Step 2: Develop a component that defers updates - Amazon IoT Greengrass
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Step 2: Develop a component that defers updates

In this section, you develop a Hello World component in Python that defers component updates when the core device's battery level is below a threshold that you configure when you deploy the component. In this component, you use the interprocess communication (IPC) interface in the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Python. You use the SubscribeToComponentUpdates IPC operation to receive notifications when the core device receives a deployment. Then, you use the DeferComponentUpdate IPC operation to defer or acknowledge the update based on the device's battery level.

To develop a Hello World component that defers updates
  1. On your development computer, create a folder for the component source code.

    mkdir com.example.BatteryAwareHelloWorld cd com.example.BatteryAwareHelloWorld
  2. Use a text editor to create a file named gdk-config.json. The GDK CLI reads from the GDK CLI configuration file, named gdk-config.json, to build and publish components. This configuration file exists in the root of the component folder.

    For example, on a Linux-based system, you can run the following command to use GNU nano to create the file.

    nano gdk-config.json

    Copy the following JSON into the file.

    • Replace Amazon with your name.

    • Replace us-west-2 with the Amazon Web Services Region where your core device operates. The GDK CLI publishes the component in this Amazon Web Services Region.

    • Replace greengrass-component-artifacts with the S3 bucket prefix to use. When you use the GDK CLI to publish the component, the GDK CLI uploads the component's artifacts to the S3 bucket whose name is formed from this value, the Amazon Web Services Region, and your Amazon Web Services account ID using the following format: bucketPrefix-region-accountId.

      For example, if you specify greengrass-component-artifacts and us-west-2, and your Amazon Web Services account ID is 123456789012, the GDK CLI uses the S3 bucket named greengrass-component-artifacts-us-west-2-123456789012.

    { "component": { "com.example.BatteryAwareHelloWorld": { "author": "Amazon", "version": "NEXT_PATCH", "build": { "build_system" : "zip" }, "publish": { "region": "us-west-2", "bucket": "greengrass-component-artifacts" } } }, "gdk_version": "1.0.0" }

    The configuration file specifies the following:

    • The version to use when the GDK CLI publishes the Greengrass component to the Amazon IoT Greengrass cloud service. NEXT_PATCH specifies to choose the next patch version after the latest version available in the Amazon IoT Greengrass cloud service. If the component doesn't have a version in the Amazon IoT Greengrass cloud service yet, the GDK CLI uses 1.0.0.

    • The build system for the component. When you use the zip build system, the GDK CLI packages the component's source into a ZIP file that becomes the component's single artifact.

    • The Amazon Web Services Region where the GDK CLI publishes the Greengrass component.

    • The prefix for the S3 bucket where the GDK CLI uploads the component's artifacts.

  3. Use a text editor to create the component source code in a file named

    For example, on a Linux-based system, you can run the following command to use GNU nano to create the file.


    Copy the following Python code into the file.

