ColumnDataType - Amazon Glue
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Checks the inherent data type of the values in a given column against the provided expected type. Accepts a with threshold expression to check for a subset of the values in the column.


ColumnDataType <COL_NAME> = <EXPECTED_TYPE> ColumnDataType <COL_NAME> = <EXPECTED_TYPE> with threshold <EXPRESSION>
  • COL_NAME – The name of the column that you want to evaluate the data quality rule against.

    Supported column types: String type

    Supported column types: Byte, Decimal, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short

  • EXPECTED_TYPE – The expected type of the values in the column.

    Supported values: Boolean, Date, Timestamp, Integer, Double, Float, Long

    Supported column types: Byte, Decimal, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short

  • EXPRESSION – An optional expression to specify the percentage of values that should be of the expected type.

    Supported column types: Byte, Decimal, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short

Example: Column data type integers as strings

The following example rule checks whether the values in the given column, which is of type string, are actually integers.

ColumnDataType "colA" = "INTEGER"

Example: Column data type integers as strings check for a subset of the values

The following example rule checks whether more than 90% of the values in the given column, which is of type string, are actually integers.

ColumnDataType "colA" = "INTEGER" with threshold > 0.9