Scheduling incremental crawls for adding new partitions - Amazon Glue
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Scheduling incremental crawls for adding new partitions

You can configure an Amazon Glue crawler run incremental crawls to add only new partitions to the table schema. When the crawler runs for the first time, it performs a full crawl to processes the entire data source to record the complete schema and all existing partitions in the Amazon Glue Data Catalog.

Subsequent crawls after the initial full crawl will be incremental, where the crawler identifies and adds only the new partitions that have been introduced since the previous crawl. This approach results in faster crawl times, as the crawler no longer needs to process the entire data source for each run, but instead focuses only on the new partitions.


Incremental crawls don't detect modifications or deletions of existing partitions. This configuration is best suited for data sources with a stable schema. If a one-time major schema change occurs, it is advisable to temporarily set the crawler to perform a full crawl to capture the new schema accurately, and then switch back to incremental crawling mode.

The following diagram shows that with the incremental crawl setting enabled, the crawler will only detect and add the newly added folder, month=March, to the catalog.

The following diagram shows that files for the month of March have been added.

Follow these steps to update your crawler to perform incremental crawls:

Amazon Web Services Management Console
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon Glue console at

  2. Choose Crawlers under the Data Catalog.

  3. Choose a crawler that you want to set up to crawl incrementally.

  4. Choose Edit.

  5. Choose Step 2. Choose data sources and classifiers.

  6. Choose the data source that you want to incrementally crawl.

  7. Choose Edit.

  8. Choose Crawl new sub-folders only under Subsequent crawler runs.

  9. Choose Update.

To create a schedule for a crawler, see Scheduling a crawler.

Amazon CLI
aws glue update-crawler \ --name myCrawler \ --recrawl-policy RecrawlBehavior=CRAWL_NEW_FOLDERS_ONLY \ --schema-change-policy UpdateBehavior=LOG,DeleteBehavior=LOG
Notes and restrictions

When this option is turned on, you can't change the Amazon S3 target data stores when editing the crawler. This option affects certain crawler configuration settings. When turned on, it forces the update behavior and delete behavior of the crawler to LOG. This means that:

  • If it discovers objects where schemas are not compatible, the crawler will not add the objects in the Data Catalog, and adds this detail as a log in CloudWatch Logs.

  • It will not update deleted objects in the Data Catalog.