Snowflake connections - Amazon Glue
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Snowflake connections

You can use Amazon Glue for Spark to read from and write to tables in Snowflake in Amazon Glue 4.0 and later versions. You can read from Snowflake with a SQL query. You can connect to Snowflake using a user and password. You can refer to Snowflake credentials stored in Amazon Secrets Manager through the Amazon Glue Data Catalog. Data Catalog Snowflake credentials for Amazon Glue for Spark are stored separately from Data Catalog Snowflake credentials for crawlers. You must choose a SNOWFLAKE type connection and not a JDBC type connection configured to connect to Snowflake.

For more information about Snowflake, see the Snowflake website. For more information about Snowflake on Amazon, see Snowflake Data Warehouse on Amazon Web Services.

Configuring Snowflake connections

There are no Amazon prerequisites to connecting to Snowflake databases available through the internet.

Optionally, you can perform the following configuration to manage your connection credentials with Amazon Glue.

To manage your connection credentials with Amazon Glue
  1. In Snowflake, generate a user, snowflakeUser and password, snowflakePassword.

  2. In Amazon Secrets Manager, create a secret using your Snowflake credentials. To create a secret in Secrets Manager, follow the tutorial available in Create an Amazon Secrets Manager secret in the Amazon Secrets Manager documentation. After creating the secret, keep the Secret name, secretName for the next step.

    • When selecting Key/value pairs, create a pair for snowflakeUser with the key sfUser.

    • When selecting Key/value pairs, create a pair for snowflakePassword with the key sfPassword.

    • When selecting Key/value pairs, you can provide your Snowflake warehouse with the key sfWarehouse.

  3. In the Amazon Glue Data Catalog, create a connection by following the steps in Adding an Amazon Glue connection. After creating the connection, keep the connection name, connectionName, for the next step.

    • When selecting a Connection type, select Snowflake.

    • When selecting Snowflake URL, provide the URL of your Snowflake instance. The URL will use a hostname in the form

    • When selecting an Amazon Secret, provide secretName.

  4. In your Amazon Glue job configuration, provide connectionName as an Additional network connection.

In the following situations, you may require the following:

  • For Snowflake hosted on Amazon in an Amazon VPC

    • You will need appropriate Amazon VPC configuration for Snowflake. For more information on how to configure your Amazon VPC, consult Amazon PrivateLink & Snowflake in the Snowflake documentation.

    • You will need appropriate Amazon VPC configuration for Amazon Glue. Configuring interface VPC endpoints (Amazon PrivateLink) for Amazon Glue (Amazon PrivateLink).

    • You will need to create a Amazon Glue Data Catalog connection that provides Amazon VPC connection information (in addition to the id of an Amazon Secrets Manager secret that defines your Snowflake security credentials). Your URL will change when using Amazon PrivateLink, as described in the Snowflake documentation linked in a previous item.

    • You will need your job configuration in include the Data Catalog connection as an Additional network connection.

Reading from Snowflake tables

Prerequisites: A Snowflake table you would like to read from. You will need the Snowflake table name, tableName. You will need your Snowflake url snowflakeUrl, username snowflakeUser and password snowflakePassword. If your Snowflake user does not have a default namespace set, you will need the Snowflake database name, databaseName and the schema name schemaName. Additionally, if your Snowflake user does not have a default warehouse set, you will need a warehouse name warehouseName.

For example:

Additional Prerequisites: Complete the steps To manage your connection credentials with Amazon Glue to configure snowflakeUrl, snowflakeUsername and snowflakePassword. To review these steps, see Configuring Snowflake connections, the previous section. To select which Additional network connection to connect with, we will use the connectionName parameter.

snowflake_read = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options( connection_type="snowflake", connection_options={ "connectionName": "connectionName", "dbtable": "tableName", "sfDatabase": "databaseName", "sfSchema": "schemaName", "sfWarehouse": "warehouseName", } )

Additionally, you can use the autopushdown and query parameters to read a portion of a Snowflake table. This can be substantially more efficient than filtering your results after they have been loaded into Spark. Consider an example where all sales are stored in the same table, but you only need to analyze sales from a certain store on holidays. If that information is stored in the table, you could use predicate pushdown to retrieve the results as follows:

snowflake_node = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options( connection_type="snowflake", connection_options={ "autopushdown": "on", "query": "select * from sales where store='1' and IsHoliday='TRUE'", "connectionName": "snowflake-glue-conn", "sfDatabase": "databaseName", "sfSchema": "schemaName", "sfWarehouse": "warehouseName", } )

Writing to Snowflake tables

Prerequisites: A Snowflake database you would like to write to. You will need a current or desired table name, tableName. You will need your Snowflake url snowflakeUrl, username snowflakeUser and password snowflakePassword. If your Snowflake user does not have a default namespace set, you will need the Snowflake database name, databaseName and the schema name schemaName. Additionally, if your Snowflake user does not have a default warehouse set, you will need a warehouse name warehouseName.

