How players connect to games
A game session is an instance of your game running on Amazon GameLift Servers. To play your game, a player can either find and join an existing game session or create a new game session and join it. A player joins by creating a player session for the game session. If the game session is open for players, then Amazon GameLift Servers reserves a slot for the player and provides connection information. The player can then connect to the game session and claim the reserved slot.
For detailed information about creating and managing game sessions and player sessions with custom game servers, see Add Amazon GameLift Servers to your game client. For information about connecting players to Amazon GameLift Servers Realtime, see Integrating a game client for Amazon GameLift Servers Realtime.
Amazon GameLift Servers provides several features related to game and player sessions.
- Host game sessions on best available resources across multiple locations
Choose from multiple options when configuring how Amazon GameLift Servers selects resources to host new game sessions. If you're running fleets in multiple locations, then you can design game session queues that place new game sessions on any fleet regardless of location.
- Control player access to game sessions
Configure game sessions to allow or deny join requests from new players, regardless of the number of players connected.
- Use custom game and player data
Add custom data to game session objects and player session objects. Amazon GameLift Servers passes game session data to a game server when starting a new game session. Amazon GameLift Servers passes player session data to the game server when a player connects to the game session.
- Filter and sort available game sessions
Use session search and sort to find the best possible match for a prospective player, or let player choose from a list of available game sessions. Use session search and sort to find game sessions based on session characteristics . You can also search and sort based on your own custom game data.
- Track game and player usage data
Automatically have logs stored for completed game sessions. You can set up log storage when integrating Amazon GameLift Servers into your game servers. For more information, see Logging server messages in Amazon GameLift Servers.
Use the Amazon GameLift Servers console to view detailed information about game sessions, including session metadata, settings, and player session data. For more information, see Game and player sessions in the Amazon GameLift Servers console and Metrics.