Release: Amazon IoT Greengrass Core v2.9.6 software update on April 20, 2023
This release provides version 2.9.6 of the Greengrass nucleus component.
Release date: April 20, 2023
Release details
Public component updates
The following table lists components provided by Amazon that include new and updated features.
When you deploy a component, Amazon IoT Greengrass installs the latest supported versions of all of that component's dependencies. Because of this, new patch versions of Amazon-provided public components might be automatically deployed to your core devices if you add new devices to a thing group, or you update the deployment that targets those devices. Some automatic updates, such as a nucleus update, can cause your devices to restart unexpectedly.
To prevent unintended updates for a component that is running on your device, we recommend that you directly include your preferred version of that component when you create a deployment. For more information about update behavior for Amazon IoT Greengrass Core software, see Update the Amazon IoT Greengrass Core software (OTA).
Component | Details |
Greengrass nucleus |
Version 2.9.6 of the Greengrass nucleus is available.