SecurityServicePolicyData - Amazon Firewall Manager
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).


Details about the security service that is being used to protect the resources.



The service that the policy is using to protect the resources. This specifies the type of policy that is created, either an Amazon WAF policy, a Shield Advanced policy, or a security group policy. For security group policies, Firewall Manager supports one security group for each common policy and for each content audit policy. This is an adjustable limit that you can increase by contacting Amazon Web Services Support.

Type: String


Required: Yes


Details about the service that are specific to the service type, in JSON format.

  • Example: DNS_FIREWALL



    Valid values for preProcessRuleGroups are between 1 and 99. Valid values for postProcessRuleGroups are between 9901 and 10000.





    Valid values for preProcessRuleGroups are between 1 and 99. Valid values for postProcessRuleGroups are between 9901 and 10000.

  • Example: NETWORK_FIREWALL - Centralized deployment model


    To use the centralized deployment model, you must set PolicyOption to CENTRALIZED.

  • Example: NETWORK_FIREWALL - Distributed deployment model with automatic Availability Zone configuration


    With automatic Availbility Zone configuration, Firewall Manager chooses which Availability Zones to create the endpoints in. To use the distributed deployment model, you must set PolicyOption to NULL.

  • Example: NETWORK_FIREWALL - Distributed deployment model with automatic Availability Zone configuration and route management

    "{\"type\":\"NETWORK_FIREWALL\",\"networkFirewallStatelessRuleGroupReferences\":[{\"resourceARN\":\"arn:aws:network-firewall:us-east-1:123456789011:stateless-rulegroup/test\",\"priority\":1}],\"networkFirewallStatelessDefaultActions\":[\"aws:forward_to_sfe\",\"customActionName\"],\"networkFirewallStatelessFragmentDefaultActions\":[\"aws:forward_to_sfe\",\"customActionName\"],\"networkFirewallStatelessCustomActions\":[{\"actionName\":\"customActionName\",\"actionDefinition\":{\"publishMetricAction\":{\"dimensions\":[{\"value\":\"metricdimensionvalue\"}]}}}],\"networkFirewallStatefulRuleGroupReferences\":[{\"resourceARN\":\"arn:aws:network-firewall:us-east-1:123456789011:stateful-rulegroup/test\"}],\"networkFirewallOrchestrationConfig\":{\"singleFirewallEndpointPerVPC\":false,\"allowedIPV4CidrList\":[\"\",\"\"],\"routeManagementAction\":\"MONITOR\",\"routeManagementTargetTypes\":[\"InternetGateway\"]},\"networkFirewallLoggingConfiguration\":{\"logDestinationConfigs\":[{\"logDestinationType\":\"S3\",\"logType\":\"ALERT\",\"logDestination\":{\"bucketName\":\"s3-bucket-name\"}},{\"logDestinationType\":\"S3\",\"logType\": \"FLOW\",\"logDestination\":{\"bucketName\":\"s3-bucket-name\"}}],\"overrideExistingConfig\":true}}"

    To use the distributed deployment model, you must set PolicyOption to NULL.

  • Example: NETWORK_FIREWALL - Distributed deployment model with custom Availability Zone configuration

    "{\"type\":\"NETWORK_FIREWALL\",\"networkFirewallStatelessRuleGroupReferences\":[{\"resourceARN\":\"arn:aws:network-firewall:us-east-1:123456789011:stateless-rulegroup/test\",\"priority\":1}],\"networkFirewallStatelessDefaultActions\":[\"aws:forward_to_sfe\",\"customActionName\"],\"networkFirewallStatelessFragmentDefaultActions\":[\"aws:forward_to_sfe\",\"fragmentcustomactionname\"],\"networkFirewallStatelessCustomActions\":[{\"actionName\":\"customActionName\", \"actionDefinition\":{\"publishMetricAction\":{\"dimensions\":[{\"value\":\"metricdimensionvalue\"}]}}},{\"actionName\":\"fragmentcustomactionname\",\"actionDefinition\":{\"publishMetricAction\":{\"dimensions\":[{\"value\":\"fragmentmetricdimensionvalue\"}]}}}],\"networkFirewallStatefulRuleGroupReferences\":[{\"resourceARN\":\"arn:aws:network-firewall:us-east-1:123456789011:stateful-rulegroup/test\"}],\"networkFirewallOrchestrationConfig\":{\"firewallCreationConfig\":{ \"endpointLocation\":{\"availabilityZoneConfigList\":[{\"availabilityZoneName\":\"us-east-1a\",\"allowedIPV4CidrList\":[\"\"]},{\"availabilityZoneName\":\"us-east-1b\",\"allowedIPV4CidrList\":[ \"\"]}]} },\"singleFirewallEndpointPerVPC\":false,\"allowedIPV4CidrList\":null,\"routeManagementAction\":\"OFF\",\"networkFirewallLoggingConfiguration\":{\"logDestinationConfigs\":[{\"logDestinationType\":\"S3\",\"logType\":\"ALERT\",\"logDestination\":{\"bucketName\":\"s3-bucket-name\"}},{\"logDestinationType\":\"S3\",\"logType\":\"FLOW\",\"logDestination\":{\"bucketName\":\"s3-bucket-name\"}}],\"overrideExistingConfig\":boolean}}"

    With custom Availability Zone configuration, you define which specific Availability Zones to create endpoints in by configuring firewallCreationConfig. To configure the Availability Zones in firewallCreationConfig, specify either the availabilityZoneName or availabilityZoneId parameter, not both parameters.

