Creating a BigQuery source node - Amazon Glue
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Creating a BigQuery source node

Prerequisites needed

  • A BigQuery type Amazon Glue Data Catalog connection

  • An Amazon Secrets Manager secret for your Google BigQuery credentials, used by the connection.

  • Appropriate permissions on your job to read the secret used by the connection.

  • The name and dataset of the table and corresponding Google Cloud project you would like to read.

Adding a BigQuery data source

To add a Data source – BigQuery node:
  1. Choose the connection for your BigQuery data source. Since you have created it, it should be available in the dropdown. If you need to create a connection, choose Create BigQuery connection. For more information, see Overview of using connectors and connections .

    Once you have chosen a connection, you can view the connection properties by clicking View properties.

  2. Identify what BigQuery data you would like to read, then choose a BigQuery Source option

    • Choose a single table – allows you to pull all data from a table.

    • Enter a custom query – allows you to customize which data is retrieved by providing a query.

  3. Describe the data you would like to read

    (Required) set Parent Project to the project containing your table, or a billing parent project, if relevant.

    If you chose a single table, set Table to the name of a Google BigQuery table in the following format: [dataset].[table]

    If you chose a query, provide it to Query. In your query, refer to tables with their fully qualified table name, in the format: [project].[dataset].[tableName].

  4. Provide BigQuery properties

    If you chose a single table, you do not need to provide additional properties.

    If you chose a query, you must provide the following Custom Google BigQuery properties:

    • Set viewsEnabled to true.

    • Set materializationDataset to a dataset. The GCP principal authenticated by the credentials provided through the Amazon Glue connection must be able to create tables in this dataset.