For example:

Additional Prerequisites: Complete the steps To manage your connection credentials with Amazon Glue to configure snowflakeUrl, snowflakeUsername and snowflakePassword. To review these steps, see Configuring Snowflake connections, the previous section. To select which Additional network connection to connect with, we will use the connectionName parameter.

glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options( connection_type="snowflake", connection_options={ "connectionName": "connectionName", "dbtable": "tableName", "sfDatabase": "databaseName", "sfSchema": "schemaName", "sfWarehouse": "warehouseName", }, )

Snowflake connection option reference

The Snowflake connection type takes the following connection options:

You can retrieve some of the parameters in this section from a Data Catalog connection (sfUrl, sfUser, sfPassword), in which case you are not required to provide them. You can do this by providing the parameter connectionName.

You can retrieve some of the parameters in this section from an Amazon Secrets Manager secret (sfUser, sfPassword), in which case you are not required to provide them. The secret must provide the content under the sfUser and sfPassword keys. You can do this by providing the parameter secretId.

The following parameters are used generally when connecting to Snowflake.

  • sfDatabase — Required if a user default is not set in Snowflake. Used for Read/Write. The database to use for the session after connecting.

  • sfSchema — Required if a user default is not set in Snowflake. Used for Read/Write. The schema to use for the session after connecting.

  • sfWarehouse — Required if a user default is not set in Snowflake. Used for Read/Write. The default virtual warehouse to use for the session after connecting.

  • sfRole — Required if a user default is not set in Snowflake. Used for Read/Write. The default security role to use for the session after connecting.

  • sfUrl — (Required) Used for Read/Write. Specifies the hostname for your account in the following format: For more information about account identifiers, see Account Identifiers in the Snowflake documentation.

  • sfUser — (Required) Used for Read/Write. Login name for the Snowflake user.

  • sfPassword — (Required unless pem_private_key provided) Used for Read/Write. Password for the Snowflake user.

  • dbtable — Required when working with full tables. Used for Read/Write. The name of the table to be read or the table to which data is written. When reading, all columns and records are retrieved.

  • pem_private_key — Used for Read/Write. An unencrypted b64-encoded private key string. The private key for the Snowflake user. It is common to copy this out of a PEM file. For more information, see Key-pair authentication and key-pair rotation in the Snowflake documentation.

  • query — Required when reading with a query. Used for Read. The exact query (SELECT statement) to run

The following options are used to configure specific behaviors during the process of connecting to Snowflake.

  • preactions — Used for Read/Write. Valid Values: Semicolon separated list of SQL statements as String. SQL statements run before data is transferred between Amazon Glue and Snowflake. If a statement contains %s, the %s is replaced with the table name referenced for the operation.

  • postactions — Used for Read/Write. SQL statements run after data is transferred between Amazon Glue and Snowflake. If a statement contains %s, the %s is replaced with the table name referenced for the operation.

  • autopushdown — Default: "on". Valid Values: "on", "off". This parameter controls whether automatic query pushdown is enabled. If pushdown is enabled, then when a query is run on Spark, if part of the query can be "pushed down" to the Snowflake server, it is pushed down. This improves performance of some queries. For information about whether your query can be pushed down, consult Pushdown in the Snowflake documentation.

Additionally, some of the options available on the Snowflake Spark connector may be supported in Amazon Glue. For more information about options available on the Snowflake Spark connector, see Setting Configuration Options for the Connector in the Snowflake documentation.

Snowflake connector limitations

Connecting to Snowflake with Amazon Glue for Spark is subject to the following limitations.

  • This connector does not support job bookmarks. For more information about job bookmarks, see Tracking processed data using job bookmarks.

  • This connector does not support Snowflake reads and writes through tables in the Amazon Glue Data Catalog using the create_dynamic_frame.from_catalog and write_dynamic_frame.from_catalog methods.

  • This connector does not support connecting to Snowflake with credentials other than user and password.

  • This connector is not supported within streaming jobs.

  • This connector supports SELECT statement based queries when retrieving information (such as with the query parameter). Other kind of queries (such as SHOW, DESC, or DML statements) are not supported.

  • Snowflake limits the size of query text (i.e. SQL statements) submitted through Snowflake clients to 1 MB per statement. For more details, see Limits on Query Text Size.