Dealing with a specific record (JAVA POJO) for JSON - Amazon Glue
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Dealing with a specific record (JAVA POJO) for JSON

You can use a plain old Java object (POJO) and pass the object as a record. This is similar to the notion of a specific record in AVRO. The mbknor-jackson-jsonschema can generate a JSON schema for the POJO passed. This library can also inject additional information in the JSON schema.

The Amazon Glue Schema Registry library uses the injected "className" field in schema to provide a fully classified class name. The "className" field is used by the deserializer to deserialize into an object of that class.

Example class : @JsonSchemaDescription("This is a car") @JsonSchemaTitle("Simple Car Schema") @Builder @AllArgsConstructor @EqualsAndHashCode // Fully qualified class name to be added to an additionally injected property // called className for deserializer to determine which class to deserialize // the bytes into @JsonSchemaInject( strings = {@JsonSchemaString(path = "className", value = "")} ) // List of annotations to help infer JSON Schema are defined by public class Car { @JsonProperty(required = true) private String make; @JsonProperty(required = true) private String model; @JsonSchemaDefault("true") @JsonProperty public boolean used; @JsonSchemaInject(ints = {@JsonSchemaInt(path = "multipleOf", value = 1000)}) @Max(200000) @JsonProperty private int miles; @Min(2000) @JsonProperty private int year; @JsonProperty private Date purchaseDate; @JsonProperty @JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.NUMBER) private Date listedDate; @JsonProperty private String[] owners; @JsonProperty private Collection<Float> serviceChecks; // Empty constructor is required by Jackson to deserialize bytes // into an Object of this class public Car() {} }