Disabling automatic snapshots
Automatic snapshots are enabled by the default snapshot policy for volumes in your
FSx for ONTAP file system. If you don't need snapshots of your data (for example, if you're using
test data), you can disable snapshots by setting the volume's
snapshot policy to none
using the Amazon Web Services Management Console, Amazon CLI
and API, and the ONTAP CLI, as described in the following procedures.
Open the Amazon FSx console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/fsx/
. -
Navigate to File systems and choose the ONTAP file system that you want to update a volume for.
Choose the Volumes tab.
Choose the volume that you want to update.
For Actions, choose Update volume.
The Update volume dialog box displays with the volume's current settings.
For Snapshot policy, choose None.
Choose Update to update the volume.
Use the update-volume Amazon CLI command (or the equivalent UpdateVolume API command), to set the
, as shown in the following example.aws fsx update-volume \ --volume-id fsvol-1234567890abcdefa \ --name new_vol \ --ontap-configuration CopyTagsToBackups=true,JunctionPath=/new_vol, \ SizeInMegabytes=2048,SnapshotPolicy=none, \ StorageEfficiencyEnabled=true, \ TieringPolicy=all
Set the volume's snapshot policy to use the none
default policy to turn off automatic
Use the
volume snapshot policy show
ONTAP CLI command to show the none
snapshot policy show -policy none
Vserver: FsxIdabcdef01234567892 Number of Is Policy Name Schedules Enabled Comment ------------------------ --------- ------- ---------------------------------- none 0 false Policy for no automatic snapshots. Schedule Count Prefix SnapMirror Label ---------------------- ----- ---------------------- ------------------- - - - -
Use the
volume modify
ONTAP ClI command to set the volume's snapshot policy to none
to disable automatic snapshots. Replace the following placeholder values with your data:-
— use your SVM's name.svm_name
— use your volume's name.vol_name
When prompted to continue, enter
volume modify -vserver
-snapshot-policy noneWarning: You are changing the Snapshot policy on volume "
" to "none". Snapshot copies on this volume that do not match any of the prefixes of the new Snapshot policy will not be deleted. However, when the new Snapshot policy takes effect, depending on the new retention count, any existing Snapshot copies that continue to use the same prefixes might be deleted. See the 'volume modify' man page for more information. Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y Volume modify successful on volumevol_name
of Vserversvm_name
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