Amazon Glue Streaming connections - Amazon Glue
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Amazon Glue Streaming connections

The following sections provide information on how to use connections in Amazon Glue Streaming.

Working with Kafka connections

You can use a Kafka connection to read and write to Kafka data streams using information stored in a Data Catalog table, or by providing information to directly access the data stream. The connection supports a Kafka cluster or an Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka cluster. You can read information from Kafka into a Spark DataFrame, then convert it to a Amazon Glue DynamicFrame. You can write DynamicFrames to Kafka in a JSON format. If you directly access the data stream, use these options to provide the information about how to access the data stream.

If you use getCatalogSource or create_data_frame_from_catalog to consume records from a Kafka streaming source, or getCatalogSink or write_dynamic_frame_from_catalog to write records to Kafka, and the job has the Data Catalog database and table name information, and can use that to obtain some basic parameters for reading from the Kafka streaming source. If you use getSource, getCatalogSink, getSourceWithFormat, getSinkWithFormat, createDataFrameFromOptions or create_data_frame_from_options, or write_dynamic_frame_from_catalog, you must specify these basic parameters using the connection options described here.

You can specify the connection options for Kafka using the following arguments for the specified methods in the GlueContext class.

  • Scala

    • connectionOptions: Use with getSource, createDataFrameFromOptions, getSink

    • additionalOptions: Use with getCatalogSource, getCatalogSink

    • options: Use with getSourceWithFormat, getSinkWithFormat

  • Python

    • connection_options: Use with create_data_frame_from_options, write_dynamic_frame_from_options

    • additional_options: Use with create_data_frame_from_catalog, write_dynamic_frame_from_catalog

    • options: Use with getSource, getSink

For notes and restrictions about streaming ETL jobs, consult Streaming ETL notes and restrictions.


    Configure Kafka

    There are no Amazon prerequisites to connecting to Kafka streams available through the internet.

    You can create a Amazon Glue Kafka connection to manage your connection credentials. For more information, see Creating an Amazon Glue connection for an Apache Kafka data stream. In your Amazon Glue job configuration, provide connectionName as an Additional network connection, then, in your method call, provide connectionName to the connectionName parameter.

    In certain cases, you will need to configure additional prerequisites:

    • If using Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka with IAM authentication, you will need appropriate IAM configuration.

    • If using Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka within an Amazon VPC, you will need appropriate Amazon VPC configuration. You will need to create a Amazon Glue connection that provides Amazon VPC connection information. You will need your job configuration to include the Amazon Glue connection as an Additional network connection.

    For more information about Streaming ETL job prerequisites, consult Streaming ETL jobs in Amazon Glue.

    Example: Reading from Kafka streams

    Used in conjunction with forEachBatch.

    Example for Kafka streaming source:

    kafka_options = { "connectionName": "ConfluentKafka", "topicName": "kafka-auth-topic", "startingOffsets": "earliest", "inferSchema": "true", "classification": "json" } data_frame_datasource0 = glueContext.create_data_frame.from_options(connection_type="kafka", connection_options=kafka_options)

    Example: Writing to Kafka streams

    Examples for writing to Kafka:

    Example with the getSink method:

    data_frame_datasource0 = glueContext.getSink( connectionType="kafka", connectionOptions={ JsonOptions("""{ "connectionName": "ConfluentKafka", "classification": "json", "topic": "kafka-auth-topic", "typeOfData": "kafka"} """)}, transformationContext="dataframe_ApacheKafka_node1711729173428") .getDataFrame()

    Example with the write_dynamic_frame.from_options method:

    kafka_options = { "connectionName": "ConfluentKafka", "topicName": "kafka-auth-topic", "classification": "json" } data_frame_datasource0 = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options(connection_type="kafka", connection_options=kafka_options)

    Kafka connection option reference

    When reading, use the following connection options with "connectionType": "kafka":

    • "bootstrap.servers" (Required) A list of bootstrap server URLs, for example, as This option must be specified in the API call or defined in the table metadata in the Data Catalog.

    • "security.protocol" (Required) The protocol used to communicate with brokers. The possible values are "SSL" or "PLAINTEXT".

