Using fine-grained sensitive data detection - Amazon Glue
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Using fine-grained sensitive data detection


Fine-grained actions is only available in Amazon Glue 3.0 and 4.0. This includes the Amazon Glue Studio experience. The persistent audit log changes are also not available in 2.0.

All Amazon Glue Studio 3.0 and 4.0 visual jobs will have a script created that automatically uses fine-grained actions APIs.

The Detect Sensitive Data transform provides the ability to detect, mask, or remove entities that you define, or are pre-defined by Amazon Glue. Fine-grained actions further allows you to apply a specific action per entity. Additional benefits include:

  • Improved performance as actions are being applied as soon data is detected.

  • The option to include or exclude specific columns.

  • The ability to use partial masking. This allows you to mask detected sensitive data entities partially, rather than masking the entire string. Both simple params with offsets and regex are supported.

The following are code snippets of sensitive data detection APIs and fine-grained actions used in the sample jobs referenced in the next section.

Detect API – fine-grained actions use the new detectionParameters parameter:

def detect( frame: DynamicFrame, detectionParameters: JsonOptions, outputColumnName: String = "DetectedEntities", detectionSensitivity: String = "LOW" ): DynamicFrame = {}

Using Sensitive Data Detection APIs with fine-grained actions

Sensitive data detection APIs using detect analyzes the data given, determines if the rows or columns are Sensitive Data Entity Types, and will run actions specified by the user for each Entity type.

Using the detect API with fine-grained actions

Use the detect API and specify the outputColumnName and detectionParameters.

object GlueApp { def main(sysArgs: Array[String]) { val spark: SparkContext = new SparkContext() val glueContext: GlueContext = new GlueContext(spark) // @params: [JOB_NAME] val args = GlueArgParser.getResolvedOptions(sysArgs, Seq("JOB_NAME").toArray) Job.init(args("JOB_NAME"), glueContext, args.asJava) // Script generated for node S3 bucket. Creates DataFrame from data stored in S3. val S3bucket_node1 = glueContext.getSourceWithFormat(formatOptions=JsonOptions("""{"quoteChar": "\"", "withHeader": true, "separator": ",", "optimizePerformance": false}"""), connectionType="s3", format="csv", options=JsonOptions("""{"paths": ["s3://189657479688-ddevansh-pii-test-bucket/tiny_pii.csv"], "recurse": true}"""), transformationContext="S3bucket_node1").getDynamicFrame() // Script generated for node Detect Sensitive Data. Will run detect API for the DataFrame // detectionParameter contains information on which EntityType are being detected // and what actions are being applied to them when detected. val DetectSensitiveData_node2 = EntityDetector.detect( frame = S3bucket_node1, detectionParameters = JsonOptions( """ { "PHONE_NUMBER": [ { "action": "PARTIAL_REDACT", "actionOptions": { "numLeftCharsToExclude": "3", "numRightCharsToExclude": "4", "redactChar": "#" }, "sourceColumnsToExclude": [ "Passport No", "DL NO#" ] } ], "USA_PASSPORT_NUMBER": [ { "action": "SHA256_HASH", "sourceColumns": [ "Passport No" ] } ], "USA_DRIVING_LICENSE": [ { "action": "REDACT", "actionOptions": { "redactText": "USA_DL" }, "sourceColumns": [ "DL NO#" ] } ] } """ ), outputColumnName = "DetectedEntities" ) // Script generated for node S3 bucket. Store Results of detect to S3 location val S3bucket_node3 = glueContext.getSinkWithFormat(connectionType="s3", options=JsonOptions("""{"path": "s3://189657479688-ddevansh-pii-test-bucket/test-output/", "partitionKeys": []}"""), transformationContext="S3bucket_node3", format="json").writeDynamicFrame(DetectSensitiveData_node2) Job.commit() }

The above script will create a DataFrame from a location in Amazon S3 and then it will run the detect API. Since the detect API requires the field detectionParameters (a map of the entity name to a list all of the action settings to be used for that entity) is represented by Amazon Glue’s JsonOptions object, it will also allow us to extend the functionality of the API.

For each action specified per entity, enter a list of all column names to which to apply the entity/action combination. This allows you to customize the entities to detect for every column in your dataset and skip entities that you know are not in a specific column. This also allows your jobs to be more performant by not performing unnecessary detection calls those entities and allows you to perform actions unique to each column and entity combination.

Taking a closer look at the detectionParameters, there are three entity types in the sample job. These are Phone Number, USA_PASSPORT_NUMBER, and USA_DRIVING_LICENSE. For each of these entity types Amazon Glue will run different actions which are either PARTIAL_REDACT, SHA256_HASH, REDACT, and DETECT. Each of the Entity Types also have sourceColumns to apply to and/or sourceColumnsToExclude if detected.


Only one edit-in-place action (PARTIAL_REDACT, SHA256_HASH, or REDACT) can be used per column but the DETECT action can be used with any of these actions.

