Interactive sessions with IAM
These sections describe security considerations for Amazon Glue interactive sessions.
IAM principals used with interactive sessions
You use two IAM principals used with Amazon Glue interactive sessions.
Client principal: The client principal (either a user or a role) authorizes API operations for interactive sessions from an Amazon Glue client that's configured with the principal's identity-based credentials. For example, this could be an IAM role that you typically use to access the Amazon Glue console. This could also be a role given to a user in IAM whose credentials are used for the Amazon Command Line Interface, or an Amazon Glue client used by the interactive sessions Jupyter kernel.
Runtime role: The runtime role is an IAM role that the client principal passes to interactive sessions API operations. Amazon Glue uses this role to run statements in your session. For example, this role could be the one used for running Amazon Glue ETL jobs.
For more information, see Setting up a runtime role.
Setting up a client principal
You must attach an identity policy to the client principal to allow it to call
the interactive sessions API. This role must have iam:PassRole
access to the
execution role that you would pass to the interactive sessions API, such as
. For example, you can attach the
AWSGlueConsoleFullAccess managed policy to an IAM role which allows
users in your account with the policy attached to access all
the sessions created in your account (such as runtime statement or cancel statement).
If you would like to protect your session and make it private only to certain IAM roles, such as ones associated with the user who created the session then you can use Amazon Glue Interactive Session's Tag Based Authorization Control called TagOnCreate. For more information, see Make your session private with TagOnCreate on how an owner tag-based scoped down managed policy can make your session private with TagOnCreate. For more information on identity-based policies, see Identity-based policies for Amazon Glue.
Setting up a runtime role
You must pass an IAM role to the CreateSession API operation in order to allow Amazon Glue to assume and run statements in interactive sessions. The role should have the same IAM permissions as those required to run a typical Amazon Glue job. For example, you can create a service role using the AWSGlueServiceRole policy that allows Amazon Glue to call Amazon services on your behalf. If you use the Amazon Glue console, it will automatically create a service role on your behalf or use an existing one. You can also create your own IAM role and attach your own IAM policy to allow similar permissions.
If you would like to protect your session and make it private only to the user who created the session then you can use Amazon Glue Interactive Session's Tag Based Authorization Control called TagOnCreate. For more information, see Make your session private with TagOnCreate on how an owner tag-based scoped down managed policy can make your session private with TagOnCreate. For more information on identity-based policies, see Identity-based policies for Amazon Glue. If you are creating the execution role by yourself from the IAM console and you want to make your service private with TagOnCreate feature then follow the steps below.
Create an IAM role with role type set to
. -
Attach this Amazon Glue managed policy: AwsGlueSessionUserRestrictedServiceRole
Prefix the role name with the policy name AwsGlueSessionUserRestrictedServiceRole. For example, you can create a role with name AwsGlueSessionUserRestrictedServiceRole-myrole and attach Amazon Glue managed policy AwsGlueSessionUserRestrictedServiceRole.
Attach a trust policy like following to allow Amazon Glue to assume the role:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "" ] }, "Action": [ "sts:AssumeRole" ] } ] }
For an interactive sessions Jupyter kernel, you can specify the iam_role
key in your Amazon Command Line Interface profile. For more information,
Configuring sessions with ~/.aws/config
magic in the first cell that you run.
Make your session private with TagOnCreate
Amazon Glue interactive sessions supports tagging and Tag Based Authorization (TBAC) for interactive sessions as a named resource. In addition to TBAC using TagResource and UntagResource APIs, Amazon Glue interactive sessions supports the TagOnCreate feature to 'tag' a session with a given tag only during session creation with CreateSession operation. This also means those tags will be removed on DeleteSession, aka UntagOnDelete.
TagOnCreate offers a powerful security mechanism to make your session private to the creator of the session. For example, you can attach an IAM policy with "owner" RequestTag and value of ${aws:userId} to a client principal (such as an user) in order to allow creating a session only if an "owner" tag with matching value of the callers userId is provided as userId tag in CreateSession request. This policy allows Amazon Glue interactive sessions to create a session resource and tag the session with the userId tag only during session creation time. In addition to it you can scope down the access (like running statements) to your session only to the creator (aka owner tag with value ${aws:userId}) of the session by attaching an IAM policy with "owner" ResourceTag to the execution role you passed in during CreateSession.
In order to make it easier for you to use TagOnCreate feature to make a session private to the session creator, Amazon Glue provides specialized managed policies and service roles.
If you want to create a Amazon Glue Interactive Session using an IAM AssumeRole principal (that is, using credential vended
by assuming an IAM role) and you want to make the session private to the creator, then use policies similar to the AWSGlueSessionUserRestrictedNotebookPolicy
and AWSGlueSessionUserRestrictedNotebookServiceRole
respectively. These policies allow Amazon Glue to use ${aws:PrincipalTag} to extract the owner tag value.
