Differences between custom and default workspaces - Amazon IoT TwinMaker
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Differences between custom and default workspaces


New Amazon IoT SiteWise features, such as CompositionModel, are only available in IoTSiteWiseDefaultWorkspace. We encourage you to use a default workspace instead of custom workspace.

When using the IoTSiteWiseDefaultWorkspace, there are a few notable differences from using a custom workspace with asset sync.

  • When you create a default workspace, the Amazon S3 location and IAM role are optional.


    You can use UpdateWorkspace to provide the Amazon S3 location and IAM role.

  • The IoTSiteWiseDefaultWorkspace doesn't have a resource count limit to sync Amazon IoT SiteWise resources to Amazon IoT TwinMaker.

  • When you sync resources from Amazon IoT SiteWise, their SyncSource will be SITEWISE_MANAGED. This includes Entities and ComponentTypes.

  • New Amazon IoT SiteWise features, such as CompositionModel are only available in the IoTSiteWiseDefaultWorkspace.

There are a few limitations specific to IoTSiteWiseDefaultWorkspace, they are:

  • The default workspace can't be deleted.

  • To delete resources, you must delete the Amazon IoT SiteWise resources first, then the corresponding resources in Amazon IoT TwinMaker are deleted.