

  • OAuth

    For OAuth authorization, EventBridge also exchanges your client ID and secret for an access token and then manages it securely.

    When you create a connection that uses OAuth authorization, you have the option of specifying a public or private authorization endpoint.

Considerations when using OAuth

Keep in mind the following when using OAuth as an authorization method for connections:

  • EventBridge refreshes OAuth tokens:

    • When a 401 or 407 response is returned.

    • Proactively during an HTTPS invocation, if the token is about to expire.

  • You can use Connection events to be notified when a connection changes state, such as becoming deauthorized.

  • We recommend you set the retry policy to greater than 0 for rules using connections that require OAuth. That way, if an OAuth token has expired, EventBridge will refresh the token when retrying the invocation.

    For more information on setting a retry policy for a rule, see Select targets.

Considerations for connection authorization

When you create a connection, you can also include the header, body, and query parameters that are required for authorization with an endpoint. You can use the same connection for more than one HTTPS endpoint if the authorization for the endpoint is the same.

When you create a connection and add authorization parameters, EventBridge creates a secret in Amazon Secrets Manager. The cost of both storing and accessing the Secrets Manager secret is included with the charge for using an API destination.

For information on how to have EventBridge re-authorize the connection once you have updated it to address authorization or connectivity issues, see Updating connections.


To successfully create or update a connection, you must use an account that has permission to use Secrets Manager. The required permission is included in the AmazonEventBridgeFullAccess policy. The same permission is granted to the service-linked role that's created in your account for the connection.

For examples of how to create a Amazon CloudFormation template that provisions an EventBridge connection with authentication, see AWS::Events::Connection in the CloudFormation User Guide.