    import json import os import sys import time import traceback from pathlib import Path from awsiot.greengrasscoreipc.clientv2 import GreengrassCoreIPCClientV2 HELLO_WORLD_PRINT_INTERVAL = 15 # Seconds DEFER_COMPONENT_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 30 * 1000 # Milliseconds class BatteryAwareHelloWorldPrinter(): def __init__(self, ipc_client: GreengrassCoreIPCClientV2, battery_file_path: Path, battery_threshold: float): self.battery_file_path = battery_file_path self.battery_threshold = battery_threshold self.ipc_client = ipc_client self.subscription_operation = None def on_component_update_event(self, event): try: if event.pre_update_event is not None: if self.is_battery_below_threshold(): self.defer_update(event.pre_update_event.deployment_id) print('Deferred update for deployment %s' % event.pre_update_event.deployment_id) else: self.acknowledge_update( event.pre_update_event.deployment_id) print('Acknowledged update for deployment %s' % event.pre_update_event.deployment_id) elif event.post_update_event is not None: print('Applied update for deployment') except: traceback.print_exc() def subscribe_to_component_updates(self): if self.subscription_operation == None: # SubscribeToComponentUpdates returns a tuple with the response and the operation. _, self.subscription_operation = self.ipc_client.subscribe_to_component_updates( on_stream_event=self.on_component_update_event) def close_subscription(self): if self.subscription_operation is not None: self.subscription_operation.close() self.subscription_operation = None def defer_update(self, deployment_id): self.ipc_client.defer_component_update( deployment_id=deployment_id, recheck_after_ms=DEFER_COMPONENT_UPDATE_INTERVAL) def acknowledge_update(self, deployment_id): # Specify recheck_after_ms=0 to acknowledge a component update. self.ipc_client.defer_component_update( deployment_id=deployment_id, recheck_after_ms=0) def is_battery_below_threshold(self): return self.get_battery_level() < self.battery_threshold def get_battery_level(self): # Read the battery level from the virtual battery level file. with'r') as f: data = json.load(f) return float(data['battery_level']) def print_message(self): message = 'Hello, World!' if self.is_battery_below_threshold(): message += ' Battery level (%d) is below threshold (%d), so the component will defer updates' % ( self.get_battery_level(), self.battery_threshold) else: message += ' Battery level (%d) is above threshold (%d), so the component will acknowledge updates' % ( self.get_battery_level(), self.battery_threshold) print(message) def main(): # Read the battery threshold and virtual battery file path from command-line args. args = sys.argv[1:] battery_threshold = float(args[0]) battery_file_path = Path(args[1]) print('Reading battery level from %s and deferring updates when below %d' % ( str(battery_file_path), battery_threshold)) try: # Create an IPC client and a Hello World printer that defers component updates. ipc_client = GreengrassCoreIPCClientV2() hello_world_printer = BatteryAwareHelloWorldPrinter( ipc_client, battery_file_path, battery_threshold) hello_world_printer.subscribe_to_component_updates() try: # Keep the main thread alive, or the process will exit. while True: hello_world_printer.print_message() time.sleep(HELLO_WORLD_PRINT_INTERVAL) except InterruptedError: print('Subscription interrupted') hello_world_printer.close_subscription() except Exception: print('Exception occurred', file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_exc() exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()

    This Python application does the following:

    • Reads the core device's battery level from a virtual battery level file that you'll create on the core device later. This virtual battery level file imitates a real battery, so you can complete this tutorial on core devices that don't have a battery.

    • Reads command-line arguments for the battery threshold and the path to the virtual battery level file. The component recipe sets these command-line arguments based on configuration parameters, so you can customize these values when you deploy the component.

    • Uses the IPC client V2 in the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Python to communicate with the Amazon IoT Greengrass Core software. Compared to the original IPC client, the IPC client V2 reduces the amount of code that you need to write to use IPC in custom components.

    • Subscribes to update notifications using the SubscribeToComponentUpdates IPC operation. The Amazon IoT Greengrass Core software sends notifications before and after each deployment. The component calls the following function each time it receives a notification. If the notification is for an upcoming deployment, the component checks if the battery level is lower than a threshold. If the battery level is below the threshold, the component defers the update for 30 seconds using the DeferComponentUpdate IPC operation. Otherwise, if the battery level isn't below the threshold, the component acknowledges the update, so the update can proceed.

      def on_component_update_event(self, event): try: if event.pre_update_event is not None: if self.is_battery_below_threshold(): self.defer_update(event.pre_update_event.deployment_id) print('Deferred update for deployment %s' % event.pre_update_event.deployment_id) else: self.acknowledge_update( event.pre_update_event.deployment_id) print('Acknowledged update for deployment %s' % event.pre_update_event.deployment_id) elif event.post_update_event is not None: print('Applied update for deployment') except: traceback.print_exc()

      The Amazon IoT Greengrass Core software doesn't send update notifications for local deployments, so you deploy this component using the Amazon IoT Greengrass cloud service to test it.

  4. Use a text editor to create the component recipe in a file named recipe.json or recipe.yaml. The component recipe defines the component's metadata, default configuration parameters, and platform-specific lifecycle scripts.


