Amazon GameLift service locations - Amazon GameLift
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Amazon GameLift service locations

Amazon GameLift is available in across multiple Amazon Web Services Regions and Local Zones. See also Amazon GameLift endpoints and quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

Amazon GameLift managed hosting

Amazon GameLift managed hosting deploys game server resources as fleets. Each fleet is associated with an Amazon Web Services Region, which is referred to as the fleet's home region. A fleet's home region is referenced in the fleet's Amazon Resource Number (ARN).

You can deploy a single-region fleet, with hosting resources in the home region only. Alternatively, you can deploy a multi-location fleet, with hosting resources in multiple geographic locations. A multi-location fleet has a home region and one or more remote locations. Remote locations can be any of the Amazon Web Services Regions or Local Zones that Amazon GameLift supports. You can manage the capacity for each location individually. 

The following diagram illustrates a multi-location fleet with resources in two Regions. The fleet hosts game servers in the us-west-2 home Region and a remote location in the us-east-2 Region.

A multi-location Amazon GameLift fleet with two locations, each with their own game server resources.

A Local Zone is an extension of an Amazon Web Services Region. Use Local Zones in your multi-location fleets to run game servers that are geographically closer to your players and minimize gameplay latency. For more information, see Amazon Local Zones. A Local Zone location code is its parent Region code followed by a physical location identifier. For example, the code for the Los Angeles Local Zone is us-west-2-lax-1.

The following diagram illustrates a fleet with resources in two Regions and one Local Zone. The fleet hosts game servers in the us-west-2 home Region and in these remote locations: the us-east-2 Region, and the us-west-2-lax-1 Local Zone.

An Amazon GameLift fleet with three locations, including a Local Zone, each with their own game server resources.

For game session placement on hosting fleets, Amazon GameLift uses game session queues. You can create a game session queue resource in any Amazon Web Services Region that Amazon GameLift supports. Amazon GameLift routes game session placement requests to the queue and processes them in that location. A queue's location might impact latency in the game session placement process.

Supported Amazon Regions

You can create an Amazon GameLift fleet in the following Amazon Regions. For a multi-location fleet, place the fleet in a Region that offers multi-location support. You can add any of the listed Regions as remote locations.

Region code Location Multi-location support
us-east-1 US East (N. Virginia) Yes
us-east-2 US East (Ohio)
us-west-1 US West (N. California)
us-west-2 US West (Oregon) Yes
ap-northeast-1 Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Yes
ap-northeast-2 Asia Pacific (Seoul) Yes
ap-south-1 Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
ap-southeast-1 Asia Pacific (Singapore)
ap-southeast-2 Asia Pacific (Sydney) Yes
ca-central-1 Canada (Central)
eu-central-1 Europe (Frankfurt) Yes
eu-west-1 Europe (Ireland) Yes
eu-west-2 Europe (London)
sa-east-1 South America (São Paulo)

Not all Amazon Web Services Regions are enabled by default for an Amazon Web Services account. If you want a multi-location fleet with instances in these Regions, you must enable them. For more information about Regions that aren't enabled by default and how to enable them, see Managing Amazon Web Services Regions in the Amazon Web Services General Reference. Fleets that you created before February 28, 2022 are unaffected.

In addition, you must update your Amazon GameLift administrator policy to allow the ec2:DescribeRegions action. For a policy example with Regions that aren't enabled by default, see Administrator permission examples.

Additional remote locations

Add any of the following Amazon Regions to a multi-location fleet as remote locations. These Regions can't be used as a fleet's home region.

Region code Location
af-south-1 Africa (Cape Town)
ap-east-1 Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)
ap-northeast-3 Asia Pacific (Osaka)
eu-north-1 Europe (Stockholm)
eu-south-1 Europe (Milan)
eu-west-3 Europe (Paris)
me-south-1 Middle East (Bahrain)

Amazon GameLift FlexMatch

With FlexMatch, you can create your matchmaker (including matchmaking configuration and rule set) in Amazon Web Services Regions that support FlexMatch resources. Amazon GameLift routes match requests to the matchmaker and processes them in that location. A matchmaker's location might impact latency in the matchmaking process.

Game sessions for matches are placed using a game session queue. Amazon GameLift can place match-generated game sessions at any location in an Amazon GameLift fleet.

For more information, see What is Amazon GameLift FlexMatch?