The detectionParameters field has the below layout:

ENTITY_NAME -> List[Actions] { "ENTITY_NAME": [{ Action, // required ColumnSpecs, ActionOptionsMap }], "ENTITY_NAME2": [{ ... }] }

The types of actions and actionOptions are listed below:

DETECT { # Required "action": "DETECT", # Optional, depending on action chosen "actionOptions": { // There are no actionOptions for DETECT }, # 1 of below required, both can also used "sourceColumns": [ "COL_1", "COL_2", ..., "COL_N" ], "sourceColumnsToExclude": [ "COL_5" ] } SHA256_HASH { # Required "action": "SHA256_HASH", # Required or optional, depending on action chosen "actionOptions": { // There are no actionOptions for SHA256_HASH }, # 1 of below required, both can also used "sourceColumns": [ "COL_1", "COL_2", ..., "COL_N" ], "sourceColumnsToExclude": [ "COL_5" ] } REDACT { # Required "action": "REDACT", # Required or optional, depending on action chosen "actionOptions": { // The text that is being replaced "redactText": "USA_DL" }, # 1 of below required, both can also used "sourceColumns": [ "COL_1", "COL_2", ..., "COL_N" ], "sourceColumnsToExclude": [ "COL_5" ] } PARTIAL_REDACT { # Required "action": "PARTIAL_REDACT", # Required or optional, depending on action chosen "actionOptions": { // number of characters to not redact from the left side "numLeftCharsToExclude": "3", // number of characters to not redact from the right side "numRightCharsToExclude": "4", // the partial redact will be made with this redacted character "redactChar": "#", // regex pattern for partial redaction "matchPattern": "[0-9]" }, # 1 of below required, both can also used "sourceColumns": [ "COL_1", "COL_2", ..., "COL_N" ], "sourceColumnsToExclude": [ "COL_5" ] }

Once the script runs, results are output to the given Amazon S3 location. You can view your data in Amazon S3 but with the selected entity types being sensitized based on the selected action. In the case, we would have a rows that would have that looked like this:

{ "Name": "Colby Schuster", "Address": "39041 Antonietta Vista, South Rodgerside, Nebraska 24151", "Car Owned": "Fiat", "Email": "", "Company": "O'Reilly Group", "Job Title": "Dynamic Functionality Facilitator", "ITIN": "991-22-2906", "Username": "Cassandre.Kub43", "SSN": "914-22-2906", "DOB": "2020-08-27", "Phone Number": "1-2#######1718", "Bank Account No": "69741187", "Credit Card Number": "6441-6289-6867-2162-2711", "Passport No": "94f311e93a623c72ccb6fc46cf5f5b0265ccb42c517498a0f27fd4c43b47111e", "DL NO#": "USA_DL" }

In the above script, the Phone Number was partially redacted with #. The Passport No was changed into a SHA256 hash. The DL NO# was detected as a USA driver license number and was redacted to “USA_DL” just like it was stated in the detectionParameters.


The classifyColumns API is not available for use with fine-grained actions due to the nature of the API. This API performs column sampling (adjustable by the user but has default values) to perform detection more quickly. Fine-grained actions require iterating over every value for this reason.

Persistent Audit Log

A new feature introduced with fine-grained actions (but also available when using the normal APIs) is the presence of a persistent audit log. Currently, running the detect API adds an additional column (defaults to DetectedEntities but customizable through the outputColumnName) parameter with PII detection metadata. This now has an “actionUsed” metadata key, which is one of DETECT, PARTIAL_REDACT, SHA256_HASH, REDACT.

"DetectedEntities": { "Credit Card Number": [ { "entityType": "CREDIT_CARD", "actionUsed": "DETECT", "start": 0, "end": 19 } ], "Phone Number": [ { "entityType": "PHONE_NUMBER", "actionUsed": "REDACT", "start": 0, "end": 14 } ] }

Even customers using APIs without fine-grained actions such as detect(entityTypesToDetect, outputColumnName) will see this persistent audit log in the resulting dataframe.

Customers using APIs with fine-grained actions will see all of the actions, regardless of if they are redacted or not. Example:

+---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Credit Card Number | Phone Number | DetectedEntities | +---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 622126741306XXXX | +12#####7890 | {"Credit Card Number":[{"entityType":"CREDIT_CARD","actionUsed":"PARTIAL_REDACT","start":0,"end":16}],"Phone Number":[{"entityType":"PHONE_NUMBER","actionUsed":"PARTIAL_REDACT","start":0,"end":12}]}} | | 6221 2674 1306 XXXX | +12#######7890 | {"Credit Card Number":[{"entityType":"CREDIT_CARD","actionUsed":"PARTIAL_REDACT","start":0,"end":19}],"Phone Number":[{"entityType":"PHONE_NUMBER","actionUsed":"PARTIAL_REDACT","start":0,"end":14}]}} | | 6221-2674-1306-XXXX | 22#######7890 | {"Credit Card Number":[{"entityType":"CREDIT_CARD","actionUsed":"PARTIAL_REDACT","start":0,"end":19}],"Phone Number":[{"entityType":"PHONE_NUMBER","actionUsed":"PARTIAL_REDACT","start":0,"end":14}]}} | +---------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

If you do not want to see the DetectedEntities column, you can simply drop the additional column in a custom script.