    • "topicName" (Required) A comma-separated list of topics to subscribe to. You must specify one and only one of "topicName", "assign" or "subscribePattern".

    • "assign": (Required) A JSON string specifying the specific TopicPartitions to consume. You must specify one and only one of "topicName", "assign" or "subscribePattern".

      Example: '{"topicA":[0,1],"topicB":[2,4]}'

    • "subscribePattern": (Required) A Java regex string that identifies the topic list to subscribe to. You must specify one and only one of "topicName", "assign" or "subscribePattern".

      Example: 'topic.*'

    • "classification" (Required) The file format used by the data in the record. Required unless provided through the Data Catalog.

    • "delimiter" (Optional) The value separator used when classification is CSV. Default is ",."

    • "startingOffsets": (Optional) The starting position in the Kafka topic to read data from. The possible values are "earliest" or "latest". The default value is "latest".

    • "startingTimestamp": (Optional, supported only for Amazon Glue version 4.0 or later) The Timestamp of the record in the Kafka topic to read data from. The possible value is a Timestamp string in UTC format in the pattern yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ (where Z represents a UTC timezone offset with a +/-. For example: "2023-04-04T08:00:00-04:00").

      Note: Only one of 'startingOffsets' or 'startingTimestamp' can be present in the Connection Options list of the Amazon Glue streaming script, including both these properties will result in job failure.

    • "endingOffsets": (Optional) The end point when a batch query is ended. Possible values are either "latest" or a JSON string that specifies an ending offset for each TopicPartition.

      For the JSON string, the format is {"topicA":{"0":23,"1":-1},"topicB":{"0":-1}}. The value -1 as an offset represents "latest".

    • "pollTimeoutMs": (Optional) The timeout in milliseconds to poll data from Kafka in Spark job executors. The default value is 512.

    • "numRetries": (Optional) The number of times to retry before failing to fetch Kafka offsets. The default value is 3.

    • "retryIntervalMs": (Optional) The time in milliseconds to wait before retrying to fetch Kafka offsets. The default value is 10.

    • "maxOffsetsPerTrigger": (Optional) The rate limit on the maximum number of offsets that are processed per trigger interval. The specified total number of offsets is proportionally split across topicPartitions of different volumes. The default value is null, which means that the consumer reads all offsets until the known latest offset.

    • "minPartitions": (Optional) The desired minimum number of partitions to read from Kafka. The default value is null, which means that the number of spark partitions is equal to the number of Kafka partitions.

    • "includeHeaders": (Optional) Whether to include the Kafka headers. When the option is set to "true", the data output will contain an additional column named "glue_streaming_kafka_headers" with type Array[Struct(key: String, value: String)]. The default value is "false". This option is available in Amazon Glue version 3.0 or later.

    • "schema": (Required when inferSchema set to false) The schema to use to process the payload. If classification is avro the provided schema must be in the Avro schema format. If the classification is not avro the provided schema must be in the DDL schema format.

      The following are schema examples.

      Example in DDL schema format
      'column1' INT, 'column2' STRING , 'column3' FLOAT
      Example in Avro schema format
      { "type":"array", "items": { "type":"record", "name":"test", "fields": [ { "name":"_id", "type":"string" }, { "name":"index", "type": [ "int", "string", "float" ] } ] } }
    • "inferSchema": (Optional) The default value is 'false'. If set to 'true', the schema will be detected at runtime from the payload within foreachbatch.

    • "avroSchema": (Deprecated) Parameter used to specify a schema of Avro data when Avro format is used. This parameter is now deprecated. Use the schema parameter.

    • "addRecordTimestamp": (Optional) When this option is set to 'true', the data output will contain an additional column named "__src_timestamp" that indicates the time when the corresponding record received by the topic. The default value is 'false'. This option is supported in Amazon Glue version 4.0 or later.

    • "emitConsumerLagMetrics": (Optional) When the option is set to 'true', for each batch, it will emit the metrics for the duration between the oldest record received by the topic and the time it arrives in Amazon Glue to CloudWatch. The metric's name is "glue.driver.streaming.maxConsumerLagInMs". The default value is 'false'. This option is supported in Amazon Glue version 4.0 or later.