This requires you to pass a userId tag with value ${aws:userId} as SessionTag in the assume role credential. See
ID session tags
For example, If you are creating a session using an IAM AssumeRole principal credential and you want to make your service private with TagOnCreate feature then follow the steps below.
Create a runtime role yourself from the IAM console. Please attach this Amazon Glue managed policy AwsGlueSessionUserRestrictedNotebookServiceRole and prefix the role name with the policy name AwsGlueSessionUserRestrictedNotebookServiceRole. For example, you can create a role with name AwsGlueSessionUserRestrictedNotebookServiceRole-myrole and attach Amazon Glue managed policy AwsGlueSessionUserRestrictedNotebookServiceRole.
Attach a trust policy like below to allow Amazon Glue to assume the above role.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "" ] }, "Action": [ "sts:AssumeRole" ] } ] }
Create another role named with a prefix AwsGlueSessionUserRestrictedNotebookPolicy and attach the Amazon Glue managed policy AwsGlueSessionUserRestrictedNotebookPolicy to make the session private. In addition to the managed policy please attach the following inline policy to allow iam:PassRole to the role you created in step 1.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iam:PassRole" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:iam::*:role/AwsGlueSessionUserRestrictedNotebookServiceRole*" ], "Condition": { "StringLike": { "iam:PassedToService": [ "" ] } } } ] }
Attach a trust policy like following to the above IAM Amazon Glue to assume the role.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "" ] }, "Action": [ "sts:AssumeRole", "sts:TagSession" ] }] }
Optionally, you can use a single role (for example, notebook role) and attach both of the above managed policies AwsGlueSessionUserRestrictedNotebookServiceRole and AwsGlueSessionUserRestrictedNotebookPolicy. Also attach the additional inline policy to allow
of your role to Amazon Glue. And finally attach the above trust policy to allowsts:AssumeRole
The AWSGlueSessionUserRestrictedNotebookPolicy provides access to create a Amazon Glue Interactive Session from a notebook
only if a tag key "owner" and value matching the Amazon user id of the principal (user or Role). For more information, see
Where you can use policy
The AWSGlueSessionUserRestrictedNotebookServiceRole provides sufficient access to the Amazon Glue Studio notebook to
interact with the
Amazon Glue Interactive Session resources that are created with the "owner" tag value matching the Amazon user ID of the principal
(user or role) of the notebook creator. For more information, see
Where you can use policy
Make your session private with user policies
You can attach the AWSGlueSessionUserRestrictedPolicy to IAM roles attached to
each of the users in your account to restrict them from creating a session only with an owner tag with a value
matching their own ${aws:userId}. Instead of using the
AWSGlueSessionUserRestrictedNotebookPolicy and
AWSGlueSessionUserRestrictedNotebookServiceRole you need to use policies similar to the
AWSGlueSessionUserRestrictedPolicy and
AWSGlueSessionUserRestrictedServiceRole respectively. For more information, see Using-identity based
policies iam:PassRole
for the
execution role you created earlier.
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iam:PassRole" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:iam::*:role/AwsGlueSessionUserRestrictedServiceRole*" ], "Condition": { "StringLike": { "iam:PassedToService": [ "" ] } } }] }
The AWSGlueSessionUserRestrictedPolicy provides access to create an Amazon Glue Interactive Session using the CreateSession API only if a tag key "owner" and value matching their Amazon user ID is provided. This identity policy is attached to the user that invokes the CreateSession API. This policy also permits to interact with the Amazon Glue Interactive Session resources that were created with a "owner" tag and value matching their Amazon user id. This policy denies permission to change or remove "owner" tag from a Amazon Glue session resource after the session is created.
The AWSGlueSessionUserRestrictedServiceRole provides full access to all Amazon Glue resources except for sessions and allows users to create and use only the interactive sessions that are associated with the user. This policy also includes other permissions needed by Amazon Glue to manage Glue resources in other Amazon services. The policy also allows adding tags to Amazon Glue resources in other Amazon services.
IAM policy considerations
Interactive sessions are IAM resources in Amazon Glue. Because they are IAM resources, access and interaction to a session is governed by IAM policies. Based on the IAM policies attached to a client principal or execution role configured by an admin, a client principal (user or role) will be able to create new sessions and interact with its own sessions and other sessions.
If an admin has attached an IAM policy such as AWSGlueConsoleFullAccess or AWSGlueServiceRole that allows access to all Amazon Glue resources in that account, a client principal will be able to collaborate with each other. For example, one user will be able to interact with sessions that are created by other users if policies allow this.
If you'd like to configure a policy tailored to your specific needs, see
IAM documentation about configuring resources for a policy
Interactive sessions supports limiting session creation based on certain VPC conditions. See Control policies that control settings using condition keys.