    To use the distributed deployment model, you must set PolicyOption to NULL.

  • Example: NETWORK_FIREWALL - Distributed deployment model with custom Availability Zone configuration and route management


    To use the distributed deployment model, you must set PolicyOption to NULL.



  • Example: SECURITY_GROUPS_COMMON - Security group tag distribution


    Firewall Manager automatically distributes tags from the primary group to the security groups created by this policy. To use security group tag distribution, you must also set revertManualSecurityGroupChanges to true, otherwise Firewall Manager won't be able to create the policy. When you enable revertManualSecurityGroupChanges, Firewall Manager identifies and reports when the security groups created by this policy become non-compliant.

    Firewall Manager won't distribute system tags added by Amazon services into the replica security groups. System tags begin with the aws: prefix.

  • Example: Shared VPCs. Apply the preceding policy to resources in shared VPCs as well as to those in VPCs that the account owns

    "{\"type\":\"SECURITY_GROUPS_COMMON\",\"revertManualSecurityGroupChanges\":false,\"exclusiveResourceSecurityGroupManagement\":false, \"applyToAllEC2InstanceENIs\":false,\"includeSharedVPC\":true,\"securityGroups\":[{\"id\":\" sg-000e55995d61a06bd\"}]}"



    The security group action for content audit can be ALLOW or DENY. For ALLOW, all in-scope security group rules must be within the allowed range of the policy's security group rules. For DENY, all in-scope security group rules must not contain a value or a range that matches a rule value or range in the policy security group.



  • Example: SHIELD_ADVANCED with web ACL management


    If you set optimizeUnassociatedWebACL to true, Firewall Manager creates web ACLs in accounts within the policy scope if the web ACLs will be used by at least one resource. Firewall Manager creates web ACLs in the accounts within policy scope only if the web ACLs will be used by at least one resource. If at any time an account comes into policy scope, Firewall Manager automatically creates a web ACL in the account if at least one resource will use the web ACL.

    Upon enablement, Firewall Manager performs a one-time cleanup of unused web ACLs in your account. The cleanup process can take several hours. If a resource leaves policy scope after Firewall Manager creates a web ACL, Firewall Manager doesn't disassociate the resource from the web ACL. If you want Firewall Manager to clean up the web ACL, you must first manually disassociate the resources from the web ACL, and then enable the manage unused web ACLs option in your policy.

    If you set optimizeUnassociatedWebACL to false, and Firewall Manager automatically creates an empty web ACL in each account that's within policy scope.

  • Specification for SHIELD_ADVANCED for Amazon CloudFront distributions

    "{\"type\":\"SHIELD_ADVANCED\",\"automaticResponseConfiguration\": {\"automaticResponseStatus\":\"ENABLED|IGNORED|DISABLED\", \"automaticResponseAction\":\"BLOCK|COUNT\"}, \"overrideCustomerWebaclClassic\":true|false, \"optimizeUnassociatedWebACL\":true|false}"

    For example: "{\"type\":\"SHIELD_ADVANCED\",\"automaticResponseConfiguration\": {\"automaticResponseStatus\":\"ENABLED\", \"automaticResponseAction\":\"COUNT\"}}"

    The default value for automaticResponseStatus is IGNORED. The value for automaticResponseAction is only required when automaticResponseStatus is set to ENABLED. The default value for overrideCustomerWebaclClassic is false.

    For other resource types that you can protect with a Shield Advanced policy, this ManagedServiceData configuration is an empty string.


    Replace THIRD_PARTY_FIREWALL_NAME with the name of the third-party firewall.

    "{ "type":"THIRD_PARTY_FIREWALL", "thirdPartyFirewall":"THIRD_PARTY_FIREWALL_NAME", "thirdPartyFirewallConfig":{ "thirdPartyFirewallPolicyList":["global-1"] }, "firewallDeploymentModel":{ "distributedFirewallDeploymentModel":{ "distributedFirewallOrchestrationConfig":{ "firewallCreationConfig":{ "endpointLocation":{ "availabilityZoneConfigList":[ { "availabilityZoneName":"${AvailabilityZone}" } ] } }, "allowedIPV4CidrList":[ ] } } } }"

  • Example: WAFV2 - Account takeover prevention, Bot Control managed rule groups, optimize unassociated web ACL, and rule action override


    • Bot Control - For information about AWSManagedRulesBotControlRuleSet managed rule groups, see AWSManagedRulesBotControlRuleSet in the Amazon WAF API Reference.

