GuardDuty finding aggregation - Amazon GuardDuty
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GuardDuty finding aggregation

All findings are dynamic, meaning that, if GuardDuty detects new activity related to the same security issue it will update the original finding with the new information, instead of generating a new finding. This behavior allows you to identify ongoing issues, without needing to look through multiple similar reports, and reduces the overall noise from security issues you are already aware of.

For example, for UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/SSHBruteForce finding, multiple access attempts against your instance will be aggregated to the same finding ID, increasing the Count number in the finding's details. This is because that finding represents a single security issue with the instance indicating that the SSH port on the instance is not properly secured against this type of activity. However, if GuardDuty detects SSH access activity targeting a new instance in your environment, it will create a new finding with a unique finding ID to alert you to the fact that there is a security issue associated with the new resource.

When a finding is aggregated it is updated with information from the latest occurrence of that activity. This means that in the above example, if your instance is the target of a brute force attempt from a new actor, the finding details will be updated to reflect the remote IP of the most recent source and older information will be replaced. Full Information about individual activity attempts will still be available in your CloudTrail or VPC Flow Logs.

The criteria that alert GuardDuty to generate a new finding instead of aggregating an existing one is dependent on the finding type. The aggregation criteria for each finding type are determined by our security engineers to give you the best overview of distinct security issues within your account.