Mounting from an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance - FSx for Lustre
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Mounting from an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance

You can mount your file system from an Amazon EC2 instance.

To mount your file system from Amazon EC2
  1. Connect to your Amazon EC2 instance.

  2. Make a directory on your FSx for Lustre file system for the mount point with the following command.

    $ sudo mkdir -p /fsx
  3. Mount the Amazon FSx for Lustre file system to the directory that you created. Use the following command and replace the following items:

    • Replace file_system_dns_name with the actual file system's DNS name.

    • Replace mountname with the file system's mount name. This mount name is returned in the CreateFileSystem API operation response. It's also returned in the response of the describe-file-systems Amazon CLI command, and the DescribeFileSystems API operation.

    sudo mount -t lustre -o relatime,flock file_system_dns_name@tcp:/mountname /fsx

    This command mounts your file system with two options, -o relatime and flock:

    • relatime – While the atime option maintains atime (inode access times) data for each time a file is accessed, the relatime option also maintains atime data, but not for each time that a file is accessed. With the relatime option enabled, atime data is written to disk only if the file has been modified since the atime data was last updated (mtime), or if the file was last accessed more than a certain amount of time ago (6 hours by default). Using either the relatime or atime option will optimize the file release processes.


      If your workload requires precise access time accuracy, you can mount with the atime mount option. However, doing so can impact workload performance by increasing the network traffic required to maintain precise access time values.

      If your workload does not require metadata access time, using the noatime mount option to disable updates to access time can provide a performance gain. Be aware that atime focused processes like file release or releasing data validity will be inaccurate in their release.

    • flock – Enables file locking for your file system. If you don't want file locking enabled, use the mount command without flock.

  4. Verify that the mount command was successful by listing the contents of the directory to which you mounted the file system, /mnt/fsx by using the following command.

    $ ls /fsx import-path lustre $

    You can also use the df command, following.

    $ df Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on devtmpfs 1001808 0 1001808 0% /dev tmpfs 1019760 0 1019760 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 1019760 392 1019368 1% /run tmpfs 1019760 0 1019760 0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/xvda1 8376300 1263180 7113120 16% / 123.456.789.0@tcp:/mountname 3547698816 13824 3547678848 1% /fsx tmpfs 203956 0 203956 0% /run/user/1000

    The results show the Amazon FSx file system mounted on /fsx.