Amazon Glue Visual Job API
Amazon Glue provides an API that allows customers to create data integration jobs using the Amazon Glue API from a JSON object that represents a visual step workflow. Customers can then use the visual editor in Amazon Glue Studio to work with these jobs.
For more information on Visual Job API data types, see Visual Job API
API design and CRUD APIs
The CreateJob and UpdateJob APIs now support an additional optional parameter, codeGenConfigurationNodes. Providing a non-empty JSON structure for this field will result in the DAG being registered in Amazon Glue Studio for the created job and the associated code being generated. A null value or empty string for this field on job create will be ignored.
Updates to the codeGenConfigurationNodes field will be done through the UpdateJob Amazon Glue API in a similar way as CreateJob. The entire field should be specified in UpdateJob where the DAG has been changed as desired. A null value provided will be ignored and no update to the DAG would be performed. An empty structure or string will cause the codeGenConfigurationNodes to be set as empty and any previous DAG removed. The GetJob API will return a DAG if one exists. The DeleteJob API will also delete any associated DAG.
Getting started
To create a job, use the
CreateJob action
. The CreateJob
request input will have an additional field
‘codeGenConfigurationNodes’ where you can get specify the DAG object in JSON.
Things to keep in mind:
The ‘codeGenConfigurationNodes’ field is a map of nodeId to node.
Each node begins with a key identifying what kind of node it is.
There can only be one key specified since a node can only be of one type.
The input field contains the parent nodes of the current node.
The following is a JSON representation of a CreateJob input.
{ "node-1": { "S3CatalogSource": { "Table": "csvFormattedTable", "PartitionPredicate": "", "Name": "S3 bucket", "AdditionalOptions": {}, "Database": "myDatabase" } }, "node-3": { "S3DirectTarget": { "Inputs": ["node-2"], "PartitionKeys": [], "Compression": "none", "Format": "json", "SchemaChangePolicy": { "EnableUpdateCatalog": false }, "Path": "", "Name": "S3 bucket" } }, "node-2": { "ApplyMapping": { "Inputs": ["node-1"], "Name": "ApplyMapping", "Mapping": [ { "FromType": "long", "ToType": "long", "Dropped": false, "ToKey": "myheader1", "FromPath": ["myheader1"] }, { "FromType": "long", "ToType": "long", "Dropped": false, "ToKey": "myheader2", "FromPath": ["myheader2"] }, { "FromType": "long", "ToType": "long", "Dropped": false, "ToKey": "myheader3", "FromPath": ["myheader3"] } ] } } }
Updating and getting jobs
Since UpdateJob will also have a ‘codeGenConfigurationNodes’ field, the input format will be the same. See UpdateJob Action.
The GetJob action will return a ‘codeGenConfigurationNodes’ field in the same format as well. See GetJob Action.
Visual job limitations
Since the ‘codeGenConfigurationNodes’ parameter has been added to existing APIs, any limitations in those APIs will be inherited. In addition, the codeGenConfigurationNodes and some nodes will be limited in size. See Job Structure for more information.