Test client device communications
Client devices can use the Amazon IoT Device SDK to discover, connect, and communicate with a core device. You can use the Greengrass discovery client in the Amazon IoT Device SDK to use the Greengrass discovery API, which returns information about core devices to which a client device can connect. The API response includes MQTT broker endpoints to connect and certificates to use to verify the identity of each core device. Then, the client device can try each endpoint until it successfully connects to a core device.
Client devices can discover only core devices to which you associate them. Before you test communications between a client device and a core device, you must associate the client device to the core device. For more information, see Associate client devices.
The Greengrass discovery API returns the core device MQTT broker endpoints that you specify. You can use the IP detector component to manage these endpoints for you, or you can manually manage them for each core device. For more information, see Manage core device endpoints.
To use the Greengrass discovery API, a client device must have the
permission. For more information, see Minimal Amazon IoT policy for client
The Amazon IoT Device SDK is available in multiple programming languages. For more information, see Amazon IoT Device SDKs in the Amazon IoT Core Developer Guide.
Test communications (Python)
In this section, you use Greengrass discovery sample in the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Python
To use the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Python, a device must run Python 3.6 or later.
To test communications (Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Python)
Download and install the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Python
to the Amazon IoT thing to connect as a client device. On the client device, do the following:
Clone the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Python repository to download it.
git clone https://github.com/aws/aws-iot-device-sdk-python-v2.git
Install the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Python.
python3 -m pip install --user ./aws-iot-device-sdk-python-v2
Change to the samples folder in the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Python.
cd aws-iot-device-sdk-python-v2/samples
Run the sample Greengrass discovery application. This application expects arguments that specify the client device thing name, the MQTT topic and message to use, and the certificates that authenticate and secure the connection. The following example sends a Hello World message to the
with the client device's thing name. -
with the path to the Amazon root CA certificate on the client device. -
with the path to the device certificate on the client device. -
with the path to the private key file on the client device. -
with the Amazon Region where your client device and core device operate.
python3 basic_discovery.py \\ --thing_name
\\ --topic 'clients/MyClientDevice1
/hello/world' \\ --message 'Hello World!' \\ --ca_file~/certs/AmazonRootCA1.pem
\\ --cert~/certs/device.pem.crt
\\ --key~/certs/private.pem.key
\\ --regionus-east-1
\\ --verbosity WarnThe discovery sample application sends the message 10 times and disconnects. It also subscribes to the same topic where it publishes messages. If the output indicates that the application received MQTT messages on the topic, the client device can successfully communicate with the core device.
Performing greengrass discovery... awsiot.greengrass_discovery.DiscoverResponse(gg_groups=[awsiot.greengrass_discovery.GGGroup(gg_group_id='greengrassV2-coreDevice-MyGreengrassCore', cores=[awsiot.greengrass_discovery.GGCore(thing_arn='arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:thing/MyGreengrassCore', connectivity=[awsiot.greengrass_discovery.ConnectivityInfo(id='', host_address='', metadata='', port=8883)])], certificate_authorities=['-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\
\ -----END CERTIFICATE-----\ '])]) Trying core arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:thing/MyGreengrassCore at host port 8883 Connected! Published topic clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world: {"message": "Hello World!", "sequence": 0} Publish received on topic clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world b'{"message": "Hello World!", "sequence": 0}' Published topic clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world: {"message": "Hello World!", "sequence": 1} Publish received on topic clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world b'{"message": "Hello World!", "sequence": 1}'...
Published topic clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world: {"message": "Hello World!", "sequence": 9} Publish received on topic clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world b'{"message": "Hello World!", "sequence": 9}'If the application outputs an error instead, see Troubleshooting Greengrass discovery issues.
You can also view the Greengrass logs on the core device to verify if the client device successfully connects and sends messages. For more information, see Monitor Amazon IoT Greengrass logs.
Test communications (C++)
In this section, you use Greengrass discovery sample in the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for C++
To build the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for C++, a device must have the following tools:
C++ 11 or later
CMake 3.1 or later
One of the following compilers:
GCC 4.8 or later
Clang 3.9 or later
MSVC 2015 or later
To test communications (Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for C++)
Download and build the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for C++
to the Amazon IoT thing to connect as a client device. On the client device, do the following:
Create a folder for the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for C++ workspace, and change to it.
cd mkdir iot-device-sdk-cpp cd iot-device-sdk-cpp
Clone the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for C++ repository to download it. The
flag specifies to download submodules.git clone --recursive https://github.com/aws/aws-iot-device-sdk-cpp-v2.git
Create a folder for the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for C++ build output, and change to it.
mkdir aws-iot-device-sdk-cpp-v2-build cd aws-iot-device-sdk-cpp-v2-build
Build the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for C++.
