Sample Amazon CloudFormation template for schema registry - Amazon Glue
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Sample Amazon CloudFormation template for schema registry

The following is a sample template for creating Schema Registry resources in Amazon CloudFormation. To create this stack in your account, copy the above template into a file SampleTemplate.yaml, and run the following command:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name ABCSchemaRegistryStack --template-body "'cat SampleTemplate.yaml'"

This example uses AWS::Glue::Registry to create a registry, AWS::Glue::Schema to create a schema, AWS::Glue::SchemaVersion to create a schema version, and AWS::Glue::SchemaVersionMetadata to populate schema version metadata.

Description: "A sample CloudFormation template for creating Schema Registry resources." Resources: ABCRegistry: Type: "AWS::Glue::Registry" Properties: Name: "ABCSchemaRegistry" Description: "ABC Corp. Schema Registry" Tags: - Key: "Project" Value: "Foo" ABCSchema: Type: "AWS::Glue::Schema" Properties: Registry: Arn: !Ref ABCRegistry Name: "TestSchema" Compatibility: "NONE" DataFormat: "AVRO" SchemaDefinition: > {"namespace":"foo.avro","type":"record","name":"user","fields":[{"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"favorite_number","type":"int"}]} Tags: - Key: "Project" Value: "Foo" SecondSchemaVersion: Type: "AWS::Glue::SchemaVersion" Properties: Schema: SchemaArn: !Ref ABCSchema SchemaDefinition: > {"namespace":"foo.avro","type":"record","name":"user","fields":[{"name":"status","type":"string", "default":"ON"}, {"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"favorite_number","type":"int"}]} FirstSchemaVersionMetadata: Type: "AWS::Glue::SchemaVersionMetadata" Properties: SchemaVersionId: !GetAtt ABCSchema.InitialSchemaVersionId Key: "Application" Value: "Kinesis" SecondSchemaVersionMetadata: Type: "AWS::Glue::SchemaVersionMetadata" Properties: SchemaVersionId: !Ref SecondSchemaVersion Key: "Application" Value: "Kinesis"