Using the Unpivot Columns To Rows transform - Amazon Glue
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Using the Unpivot Columns To Rows transform

The Unpivot transform allows you convert columns into values of new columns generating a row for each unique value. It’s the opposite of pivot but note that it’s not equivalent since it cannot separate rows with identical values that were aggregated or split combinations into the original columns (you can do that later using a Split transform). For example, if you have the following table:

year month de uk us
2020 Jan 42 32 64
2020 Feb 11 67 18
2021 Jan 90

You can unpivot the columns: “de”, “uk” and “us” into a column “country” with the value “amount”, and get the following (sorted here for illustration purposes):

year month country amount
2020 Jan uk 32
2020 Jan de 42
2020 Jan us 64
2020 Feb uk 67
2020 Feb de 11
2020 Feb us 18
2021 Jan us 90

Notice the columns that have a NULL value (“de” and “uk of Jan 2021) don’t get generated by default. You can enable that option to get:

year month country amount
2020 Jan uk 32
2020 Jan de 42
2020 Jan us 64
2020 Feb uk 67
2020 Feb de 11
2020 Feb us 18
2021 Jan us 90
2021 Jan de
2021 Jan uk
To add a Unpivot Columns to Rows transform:
  1. Open the Resource panel and then choose Unpivot Columns to Rows to add a new transform to your job diagram. The node selected at the time of adding the node will be its parent.

  2. (Optional) On the Node properties tab, you can enter a name for the node in the job diagram. If a node parent is not already selected, then choose a node from the Node parents list to use as the input source for the transform.

  3. On the Transform tab, enter the new columns to be created to hold the names and values of the columns chosen to unpivot.

    The screenshot shows the Transform tab for the Unpivot Columns To Rows transform.