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="~/iot-device-sdk-cpp" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" ../aws-iot-device-sdk-cpp-v2 cmake --build . --target install
Build the Greengrass discovery sample application in the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for C++. Do the following:
Change to the Greengrass discovery sample folder in the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for C++.
cd ../aws-iot-device-sdk-cpp-v2/samples/greengrass/basic_discovery
Create a folder for the Greengrass discovery sample build output, and change to it.
mkdir build cd build
Build the Greengrass discovery sample application.
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="~/iot-device-sdk-cpp" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" .. cmake --build . --config "Release"
Run the sample Greengrass discovery application. This application expects arguments that specify the client device thing name, the MQTT topic to use, and the certificates that authenticate and secure the connection. The following example subscribes to the
topic and publishes a message that you enter on the command line to the same topic.MyClientDevice1
with the client device's thing name. -
with the path to the Amazon root CA certificate on the client device. -
with the path to the device certificate on the client device. -
with the path to the private key file on the client device. -
with the Amazon Region where your client device and core device operate.
./basic-discovery \ --thing_name
\ --topic 'clients/MyClientDevice1
/hello/world' \ --ca_file~/certs/AmazonRootCA1.pem
\ --cert~/certs/device.pem.crt
\ --key~/certs/private.pem.key
\ --regionus-east-1
The discovery sample application subscribes to the topic and prompts you to enter a message to publish.
Connecting to group greengrassV2-coreDevice-MyGreengrassCore with thing arn arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:thing/MyGreengrassCore, using endpoint Connected to group greengrassV2-coreDevice-MyGreengrassCore, using connection to Successfully subscribed to clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world Enter the message you want to publish to topic clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world and press enter. Enter 'exit' to exit this program.
If the application outputs an error instead, see Troubleshooting Greengrass discovery issues.
Enter a message, such as
Hello World!
.Enter the message you want to publish to topic clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world and press enter. Enter 'exit' to exit this program. Hello World!
If the output indicates that the application received the MQTT message on the topic, the client device can successfully communicate with the core device.
Operation on packetId 2 Succeeded Publish received on topic clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world Message: Hello World!
You can also view the Greengrass logs on the core device to verify if the client device successfully connects and sends messages. For more information, see Monitor Amazon IoT Greengrass logs.
Test communications (JavaScript)
In this section, you use Greengrass discovery sample in the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for JavaScript
To use the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for JavaScript, a device must run Node v10.0 or later.
To test communications (Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for JavaScript)
Download and install the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for JavaScript
to the Amazon IoT thing to connect as a client device. On the client device, do the following:
Clone the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for JavaScript repository to download it.
git clone https://github.com/aws/aws-iot-device-sdk-js-v2.git
Install the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for JavaScript.
cd aws-iot-device-sdk-js-v2 npm install
Change to the Greengrass discovery sample folder in the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for JavaScript.
cd samples/node/basic_discovery
Install the Greengrass discovery sample application.
npm install
Run the sample Greengrass discovery application. This application expects arguments that specify the client device thing name, the MQTT topic and message to use, and the certificates that authenticate and secure the connection. The following example sends a Hello World message to the
with the client device's thing name. -
with the path to the Amazon root CA certificate on the client device. -
with the path to the device certificate on the client device. -
with the path to the private key file on the client device. -
with the Amazon Region where your client device and core device operate.
node dist/index.js \ --thing_name
\ --topic 'clients/MyClientDevice1
/hello/world' \ --message 'Hello World!' \ --ca_file~/certs/AmazonRootCA1.pem
\ --cert~/certs/device.pem.crt
\ --key~/certs/private.pem.key
\ --regionus-east-1
\ --verbose warnThe discovery sample application sends the message 10 times and disconnects. It also subscribes to the same topic where it publishes messages. If the output indicates that the application received MQTT messages on the topic, the client device can successfully communicate with the core device.
