Release: Amazon IoT Greengrass Core v2.6.0 software update on June 27, 2022
This release provides version 2.6.0 of the Greengrass nucleus component, new Amazon-provided components, and updates to Amazon-provided components.
Release date: June 27, 2022
Release highlights
Wildcards in local publish/subscribe topics – You can now use MQTT wildcards when you subscribe to local publish/subscribe topics. For more information, see Publish/subscribe local messages and SubscribeToTopic.
Client device shadow support – You can now interact with client device shadows in custom components and sync client device shadows with Amazon IoT Core. For more information, see Interact with and sync client device shadows.
Local MQTT 5 support for client devices – You can now deploy the EMQX MQTT 5 broker to use MQTT 5 features in communication between client devices and a core device. For more information, see MQTT 5 broker (EMQX) and Connect client devices to core devices.
Recipe variables in component configurations – You can now use specific recipe variables in component configurations. You can use these recipe variables when you define a component's default configuration in a recipe or when you configure a component in a deployment. For more information, see Recipe variables and Use recipe variables in merge updates.
Wildcards in IPC authorization policies – You can now use the
wildcard to match any combination of characters in interprocess communication (IPC) authorization policies. This wildcard enables you to allow access to multiple resources in a single authorization policy. For more information, see Wildcards in authorization policies. -
IPC operations that manage local deployments and components – You can now develop custom components that manage local deployments and view component details. For more information, see IPC: Manage local deployments and components.
IPC operations that authenticate and authorize client devices – You can now use these operations to create a custom local broker component. For more information, see IPC: Authenticate and authorize client devices.
Release details
Public component updates
The following table lists Amazon-provided components that include new and updated features.
When you deploy a component, Amazon IoT Greengrass installs the latest supported versions of all of that component's dependencies. Because of this, new patch versions of Amazon-provided public components might be automatically deployed to your core devices if you add new devices to a thing group, or you update the deployment that targets those devices. Some automatic updates, such as a nucleus update, can cause your devices to restart unexpectedly.
To prevent unintended updates for a component that is running on your device, we recommend that you directly include your preferred version of that component when you create a deployment. For more information about update behavior for Amazon IoT Greengrass Core software, see Update the Amazon IoT Greengrass Core software (OTA).
Component | Details |
Greengrass nucleus |
Version 2.6.0 of the Greengrass nucleus is available.
MQTT 5 broker (EMQX) |
Version 1.0.0 of the new EMQX MQTT 5 broker component is available.
Shadow manager |
Version 2.2.0 of the shadow manager component is available.
Client device auth |
Version 2.2.0 of the client device auth component is available.
MQTT bridge |
Version 2.2.0 of the MQTT bridge component is available.
Greengrass CLI |
Version 2.6.0 of the Greengrass CLI is available.