    When writing, use the following connection options with "connectionType": "kafka":

    • "connectionName" (Required) Name of the Amazon Glue connection used to connect to the Kafka cluster (similar to Kafka source).

    • "topic" (Required) If a topic column exists then its value is used as the topic when writing the given row to Kafka, unless the topic configuration option is set. That is, the topic configuration option overrides the topic column.

    • "partition" (Optional) If a valid partition number is specified, that partition will be used when sending the record.

      If no partition is specified but a key is present, a partition will be chosen using a hash of the key.

      If neither key nor partition is present, a partition will be chosen based on sticky partitioning those changes when at least batch.size bytes are produced to the partition.

    • "key" (Optional) Used for partitioning if partition is null.

    • "classification" (Optional) The file format used by the data in the record. We only support JSON, CSV and Avro.

      With Avro format, we can provide a custom avroSchema to serialize with, but note that this needs to be provided on the source for deserializing as well. Else, by default it uses the Apache AvroSchema for serializing.

    Additionally, you can fine-tune the Kafka sink as required by updating the Kafka producer configuration parameters. Note that there is no allow listing on connection options, all the key-value pairs are persisted on the sink as is.

    However, there is a small deny list of options that will not take effect. For more information, see Kafka specific configurations.

    Working with Kinesis connections

    You can use a Kinesis connection to read and write to Amazon Kinesis data streams using information stored in a Data Catalog table, or by providing information to directly access the data stream. You can read information from Kinesis into a Spark DataFrame, then convert it to a Amazon Glue DynamicFrame. You can write DynamicFrames to Kinesis in a JSON format. If you directly access the data stream, use these options to provide the information about how to access the data stream.

    If you use getCatalogSource or create_data_frame_from_catalog to consume records from a Kinesis streaming source, the job has the Data Catalog database and table name information, and can use that to obtain some basic parameters for reading from the Kinesis streaming source. If you use getSource, getSourceWithFormat, createDataFrameFromOptions or create_data_frame_from_options, you must specify these basic parameters using the connection options described here.

    You can specify the connection options for Kinesis using the following arguments for the specified methods in the GlueContext class.

    • Scala

      • connectionOptions: Use with getSource, createDataFrameFromOptions, getSink

      • additionalOptions: Use with getCatalogSource, getCatalogSink

      • options: Use with getSourceWithFormat, getSinkWithFormat

    • Python

      • connection_options: Use with create_data_frame_from_options, write_dynamic_frame_from_options

      • additional_options: Use with create_data_frame_from_catalog, write_dynamic_frame_from_catalog

      • options: Use with getSource, getSink

    For notes and restrictions about Streaming ETL jobs, consult Streaming ETL notes and restrictions.

    Configure Kinesis

    To connect to a Kinesis data stream in an Amazon Glue Spark job, you will need some prerequisites:

    • If reading, the Amazon Glue job must have Read access level IAM permissions to the Kinesis data stream.

    • If writing, the Amazon Glue job must have Write access level IAM permissions to the Kinesis data stream.

    In certain cases, you will need to configure additional prerequisites:

    • If your Amazon Glue job is configured with Additional network connections (typically to connect to other datasets) and one of those connections provides Amazon VPC Network options, this will direct your job to communicate over Amazon VPC. In this case you will also need to configure your Kinesis data stream to communicate over Amazon VPC. You can do this by creating an interface VPC endpoint between your Amazon VPC and Kinesis data stream. For more information, see Using Kinesis Data Streams with Interface VPC Endpoints.

    • When specifying Amazon Kinesis Data Streams in another account, you must setup the roles and policies to allow cross-account access. For more information, see Example: Read From a Kinesis Stream in a Different Account.

    For more information about Streaming ETL job prerequisites, consult Streaming ETL jobs in Amazon Glue.

    Read from Kinesis

    Example: Reading from Kinesis streams

    Used in conjunction with forEachBatch.