Discovery Response: {"gg_groups":[{"gg_group_id":"greengrassV2-coreDevice-MyGreengrassCore","cores":[{"thing_arn":"arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:thing/MyGreengrassCore","connectivity":[{"id":"","host_address":"","port":8883,"metadata":""}]}],"certificate_authorities":["-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n
\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"]}]} Trying endpoint={"id":"","host_address":"","port":8883,"metadata":""} [WARN] [2021-06-12T00:46:45Z] [00007f90c0e8d700] [socket] - id=0x7f90b8018710 fd=26: setsockopt() for NO_SIGNAL failed with errno 92. If you are having SIGPIPE signals thrown, you may want to install a signal trap in your application layer. Connected to endpoint={"id":"","host_address":"","port":8883,"metadata":""} Publish received. topic:"clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world" dup:false qos:0 retain:false {"message":"Hello World!","sequence":1} Publish received. topic:"clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world" dup:false qos:0 retain:false {"message":"Hello World!","sequence":2} Publish received. topic:"clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world" dup:false qos:0 retain:false {"message":"Hello World!","sequence":3} Publish received. topic:"clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world" dup:false qos:0 retain:false {"message":"Hello World!","sequence":4} Publish received. topic:"clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world" dup:false qos:0 retain:false {"message":"Hello World!","sequence":5} Publish received. topic:"clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world" dup:false qos:0 retain:false {"message":"Hello World!","sequence":6} Publish received. topic:"clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world" dup:false qos:0 retain:false {"message":"Hello World!","sequence":7} Publish received. topic:"clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world" dup:false qos:0 retain:false {"message":"Hello World!","sequence":8} Publish received. topic:"clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world" dup:false qos:0 retain:false {"message":"Hello World!","sequence":9} Publish received. topic:"clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world" dup:false qos:0 retain:false {"message":"Hello World!","sequence":10} Complete!If the application outputs an error instead, see Troubleshooting Greengrass discovery issues.
You can also view the Greengrass logs on the core device to verify if the client device successfully connects and sends messages. For more information, see Monitor Amazon IoT Greengrass logs.
Test communications (Java)
In this section, you use Greengrass discovery sample in the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Java
To build the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Java, a device must have the following tools:
Java 8 or later, with
pointing to the Java folder. -
Apache Maven
To test communications (Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Java)
Download and build the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Java
to the Amazon IoT thing to connect as a client device. On the client device, do the following:
Clone the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Java repository to download it.
git clone https://github.com/aws/aws-iot-device-sdk-java-v2.git
Change to the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Java folder.
Build the Amazon IoT Device SDK v2 for Java.
cd aws-iot-device-sdk-java-v2 mvn versions:use-latest-versions -Dincludes="software.amazon.awssdk.crt*" mvn clean install
Run the sample Greengrass discovery application. This application expects arguments that specify the client device thing name, the MQTT topic to use, and the certificates that authenticate and secure the connection. The following example subscribes to the
topic and publishes a message that you enter on the command line to the same topic.MyClientDevice1
Replace both instances of
with the client device's thing name. -
with the path to the Amazon root CA certificate on the client device. -
with the path to the device certificate on the client device. -
with the path to the private key file on the client device. -
with the Amazon Web Services Region where your client device and core device operate.
\ --topic 'clients/MyClientDevice1
/hello/world' \ --ca_file$HOME/certs/AmazonRootCA1.pem
\ --cert$HOME/certs/device.pem.crt
\ --key$HOME/certs/private.pem.key
\ --regionus-east-1
" mvn exec:java -pl samples/Greengrass \ -Dexec.mainClass=greengrass.BasicDiscovery \ -Dexec.args="$DISCOVERY_SAMPLE_ARGS"The discovery sample application subscribes to the topic and prompts you to enter a message to publish.
Connecting to group ID greengrassV2-coreDevice-MyGreengrassCore, with thing arn arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:123456789012:thing/MyGreengrassCore, using endpoint Started a clean session Enter the message you want to publish to topic clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world and press Enter. Type 'exit' or 'quit' to exit this program:
If the application outputs an error instead, see Troubleshooting Greengrass discovery issues.
Enter a message, such as
Hello World!
.Enter the message you want to publish to topic clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world and press Enter. Type 'exit' or 'quit' to exit this program: Hello World!
If the output indicates that the application received the MQTT message on the topic, the client device can successfully communicate with the core device.
Message received on topic clients/MyClientDevice1/hello/world: Hello World!
You can also view the Greengrass logs on the core device to verify if the client device successfully connects and sends messages. For more information, see Monitor Amazon IoT Greengrass logs.