    For example, on a Linux-based system, you can run the following command to use GNU nano to create the file.

    nano recipe.json

    Copy the following JSON into the file.

    { "RecipeFormatVersion": "2020-01-25", "ComponentName": "COMPONENT_NAME", "ComponentVersion": "COMPONENT_VERSION", "ComponentDescription": "This Hello World component defers updates when the battery level is below a threshold.", "ComponentPublisher": "COMPONENT_AUTHOR", "ComponentConfiguration": { "DefaultConfiguration": { "BatteryThreshold": 50, "LinuxBatteryFilePath": "/home/ggc_user/virtual_battery.json", "WindowsBatteryFilePath": "C:\\Users\\ggc_user\\virtual_battery.json" } }, "Manifests": [ { "Platform": { "os": "linux" }, "Lifecycle": { "install": "python3 -m pip install --user awsiotsdk --upgrade", "run": "python3 -u {artifacts:decompressedPath}/com.example.BatteryAwareHelloWorld/ \"{configuration:/BatteryThreshold}\" \"{configuration:/LinuxBatteryFilePath}\"" }, "Artifacts": [ { "Uri": "s3://BUCKET_NAME/COMPONENT_NAME/COMPONENT_VERSION/", "Unarchive": "ZIP" } ] }, { "Platform": { "os": "windows" }, "Lifecycle": { "install": "py -3 -m pip install --user awsiotsdk --upgrade", "run": "py -3 -u {artifacts:decompressedPath}/com.example.BatteryAwareHelloWorld/ \"{configuration:/BatteryThreshold}\" \"{configuration:/WindowsBatteryFilePath}\"" }, "Artifacts": [ { "Uri": "s3://BUCKET_NAME/COMPONENT_NAME/COMPONENT_VERSION/", "Unarchive": "ZIP" } ] } ] }

    For example, on a Linux-based system, you can run the following command to use GNU nano to create the file.

    nano recipe.yaml

    Copy the following YAML into the file.

    --- RecipeFormatVersion: "2020-01-25" ComponentName: "COMPONENT_NAME" ComponentVersion: "COMPONENT_VERSION" ComponentDescription: "This Hello World component defers updates when the battery level is below a threshold." ComponentPublisher: "COMPONENT_AUTHOR" ComponentConfiguration: DefaultConfiguration: BatteryThreshold: 50 LinuxBatteryFilePath: "/home/ggc_user/virtual_battery.json" WindowsBatteryFilePath: "C:\\Users\\ggc_user\\virtual_battery.json" Manifests: - Platform: os: linux Lifecycle: install: python3 -m pip install --user awsiotsdk --upgrade run: python3 -u {artifacts:decompressedPath}/com.example.BatteryAwareHelloWorld/ "{configuration:/BatteryThreshold}" "{configuration:/LinuxBatteryFilePath}" Artifacts: - Uri: "s3://BUCKET_NAME/COMPONENT_NAME/COMPONENT_VERSION/" Unarchive: ZIP - Platform: os: windows Lifecycle: install: py -3 -m pip install --user awsiotsdk --upgrade run: py -3 -u {artifacts:decompressedPath}/com.example.BatteryAwareHelloWorld/ "{configuration:/BatteryThreshold}" "{configuration:/WindowsBatteryFilePath}" Artifacts: - Uri: "s3://BUCKET_NAME/COMPONENT_NAME/COMPONENT_VERSION/" Unarchive: ZIP

    This recipe specifies the following:

    • Default configuration parameters for the battery threshold, the virtual battery file path on Linux core devices, and the virtual battery file path on Windows core devices.

    • An install lifecycle that installs the latest version of the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Python.

    • A run lifecycle that runs the Python application in

    • Placeholders, such as COMPONENT_NAME and COMPONENT_VERSION, where the GDK CLI replaces information when it builds the component recipe.

    For more information about component recipes, see Amazon IoT Greengrass component recipe reference.