    Example for Amazon Kinesis streaming source:

    kinesis_options = { "streamARN": "arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-2:777788889999:stream/fromOptionsStream", "startingPosition": "TRIM_HORIZON", "inferSchema": "true", "classification": "json" } data_frame_datasource0 = glueContext.create_data_frame.from_options(connection_type="kinesis", connection_options=kinesis_options)

    Write to Kinesis

    Example: Writing to Kinesis streams

    Used in conjunction with forEachBatch. Your DynamicFrame will be written to the stream in a JSON format. If the job cannot write after several retries, it will fail. By default, each DynamicFrame record will be sent to the Kinesis stream individually. You can configure this behavior using aggregationEnabled and associated parameters.

    Example writing to Amazon Kinesis from a streaming job:

    glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options( frame=frameToWrite connection_type="kinesis", connection_options={ "partitionKey": "part1", "streamARN": "arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-1:111122223333:stream/streamName", } )
    glueContext.getSinkWithFormat( connectionType="kinesis", options=JsonOptions("""{ "streamARN": "arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-1:111122223333:stream/streamName", "partitionKey": "part1" }"""), ) .writeDynamicFrame(frameToWrite)

    Kinesis connection parameters

    Designates connection options for Amazon Kinesis Data Streams.

    Use the following connection options for Kinesis streaming data sources:

    • "streamARN" (Required) Used for Read/Write. The ARN of the Kinesis data stream.

    • "classification" (Required for read) Used for Read. The file format used by the data in the record. Required unless provided through the Data Catalog.

    • "streamName" – (Optional) Used for Read. The name of a Kinesis data stream to read from. Used with endpointUrl.

    • "endpointUrl" – (Optional) Used for Read. Default: "". The Amazon endpoint of the Kinesis stream. You do not need to change this unless you are connecting to a special region.

    • "partitionKey" – (Optional) Used for Write. The Kinesis partition key used when producing records.

    • "delimiter" (Optional) Used for Read. The value separator used when classification is CSV. Default is ",."

    • "startingPosition": (Optional) Used for Read. The starting position in the Kinesis data stream to read data from. The possible values are "latest", "trim_horizon", "earliest", or a Timestamp string in UTC format in the pattern yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ (where Z represents a UTC timezone offset with a +/-. For example "2023-04-04T08:00:00-04:00"). The default value is "latest". Note: the Timestamp string in UTC Format for "startingPosition" is supported only for Amazon Glue version 4.0 or later.

    • "failOnDataLoss": (Optional) Fail the job if any active shard is missing or expired. The default value is "false".

    • "awsSTSRoleARN": (Optional) Used for Read/Write. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume using Amazon Security Token Service (Amazon STS). This role must have permissions for describe or read record operations for the Kinesis data stream. You must use this parameter when accessing a data stream in a different account. Used in conjunction with "awsSTSSessionName".

    • "awsSTSSessionName": (Optional) Used for Read/Write. An identifier for the session assuming the role using Amazon STS. You must use this parameter when accessing a data stream in a different account. Used in conjunction with "awsSTSRoleARN".

    • "awsSTSEndpoint": (Optional) The Amazon STS endpoint to use when connecting to Kinesis with an assumed role. This allows using the regional Amazon STS endpoint in a VPC, which is not possible with the default global endpoint.

    • "maxFetchTimeInMs": (Optional) Used for Read. The maximum time spent for the job executor to read records for the current batch from the Kinesis data stream, specified in milliseconds (ms). Multiple GetRecords API calls may be made within this time. The default value is 1000.

    • "maxFetchRecordsPerShard": (Optional) Used for Read. The maximum number of records to fetch per shard in the Kinesis data stream per microbatch. Note: The client can exceed this limit if the streaming job has already read extra records from Kinesis (in the same get-records call). If maxFetchRecordsPerShard needs to be strict then it needs to be a multiple of maxRecordPerRead. The default value is 100000.

    • "maxRecordPerRead": (Optional) Used for Read. The maximum number of records to fetch from the Kinesis data stream in each getRecords operation. The default value is 10000.

    • "addIdleTimeBetweenReads": (Optional) Used for Read. Adds a time delay between two consecutive getRecords operations. The default value is "False". This option is only configurable for Glue version 2.0 and above.

