Understanding severity levels for your Amazon Inspector findings - Amazon Inspector
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Understanding severity levels for your Amazon Inspector findings

When Amazon Inspector generates a finding, it assigns a severity rating to the finding. Severity ratings help you assess and prioritize your findings. The severity rating for a finding corresponds to a numerical score and level: informational, low, medium, high, and critical. Amazon Inspector determines the severity rating for a finding based on the finding type. This section describes how Amazon Inspector determines a severity rating for each finding type.

Software package vulnerability severity

Amazon Inspector uses the NVD/CVSS score as the basis of severity scoring for software package vulnerabilities. The NVD/CVSS score is the vulnerability severity score published by the NVD and defined by the CVSS. The NVD/CVSS score is a composition of security metrics, such as attack complexity, exploit code maturity, and privileges required. Amazon Inspector produces a numerical score from 1 to 10 that reflects the vulnerability’s severity. Amazon Inspector categorizes this as a base score because it reflects the severity of a vulnerability according to its intrinsic characteristics, which are constant over time. This score also assumes the reasonable worst-case impact across different deployed environments. The CVSS v3 standard maps CVSS scores to the following severity ratings.



0 Informational
0.1–3.9 Low
4.0–6.9 Medium
7.0–8.9 High
9.0–10.0 Critical

Package vulnerability findings can also have a severity of Untriaged. This means that the vendor hasn't yet set a vulnerability score for the detected vulnerability. In this case, we recommend using the reference URLs for the finding to research that vulnerability and respond accordingly.

Package vulnerability findings include the following scores and associated scoring vectors as part of their finding details:

  • EPSS score

  • Inspector score

  • CVSS 3.1 from Amazon CVE

  • CVSS 3.1 from NVD

  • CVSS 2.0 from NVD (where applicable)

Code vulnerability severity

For code vulnerability findings Amazon Inspector uses the severity levels defined by the Amazon CodeGuru detectors that generated the finding. Each detector is assigned a severity using the CVSS v3 scoring system. For an explanation of the severities CodeGuru uses see Severity definitions in the CodeGuru guide. For a list of detectors by severity, select from the supported programming languages below:

Network reachability severity

Amazon Inspector determines the severity for a network reachability vulnerability based on the service, ports, and protocols that are exposed and by the type of open path. The following table defines these severity ratings. The value in the Open path rating column represents open paths from virtual gateways, peered VPCs, and Amazon Direct Connect networks. All other exposed services, ports, and protocols have an Informational severity rating.


TCP ports

UDP ports

Internet path rating

Open path rating

DHCP 67, 68, 546, 547 67, 68, 546, 547 Medium Informational
Elasticsearch 9300, 9200 NA Medium Informational
FTP 21 21 High Medium
Global catalog LDAP 3268 NA Medium Informational
Global catalog LDAP over TLS 3269 NA Medium Informational
HTTP 80 80 Low Informational
HTTPS 443 443 Low Informational
Kerberos 88, 464, 543, 544, 749, 751 88, 464, 749, 750, 751, 752 Medium Informational
LDAP 389 389 Medium Informational
LDAP over TLS 636 NA Medium Informational
MongoDB 27017, 27018, 27019, 28017 NA Medium Informational
MySQL 3306 NA Medium Informational
NetBIOS 137, 139 137, 138 Medium Informational
NFS 111, 2049, 4045, 1110 111, 2049, 4045, 1110 Medium Informational
Oracle 1521, 1630 NA Medium Informational
PostgreSQL 5432 NA Medium Informational
Print services 515 NA High Medium
RDP 3389 3389 Medium Low
RPC 111, 135, 530 111, 135, 530 Medium Informational
SMB 445 445 Medium Informational
SSH 22 22 Medium Low
SQL Server 1433 1434 Medium Informational
Syslog 601 514 Medium Informational
Telnet 23 23 High Medium
WINS 1512, 42 1512, 42 Medium Informational