Viewing Amazon Inspector findings - Amazon Inspector
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Viewing Amazon Inspector findings

The Amazon Inspector console displays findings in tabbed views based on related groupings. Each view includes information that can help you analyze specific vulnerabilities, identify your most vulnerable resources, and gauge the overall impact of vulnerabilities in your environment. You can navigate to a different finding view by choosing an option under the Findings navigation side panel. You can also create a filter in each view to focus on specific types of findings. For more information about using filters, see Filtering Amazon Inspector findings.

Findings can be grouped by the following parameters:

  • By vulnerability – Lists the most critical vulnerabilities detected in your environment. Choose a vulnerability title from this view to open a details pane with additional information.

  • By account – Lists your accounts, Amazon Inspector scan coverage percent for each account, and the total number of Critical and High severity findings for each account. This grouping is only available to delegated administrators.

  • By instance – Lists the most vulnerable Amazon EC2 instances in your environment.

  • By container image – Lists the most vulnerable Amazon ECR container images in your environment.

  • By container repository – Shows the repositories with the most vulnerabilities.

  • By Lambda function – Shows the Lambda functions with the most vulnerabilities.

  • All findings – Shows a complete list of findings for your environment. This is the default view when you navigate to the Findings page. In this view you can filter by active, suppressed, and closed findings.

You can create suppression rules based on filters to exclude findings from the findings views. For more information, see Suppressing Amazon Inspector findings with suppression rules.