    • "idleTimeBetweenReadsInMs": (Optional) Used for Read. The minimum time delay between two consecutive getRecords operations, specified in ms. The default value is 1000. This option is only configurable for Glue version 2.0 and above.

    • "describeShardInterval": (Optional) Used for Read. The minimum time interval between two ListShards API calls for your script to consider resharding. For more information, see Strategies for Resharding in Amazon Kinesis Data Streams Developer Guide. The default value is 1s.

    • "numRetries": (Optional) Used for Read. The maximum number of retries for Kinesis Data Streams API requests. The default value is 3.

    • "retryIntervalMs": (Optional) Used for Read. The cool-off time period (specified in ms) before retrying the Kinesis Data Streams API call. The default value is 1000.

    • "maxRetryIntervalMs": (Optional) Used for Read. The maximum cool-off time period (specified in ms) between two retries of a Kinesis Data Streams API call. The default value is 10000.

    • "avoidEmptyBatches": (Optional) Used for Read. Avoids creating an empty microbatch job by checking for unread data in the Kinesis data stream before the batch is started. The default value is "False".

    • "schema": (Required when inferSchema set to false) Used for Read. The schema to use to process the payload. If classification is avro the provided schema must be in the Avro schema format. If the classification is not avro the provided schema must be in the DDL schema format.

      The following are schema examples.

      Example in DDL schema format
      `column1` INT, `column2` STRING , `column3` FLOAT
      Example in Avro schema format
      { "type":"array", "items": { "type":"record", "name":"test", "fields": [ { "name":"_id", "type":"string" }, { "name":"index", "type": [ "int", "string", "float" ] } ] } }
    • "inferSchema": (Optional) Used for Read. The default value is 'false'. If set to 'true', the schema will be detected at runtime from the payload within foreachbatch.

    • "avroSchema": (Deprecated) Used for Read. Parameter used to specify a schema of Avro data when Avro format is used. This parameter is now deprecated. Use the schema parameter.

    • "addRecordTimestamp": (Optional) Used for Read. When this option is set to 'true', the data output will contain an additional column named "__src_timestamp" that indicates the time when the corresponding record received by the stream. The default value is 'false'. This option is supported in Amazon Glue version 4.0 or later.

    • "emitConsumerLagMetrics": (Optional) Used for Read. When the option is set to 'true', for each batch, it will emit the metrics for the duration between the oldest record received by the stream and the time it arrives in Amazon Glue to CloudWatch. The metric's name is "glue.driver.streaming.maxConsumerLagInMs". The default value is 'false'. This option is supported in Amazon Glue version 4.0 or later.

    • "fanoutConsumerARN": (Optional) Used for Read. The ARN of a Kinesis stream consumer for the stream specified in streamARN. Used to enable enhanced fan-out mode for your Kinesis connection. For more information on consuming a Kinesis stream with enhanced fan-out, see Using enhanced fan-out in Kinesis streaming jobs.

    • "recordMaxBufferedTime" – (Optional) Used for Write. Default: 1000 (ms). Maximum time a record is buffered while waiting to be written.

    • "aggregationEnabled" – (Optional) Used for Write. Default: true. Specifies if records should be aggregated before sending them to Kinesis.

    • "aggregationMaxSize" – (Optional) Used for Write. Default: 51200 (bytes). If a record is larger than this limit, it will bypass the aggregator. Note Kinesis enforces a limit of 50KB on record size. If you set this beyond 50KB, oversize records will be rejected by Kinesis.

    • "aggregationMaxCount" – (Optional) Used for Write. Default: 4294967295. Maximum number of items to pack into an aggregated record.

    • "producerRateLimit" – (Optional) Used for Write. Default: 150 (%). Limits per-shard throughput sent from a single producer (such as your job), as a percentage of the backend limit.

    • "collectionMaxCount" – (Optional) Used for Write. Default: 500. Maximum number of items to pack into an PutRecords request.

    • "collectionMaxSize" – (Optional) Used for Write. Default: 5242880 (bytes). Maximum amount of data to send with a PutRecords request.