    • Fraud Control account takeover prevention (ATP) - For information about the properties available for AWSManagedRulesATPRuleSet managed rule groups, see AWSManagedRulesATPRuleSet in the Amazon WAF API Reference.

    • Optimize unassociated web ACL - If you set optimizeUnassociatedWebACL to true, Firewall Manager creates web ACLs in accounts within the policy scope if the web ACLs will be used by at least one resource. Firewall Manager creates web ACLs in the accounts within policy scope only if the web ACLs will be used by at least one resource. If at any time an account comes into policy scope, Firewall Manager automatically creates a web ACL in the account if at least one resource will use the web ACL.

      Upon enablement, Firewall Manager performs a one-time cleanup of unused web ACLs in your account. The cleanup process can take several hours. If a resource leaves policy scope after Firewall Manager creates a web ACL, Firewall Manager disassociates the resource from the web ACL, but won't clean up the unused web ACL. Firewall Manager only cleans up unused web ACLs when you first enable management of unused web ACLs in a policy.

      If you set optimizeUnassociatedWebACL to false Firewall Manager doesn't manage unused web ACLs, and Firewall Manager automatically creates an empty web ACL in each account that's within policy scope.

    • Rule action overrides - Firewall Manager supports rule action overrides only for managed rule groups. To configure a RuleActionOverrides add the Name of the rule to override, and ActionToUse, which is the new action to use for the rule. For information about using rule action override, see RuleActionOverride in the Amazon WAF API Reference.

  • Example: WAFV2 - CAPTCHA and Challenge configs


    • CAPTCHA and Challenge configs - If you update the policy's values for associationConfig, captchaConfig, challengeConfig, or tokenDomains, Firewall Manager will overwrite your local web ACLs to contain the new value(s). However, if you don't update the policy's associationConfig, captchaConfig, challengeConfig, or tokenDomains values, the values in your local web ACLs will remain unchanged. For information about association configs, see AssociationConfig. For information about CAPTCHA and Challenge configs, see CaptchaConfig and ChallengeConfig in the Amazon WAF API Reference.

    • defaultSizeInspectionLimit - Specifies the maximum size of the web request body component that an associated Amazon CloudFront distribution should send to Amazon WAF for inspection. For more information, see DefaultSizeInspectionLimit in the Amazon WAF API Reference.

  • Example: WAFV2 - Amazon Firewall Manager support for Amazon WAF managed rule group versioning


    To use a specific version of a Amazon WAF managed rule group in your Firewall Manager policy, you must set versionEnabled to true, and set version to the version you'd like to use. If you don't set versionEnabled to true, or if you omit versionEnabled, then Firewall Manager uses the default version of the Amazon WAF managed rule group.

  • Example: WAFV2 - Logging configurations

    "{\"type\":\"WAFV2\",\"preProcessRuleGroups\":[{\"ruleGroupArn\":null, \"overrideAction\":{\"type\":\"NONE\"},\"managedRuleGroupIdentifier\": {\"versionEnabled\":null,\"version\":null,\"vendorName\":\"AWS\", \"managedRuleGroupName\":\"AWSManagedRulesAdminProtectionRuleSet\"} ,\"ruleGroupType\":\"ManagedRuleGroup\",\"excludeRules\":[], \"sampledRequestsEnabled\":true}],\"postProcessRuleGroups\":[], \"defaultAction\":{\"type\":\"ALLOW\"},\"customRequestHandling\" :null,\"customResponse\":null,\"overrideCustomerWebACLAssociation\" :false,\"loggingConfiguration\":{\"logDestinationConfigs\": [\"arn:aws:s3:::aws-waf-logs-example-bucket\"] ,\"redactedFields\":[],\"loggingFilterConfigs\":{\"defaultBehavior\":\"KEEP\", \"filters\":[{\"behavior\":\"KEEP\",\"requirement\":\"MEETS_ALL\", \"conditions\":[{\"actionCondition\":\"CAPTCHA\"},{\"actionCondition\": \"CHALLENGE\"}, {\"actionCondition\":\"EXCLUDED_AS_COUNT\"}]}]}},\"sampledRequestsEnabledForDefaultActions\":true}"

    Firewall Manager supports Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose and Amazon S3 as the logDestinationConfigs in your loggingConfiguration. For information about Amazon WAF logging configurations, see LoggingConfiguration in the Amazon WAF API Reference

    In the loggingConfiguration, you can specify one logDestinationConfigs. Optionally provide as many as 20 redactedFields. The RedactedFieldType must be one of URI, QUERY_STRING, HEADER, or METHOD.

  • Example: Amazon WAF Classic


Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 30000.

Pattern: ^((?!\\[nr]).)+

Required: No


Contains the settings to configure a network ACL policy, a Amazon Network Firewall firewall policy deployment model, or a third-party firewall policy.

Type: PolicyOption object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: