Data Quality for ETL jobs in Amazon Glue Studio notebooks - Amazon Glue
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Data Quality for ETL jobs in Amazon Glue Studio notebooks

In this tutorial, you learn how to use Amazon Glue Data Quality for extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs in Amazon Glue Studio notebooks.

You can use notebooks in Amazon Glue Studio to edit job scripts and view the output without having to run a full job. You can also add markdown and save notebooks as .ipynb files and job scripts. Note that you can start a notebook without installing software locally or managing servers. When you're satisfied with your code, you can use Amazon Glue Studio to easily convert your notebook to an Amazon Glue job.

The dataset that you use in this example consists of Medicare Provider payment data that was downloaded from two datasets: "Inpatient Prospective Payment System Provider Summary for the Top 100 Diagnosis-Related Groups - FY2011" and "Inpatient Charge Data FY 2011".

After downloading the data, we modified the dataset to introduce a couple of erroneous records at the end of the file. This modified file is located in a public Amazon S3 bucket at s3://awsglue-datasets/examples/medicare/Medicare_Hospital_Provider.csv.


Creating an ETL job in Amazon Glue Studio

To create an ETL job
  1. Change the session version to Amazon Glue 3.0.

    To do this, remove all boilerplate code cells with the following magic and run the cell. Note that this boilerplate code is automatically provided in the first cell when a new notebook is created.

    %glue_version 3.0
  2. Copy the following code and run it in the cell.

    import sys from awsglue.transforms import * from awsglue.utils import getResolvedOptions from pyspark.context import SparkContext from awsglue.context import GlueContext from awsglue.job import Job sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate() glueContext = GlueContext(sc) spark = glueContext.spark_session job = Job(glueContext)
  3. In the next cell, import the EvaluateDataQuality class that evaluatesAmazon Glue Data Quality.

    from awsgluedq.transforms import EvaluateDataQuality
  4. In the next cell, read in the source data by using the .csv file that's stored in the public Amazon S3 bucket.

    medicare = "csv").option( "header", "true").option( "inferSchema", "true").load( 's3://awsglue-datasets/examples/medicare/Medicare_Hospital_Provider.csv') medicare.printSchema()
  5. Convert the data to an Amazon Glue DynamicFrame.

    from awsglue.dynamicframe import DynamicFrame medicare_dyf = DynamicFrame.fromDF(medicare,glueContext,"medicare_dyf")
  6. Create the ruleset using Data Quality Definition Language (DQDL).

    EvaluateDataQuality_ruleset = """ Rules = [ ColumnExists "Provider Id", IsComplete "Provider Id", ColumnValues " Total Discharges " > 15 ] ] """
  7. Validate the dataset against the ruleset.

    EvaluateDataQualityMultiframe = EvaluateDataQuality().process_rows( frame=medicare_dyf, ruleset=EvaluateDataQuality_ruleset, publishing_options={ "dataQualityEvaluationContext": "EvaluateDataQualityMultiframe", "enableDataQualityCloudWatchMetrics": False, "enableDataQualityResultsPublishing": False, }, additional_options={"performanceTuning.caching": "CACHE_NOTHING"}, )
  8. Review the results.

    ruleOutcomes = SelectFromCollection.apply( dfc=EvaluateDataQualityMultiframe, key="ruleOutcomes", transformation_ctx="ruleOutcomes", ) ruleOutcomes.toDF().show(truncate=False)


    --------------------------------------+-------+-----------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ |Rule |Outcome|FailureReason |EvaluatedMetrics | +--------------------------------------+-------+-----------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ |ColumnExists "Provider Id" |Passed |null |{} | |IsComplete "Provider Id" |Passed |null |{Column.Provider Id.Completeness -> 1.0} | |ColumnValues " Total Discharges " > 15|Failed |Value: 11.0 does not meet the constraint requirement!|{Column. Total Discharges .Minimum -> 11.0}| +--------------------------------------+-------+-----------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+
  9. Filter passed rows and review the failed rows from the Data Quality row-level results.

    owLevelOutcomes = SelectFromCollection.apply( dfc=EvaluateDataQualityMultiframe, key="rowLevelOutcomes", transformation_ctx="rowLevelOutcomes", ) rowLevelOutcomes_df = rowLevelOutcomes.toDF() # Convert Glue DynamicFrame to SparkSQL DataFrame rowLevelOutcomes_df_passed = rowLevelOutcomes_df.filter(rowLevelOutcomes_df.DataQualityEvaluationResult == "Passed") # Filter only the Passed records. rowLevelOutcomes_df.filter(rowLevelOutcomes_df.DataQualityEvaluationResult == "Failed").show(5, truncate=False) # Review the Failed records


    +----------------------------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------+-------------+--------------+-----------------+------------------------------------+------------------+-------------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ |DRG Definition |Provider Id|Provider Name |Provider Street Address |Provider City|Provider State|Provider Zip Code|Hospital Referral Region Description| Total Discharges | Average Covered Charges | Average Total Payments |Average Medicare Payments|DataQualityRulesPass |DataQualityRulesFail |DataQualityRulesSkip |DataQualityEvaluationResult| +----------------------------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------+-------------+--------------+-----------------+------------------------------------+------------------+-------------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ |039 - EXTRACRANIAL PROCEDURES W/O CC/MCC|10005 |MARSHALL MEDICAL CENTER SOUTH |2505 U S HIGHWAY 431 NORTH|BOAZ |AL |35957 |AL - Birmingham |14 |$15131.85 |$5787.57 |$4976.71 |[IsComplete "Provider Id"]|[ColumnValues " Total Discharges " > 15]|[ColumnExists "Provider Id"]|Failed | |039 - EXTRACRANIAL PROCEDURES W/O CC/MCC|10046 |RIVERVIEW REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER |600 SOUTH THIRD STREET |GADSDEN |AL |35901 |AL - Birmingham |14 |$67327.92 |$5461.57 |$4493.57 |[IsComplete "Provider Id"]|[ColumnValues " Total Discharges " > 15]|[ColumnExists "Provider Id"]|Failed | |039 - EXTRACRANIAL PROCEDURES W/O CC/MCC|10083 |SOUTH BALDWIN REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER|1613 NORTH MCKENZIE STREET|FOLEY |AL |36535 |AL - Mobile |15 |$25411.33 |$5282.93 |$4383.73 |[IsComplete "Provider Id"]|[ColumnValues " Total Discharges " > 15]|[ColumnExists "Provider Id"]|Failed | |039 - EXTRACRANIAL PROCEDURES W/O CC/MCC|30002 |BANNER GOOD SAMARITAN MEDICAL CENTER |1111 EAST MCDOWELL ROAD |PHOENIX |AZ |85006 |AZ - Phoenix |11 |$34803.81 |$7768.90 |$6951.45 |[IsComplete "Provider Id"]|[ColumnValues " Total Discharges " > 15]|[ColumnExists "Provider Id"]|Failed | |039 - EXTRACRANIAL PROCEDURES W/O CC/MCC|30010 |CARONDELET ST MARYS HOSPITAL |1601 WEST ST MARY'S ROAD |TUCSON |AZ |85745 |AZ - Tucson |12 |$35968.50 |$6506.50 |$5379.83 |[IsComplete "Provider Id"]|[ColumnValues " Total Discharges " > 15]|[ColumnExists "Provider Id"]|Failed | +----------------------------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------+-------------+--------------+-----------------+------------------------------------+------------------+-------------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------------+----------------------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ only showing top 5 rows

    Note that Amazon Glue Data Quality added four new columns (DataQualityRulesPass, DataQualityRulesFail, DataQualityRulesSkip, and DataQualityEvaluationResult). This indicates the records that passed, the records that failed, rules skipped for row-level evaluation, and the overall row-level results.

  10. Write the output to an Amazon S3 bucket to analyze the data and visualize the results.

    #Write the Passed records to the destination. glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options( frame = rowLevelOutcomes_df_passed, connection_type = "s3", connection_options = {"path": "s3://glue-sample-target/output-dir/medicare_parquet"}, format = "parquet")